
30 Ekim 2016 Pazar


In all ages, prophets and masters, thinkers and philosophers, have taught that the ultimate aim of philosophy and mysticism is to attain to the freedom of the soul. This truth is disclosed in many different religions, ceremonies, sacred legends, and philosophies. Whatever be man's longing in life, whatever his life's pursuit, his object of attainment, behind it all there is only one pursuit and that is the craving of the soul to become free from all bondage.

Freedom is the soul's true nature. It is a captive in mind and body. The whole tragedy of the soul is its captivity. Words such as Nirvana, salvation, or liberation – all these names are those of the one aim or ideal of the soul throughout our whole life. Yet, hardly anyone knows what it is he aims at. All that he does know is that there is such a longing, that there is this hope constantly there.

Indeed, freedom is the real object in all aspects of life. If the desire is for wealth, that is nothing but a desire for freedom from poverty. If the desire is for power, that is nothing but a desire for freedom to act as one wishes. The ideal of every soul is freedom: freedom to work, freedom to act, freedom to think, freedom in every direction.

Not knowing that this is the heart's real desire, from the first day of his creation till today, man has always neglected the true freedom, because of his pursuit of freedom in the external life. That has been his mistake. In spite of the little freedom he has thus gained, he finds himself a captive still. He has still failed to gain that complete joy and peace which his soul longs for.

Freedom for the body would be the freedom of walking in gardens, of moving about wherever it wished. But that would not be freedom for the mind. The mind would still be captive. Suppose the mind has freedom, freedom of thought, of understanding, of imagination, of actions, even then the soul would still be captive. But if the soul is free the mind is free, and the body is also free to return to dust.

All work, all struggles are in order to live. All fights, all disagreements, all money seeking, all comfort seeking are in order to live. All through life it is one struggle to live, yet the true life is not realized.

Christ, from first to last, teaches the reality of eternal life. His only lesson was 'life.' It is the desire of the soul to live. And that life is the real life. Man keeps imagining that his life is for eating delicious dishes, for making merry, or for being comfortable for the time being. But when the body has gone, how will he live? What will become of his comforts? When the mind is not there, how will he satisfy the mind? To live in the body or the mind is to live in vehicles upon which one becomes dependent but which must pass, and be no more.

What one pursues, what one seeks after, is a feeling of freedom. And yet, nearly everyone pursues freedom wrongly. The nature of life is such that whenever a person thinks, 'that will make me free.' That in itself makes him more captive, though he cannot realize this until he gets it. As long as he has not got it he believes it will make him free. And so life goes on. Man goes on in the pursuit of freedom and what he gets is captivity. With all the talk about freedom today life is more a life of captivity than ever before. Man lives in captivity because he does not think enough about the real meaning of freedom. The more he thinks the more he will find that as he pursues the path of freedom, every step brings him closer to captivity.

Those who rejoice in the joy of another, though at their own expense, have taken the first step towards true life. If we are pleased by giving another a good coat, which we would have liked to wear ourselves, if we enjoy that, we are on the first step. If we enjoy a beautiful thing so much that we would like to have it, and then give that joy to another, enjoying it through his experience, we are dead. That is our death. Yet, we live more than he. Our life is much vaster, deeper, greater.

Seemingly it is a renunciation, an annihilation, but in truth it is a mastery. The real meaning of crucifixion is to crucify this false self, and so resurrect the true self. As long as the false self is not crucified, the true self is still not realized. By Sufis it is called Fana, annihilation. All the attempts made by true sages and seekers after real truth are for the one aim of attaining to everlasting life.

The highest perception of freedom comes when a person has freed himself from the false ego, when he is no longer what he was. All the different kinds of freedom will give a momentary sensation of being free, but true freedom is in ourselves. When one's soul is free, then there is nothing in this world that binds one; everywhere one will breathe freedom, in heaven and on earth.

The ultimate freedom of the soul is gained by forgetting yourselves for a moment, realizing my body is God's temple which is made in order that God be glorified. This can be done by prayers to focus on God. It is in this way that the soul is made free, and in the freedom of the soul lies the purpose of life.

The truth is: THERE IS ONLY ONE SPIRIT, THERE IS ONLY ONE BEING. Every creature is tied to onee source, the God Almighty. We are not independent beings. As the baby is tied to his mother with a cord, as such all the creatures are tied to God.

The meaning of the word: "If you see me you cannot live." This sentence was initiated to Moses while he lives on earth. It meant that He could see God only after He died. While living on Earth if we see God we cannot stay on Earth but we urge to pass away.


When a baby is born, when he takes the first breath and cries , it is the time a soul enters into that body and get merged with each other. Not before that. So, in case abortion is needed due to various reasons, life treat or family will not be able to support that baby properly than  this is not a crime. It ought to be done at the first mounts.


The Holy Spirit, Who acts from the Abode of the Father, is the Main Supervisor of the destinies of embodied person. For realization of their destinies, He, for example, directs thoughts and desires and corrects even the fulfillment of different physical acts of people, arranging in this way their meetings with each other. Thus He brings together disciples with teachers, criminals -with their victims, those seeking a partner - with their future partners, and so on. But He also separates people by using the same methods when their relationships become unnecessary from the standpoint of their spiritual advancements.

He controls the faithful and the unfaithful to Him, the good and the evil ones, those who know Him and those who do not know.

However, for us, of course, it will be easier and more pleasant,  as well as more efficient, to learn from Him if we become disciples who love Him and God-the-Father.

An incarnate perfect teacher, of course, is more convenient for the disciples, because He or She speaks with them in easy to understand language. But, on the other hand,  such an Early mission is more difficult for the Teacher, because being embodied in a body, an earthly he'll,  He or She is attracted by many evil people. They can also forget their mission and stray. Therefore, such a voluntary incarnation is a manifestation of the Teacher's Great Sacrifical Love.

Due to understandable reasons, such Teachers teach directly only to those who are faithful to Them.

29 Ekim 2016 Cumartesi



They claim that the giants were living on earth once. They were of  fallen angels and world women's children. They were  very wicked and destroyed by the flood.

Is this true?

No, they are all fables. Human beings were shorter, you are taller now.

It is said that Abraham's sons Ismahel and Isaac, Ismail is the fathers of Araps and ISAAC is the father of Jews.

Is that true?

They are all mixed up, brother. All get interbred.


27 Ekim 2016 Perşembe



Gerçek ölüm sadece bedensel ölümle olmaz. Bedensel ölüm sadece uyanıştır. Gerçek yaşama uyanış ve bir sınavın daha bitişi. Başarılı yada başarısız.

Gerçek ölüm bedenle beraber ruhun da ölmesidir. Tanrı tarafından, bedensel ölüm ötesinde ilahi adalet gereği, herkesin yaptığını bulması sürecinden sonra bilincin silinerek varlık sahnesinden yokluğa geçişidir. Yok oluşudur. Geriye hiç bir hafıza kalmadan.

Kutsal Ruha küfredenler(can alanlar) affedilmezler. Bu davranış affedilmez.

İnsanoğlu Kutsal Ruhun bir zerresi olmak için yaratılmıştır. Bu Tanrının Krallığına girmek, ikinci doğum yada ebedi yaşam olarak tasvir edilir. Huzura ermek ve Huzurda olmak. Tanrının huzuruna. Bu makama erenler yaşam enerjilerini direk olarak Tanrıdan alırlar.

Orada Tanrının huzurunda, bir zaman yada bir tarih yoktur. Anlık olarak görevler Tanrıdan alınır ve alınlındığı gibi de yapılır. Hüküm Tanrınındır.

Bu makama ermek için insan sevgiyi öğrenmeli ve bunu özümsemiş, kendisi bir sevgi kaynağı haline gelmiş olmalıdır. Bunu yapamayanlar, kalpleri kin, garez, öfke, kıskançlık, açgözlülük ve kibirle kirli ve kitli olanlar huzura alınmazlar. Bu ruhlar teslimiyetten uzaktır. Dünyada iken kalplerini temizleyip sevgi ile dolduranlara ne mutlu çünkü geri kalanlar ki çoğunluk böyle, ikinci ölümü tadacaklardır yani ruhlarının ölümünü. Bundan Tanrıya sığınırım.

Kalplerinizi kirletmeyin. Olumsuz duygulara orada yer vermeyin. Olumlu ve tedbirli olun. Tanrıdan başka ve Yeshua(Kutsal Ruhun önemli bir parçası) dan başka hiçbir varlığa tam olarak güvenilemeyeceğini, teslim olunamayacağını iyi bilin. İnsanlara tam olarak güvenmeyin. Sadece sizi sevenleri değil düşmanlarınızı da sevin, onların gerçeği görebilmeleri ve doğru olana dönebilmeleri için dua edin.

Sevgi yolunuz Işık yoldasınız olsun.





26 Ekim 2016 Çarşamba


Praying isn't necessarly done by words. In fact praying is focusing on God. To be able to focus on God one has to stop his thoughts. Words are for the concentration purpose. God know our deepest desires but focusing on God is the main issue. Not thinking anything else at that time. Focusing on God is what matters.

Wait in patience. God's power is about to come. We are waiting here as well.



Prophet Abraham was ordered by God to sacrify his son for God's name by means of killing him by cutting his throat.  But just before he cuts his son's throat an angel had brought a sheep and said Abraham to free his son and sacricfy this animal instead.

So, Abraham had not killed his son, Isaac and sacrificed the sheep.

Was that a true incident?

No. This was Abraham's dream. Not a real life incident.


23 Ekim 2016 Pazar


İnsan ruhu bedene girince adı insan olur. İnsan beden değil, bedeni bir ömür kullanan ruhtur. Ruh kendinin farkında olan zaman ve mekan boyutlarının dışında bir bilinç birimidir.

Ruhun dünyasal manada cinsiyeti yoktur. Benimsenmiş kişilikler vardır ancak tamamen arınan ruhlar artık tüm dünyasal tutkularından ve takıntılarından arınmışlardır.  Nefsi yoktur bireysel farkındalık vardır ama üstünlük yoktur. Birlik vardır.

Bedenliyken tutkularımızdan kurtulmak mümkün değildir. Ancak onları  yönlendirebiliriz.  İstenen ve beklenende budur.  Doğru davranışlara...

Dünyada bedenliyken karşı cinsiyetten olduğunu düşünen ve öyle davrananlar akıl hastalarıdır. Onlarla arkadaşlık etmeyin. Onları onaylamak, sempatiyle bakmak, nikahlarını kıymak çok yanlıştır.  Onlarla beraber yok oluşa götürür.

Dünyada ruhunu saflaştırabilen varlıklar ölüm ötesinde gözlerini ışığa açarlar. Onlar ışığa çekilip alınırlar ve orada ebedi yaşama kabul edilirler. Hükmü Tanrı kendi huzurunda verir. Bu ruhlara kutsal ruhlar denir. Bu manada Hristiyan topluluklarının kutsal ruh inanışları tamamen yanlıştır. Roma pagan dininden alınmıştır. Üçlük birlik diye birşey yoktur. Tanrı var ve bir Olandır.

Dünyada iken ruhlarını tam saflaştıramayanlar ölüm ötesinde saflık derecelerine göre eğitimlere alınarak Tanrının ikinci yada üçüncü, dördüncü...sayısını Tanrı bilir yeni  bir enkarnasyon şansı vermesini beklerler. Dünya sınav yeridir ve arınma sadece dünyada iken yapılabilir.

Öldürmek affı olmayan bir suçtur. Bilerek yada bilmeyerek olsun, savaş, nefsi müdafa ve görünmez kaza dışında can alanların affı yoktur. Ölüm ötesinde bilerek can almışsa ilahi adalet gereği verdiği tüm acılar kendisine aynen çektirildikten sonra ruhları yok edilir. İnsan öldürmenin her halukarda yanlış olduğunu bilmeden can almışsa verdiği acılar katile yaşatılmaz. Ama onlarda yok edilir. Bu ikinci ve gerçek ölümdür. Ebedi, gerçek ölüme götürür. İçine virüs giren bir programın bilgisayardan silinip atılması gibi düşünebiliriz.

Darp etmek, tecavüz, taciz, küfür, hırsızlık, yalan ve sahtecilik, aldatmak kısaca insana ve çevreye zarar veren tüm davranışlar sürekli tekrarlanırsa da ruhu ikinci ölüme mahkum eder. Programı silen Tanrıdır. Hüküm Onundur ve kesindir. Onun verdiği canı kimse alamaz bu anlamda idam cezasını Tanrı onaylamaz.   Bu kesinlikle yapılmamalıdır. Toplumdan müebbet tecrit yeterlidir.

İnsanların çoğu Tanrı konusunda ciddiyetten çok uzaktır. Başlarına gelenlerden dolayı  Tanrıyı yargılarlar.  Kim onlara Tanrıyı yargılama hakkını verdi? Böyle bir hak yoktur. Tanrıyı yargılayamayız.  Tanrıyı sorgulayamayız.  Tanrı konuşmaz, sabittir ve Varlığı değişmez. Tanrı yapar, konuşmaz. Ruhunu yeterince arındıranlara kendini hissettirir. Ruh bunu hisseder. Bizim içgüdü dediğimiz, olumsuz vesveseler vermiyorsa, ruhumuzla konuşmamızdır. İyi yada kötü hissederiz. Ruhun titreşimi ne kadar yükselmişse bu hissedişler o oranda belirgin olur. Kalp gözünün açılması budur.

Aslında tüm varlıklara sevgi enerjisini saf olarak aynı miktarda yollar fakat kalpler kirlilik oranlarına göre bu Tanrıdan gelen saf sevgi enerjisini kirletiyor.  Temiz bir kaynaktan akan suda temizdir ama içenin ağzı kirliyse temiz suda kirlenir.

Bu günlerde Tanrının insanları kendileri ile başbaşa bıraktığı insanların büyük çoğunluğunun yanlışa gitmesinden belli oluyor bu da bir ciddi karmaşa ve büyük bir yargı ve cezanın gelişinin habercisi gibi...

YESHUA...2012/16 Tebliğler...

22 Ekim 2016 Cumartesi


The pure souls, namely called Holy Spirits,  are not welcomed in this world.  They are usually left alone and disliked. Unknowingly people of low conscious levels are disturbed by their presence. Better to say that their subconscious minds are disturbed by pure spirits presence. Pure souls are marginalized and excluded from the society.

Pure souls are not biologically super humans. They are kind and generous. They don't talk much. They are humble people and they are minority in the world.

To become a pure soul one must direct all his/her obsessions and put God's love before everything and everybody. Their hearts must be pure. They must see the whole human beings as one family without any discrimination.  All religions must be abondened and only the words and deeds of Yeshua must be internalized and lived. Love...

God is love. Without love how can one enter to the God's Kingdom to receive the title of Holy Spirit. Nobody unpure are accepted to Kingdom of God.

The Holy Spirit is a part of God's Spirit, God's power on universe, and we were created to be the particules of this force and live everlasting. Those who will open their eyes to light after death will go through this divine procedure, the others depending on their purity level, shall go accordingly to be trained until the next reincarnation. And, alas some will go to darkness to pay off their debts before extermination of their soul. This is the second death. The real death we must be afraid of.

Nowadays God has left human beings on their own, left them with theirselves.


You cannot give up obsessions.  You must direct them.


20 Ekim 2016 Perşembe


The truth requires a much deeper understanding. Spirituality requires that you ask questions of yourself, whilst religions requires you to rely on books to move forward. And, by doing so millions of soul's minds have been locked down. Religions has become the slave owners mental back doors. Organized religions all over the world has become politics.

Gerçek, derin anlayış gerektirir. Ruhaniyet kendinizle ilgili soru sormak iken dinler ilerlemek için kitaplara güvenilmesini ister. Bu durum ise milyonlarca zihni kilitliyerek geri bıraktırmıştır. Dinler adeta köle tacirlerinin ideolojik arka kapıları olmuştur. Tüm dünyadaki kurumlaşmış dinler politikadır.


The insanity all around us can only make sense to the insane, who have shaped the world into what it is today. The sane should not expect any betterment in short terms. But, there is here humor in the absurd. When you rise above the unrelenting trial, the excruciating injustice, you will find your smile again. Don’t get stuck in the mire of resentment, revenge, and hatred. The cosmos rolls on. What is horrible now, will be remade. Don’t sacrifice yourself to darkness. That’s what it wants you to do. If you want to get even, keep your smile.

Tanrıyı konuşturmak, Tanrı adına konuşmak, Onun ağzından konuşmak yanlıştır. "Tanrı böyle istedi,  Tanrı şöyle dedi" gibi sözler kullanmak yanlıştır. Tanrı konuşmaz. Tanrı yapar.


Tanrı sorgulanmaz, Tanrı ile ilgili konuşurken espri yapılmaz. Tanrı yargılanmaz. Tanrı kimseye Kendisini yargılama hakkı vermedi.

Tanrı herşeyin kaynağıdır.. Onu görmek mümkün değildir. Onu kavramak mümkün değildir. Tanrı hareket etmez, varlığında bir değişme olmaz.

Işığın kaynağı Tanrıdır. Tanrı Ruhtur. Tanrının takvimi ve zamanı farklıdır.


19 Ekim 2016 Çarşamba


To anybody, who has given the right to judge God? Nobody has been given the right  to judge God.


18 Ekim 2016 Salı


God doesn't talk. God makes.

It is wrong to talk through the mouth of God; such as, "God said this, God verdicted that, God wants that".


Islam believes that human conscousness shall awake after death. But this is wrong. One must awake to the truth while living on earth otherwise goes to afterlife with the same sleeping consciousness. They keep sleeping there also. For them there are no chances of awakening  in the afterlife.

"Thou shall not call the God's name in vane."


10 Ekim 2016 Pazartesi


They claim that there are some other personalities in history with exactly the same biography as Yeshua. Born from a virgin,  same birthday, same three Kings,  same resurrection in three days after being killed. Some of them Horus of Egypt, Krishna of India,  but they are myths. All of them have been created after Yeshua. They have no messages,  how they lived are not known. If they were real what was their messages? Shouldn't such important deities have very important messages?

Yeshua is the only deity that has the life on earth. He was an important part of the Holy Spirit and was sent here on duty. As a messenger of love, God had sent Him. By His message and the way He lived we were shown how God wants us to live in order to gain the eternal life. Before Him, love of God was not known. God was a furious king. Yeshua raised our consciousness  by a higher understanding of God the Father and that we are all to be His children.


8 Ekim 2016 Cumartesi


Pride hinders generosity and humbleness. Pride is selfishness, looking down on others.   Expecting others to endure an intolarable existance just for the sake of their own good and reign.

Rich people are usually proud of their wealth but that is only a fooling oneself. They cannot give anything freely by themselves, but  only for advertisements and show off. Their pride make them coward of tomorrow. They are actually afraid of living a simple life as ordinary people. They are afraid of being treated equally with others.

Proud people are arrogant. They want to patronize. They lack of the feeling of love and compassion in their hearts. They become selfish creatures, they see everything as their right in order to live as superior creatures. Another must endure to bad conditions for their sake. They accept this as normal.

Pride is one of the worse perversion that will take us away from the eternal life.


7 Ekim 2016 Cuma


God gives love more generously than all of us.

As spiritual searchers we need to become freer and freer of the attachment to our own smallness in which we get occupied with me-me-me. Pondering on large ideas or standing in front of things which remind us of a vast scale can free us from acquisitiveness and competitiveness and from our likes and dislikes. If we sit with an increasing stillness of the body, and attune our mind to the sky or to the ocean or to the myriad stars at night, or any other indicators of vastness, the mind gradually stills and the heart is filled with quiet joy. Also recalling our own experiences in which we acted generously or with compassion for the simple delight of it without expectation of any gain can give us more confidence in the existence of a deeper goodness from which we may deviate.

"Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labour or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?

So do not worry, saying, ``What shall we eat?'' or ``What shall we drink?'' or ``What shall we wear?'' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

True generosity consists precisely in fighting to destroy the causes which nourish false charity. False charity constrains the fearful and subdued, the "rejects of life," to extend their trembling hands. True generosity lies in striving so that these hands--whether of individuals or entire peoples--need be extended less and less in supplication, so that more and more they become human hands which work and, working, transform the world.

The Dead Sea in the Middle East receives fresh water, but it has no outlet, so it doesn't pass the water out. It receives beautiful water from the rivers, and the water goes dank. I mean, it just goes bad. And that's why it is the Dead Sea. It receives and does not give. In the end generosity is the best way of becoming more, more, and more joyful.

Generosity is the best expression of loving and compassionate heart for kindness.

6 Ekim 2016 Perşembe



Sonsuzluk Tanrı'ya ve Kutsal ruhlara aittir. Diğer herşeyin sonu bir şekilde vardır. Bilincinde çıkabileceği son bir kademe vardır.  Rakam olarak 12 diyebiliriz. O noktada artık tırmanma bitmiş zirveye çıkılmıştır. Merdiven bitmiş düzlüğe varılmıştır.  Oradan her yer görünür. Daha yukarısı yoktur. O noktada da aşağı bakıp insanları küçümsemeyin. Yukarı bakın. Işığa bakın.


Boyut dediğimiz titreşimlerdir. Yavaşdan hızlıya titreşimler. Bunların artan kademelerle hızlandığı bilinir. Her üst titreşim kendi altında kalan tüm titreşimleri de içinde barındırır. Titreşimler hem zerre hemde dalgadır ve bilinç denilen mesajları taşırlar. Sevgi en yüksek boyut titreşimdir. Tüm diğer titreşimlerin yükselmesini sağlar. Dolayısıyla bizlerin her sevgi emisyonumuz bütünün de hayrına olmaktadır. Sevgi, herşeyin yaratıldığı titreşimdir. Dolayısıyla herşey birbirine sevgi ile bağlıdır. Sevgi kendisine çeker, itmez. Toplumda ki sevgi emisyonları arttıkça gerçek, hızla ruhların kendi öz benlikleri ile bir olmasını sağlıyacaktır ve Tanrı'nın isteği yerine getiriliyor olacaktır. 


Proverbs 4:7 “Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.” Understanding helps one to comply with wisdom.

Wisdom is the mind of Yeshua. The manifestation of His mind rather than ours. Knowing God's will. Dominion over ignorance.

Understanding is the ability to read a formed situation such that one comprehends its smallest parts and how they come together. This deep and intimate knowledge of parts and associations can then be applied to other situations. Understanding is the  process of assimilating truth and thus becoming equipped to apply wisdom. 

The Spirit of Wisdom

(Hebrew is Chockmah - Greek is Sophia)

The first function or operation of the Mind of Christ, produced by the Spirit of the Lord in us, is the Spirit of Wisdom. The Spirit of Wisdom is simply all of God's supernatural Thoughts that He has already placed in our hearts at our new birth. Hebrews 8:10 says that God inscribes or engraves His Word in our hearts. God's Wisdom is His supernatural intelligence. His secret knowledge.  God's Wisdom is like a hidden "mystery" that can only be revealed by God's Spirit.

God's Wisdom is not a wisdom of the world, because it can't be bought, it can't be studied for, or earned.  There are many highly intelligent men who have exhaustive knowledge of the world's wisdom, but are completely ignorant of God's Wisdom, His Thoughts and His Word.  Job 32:9 says, "Great men are not always wise:..."

God's Wisdom is the foundation of our lives and the basis upon which the rest of our spiritual "house" will be built. Proverbs 24:3 validates this when it says, "through wisdom a house is built..."   So, whether we realize it or not, God's Word (His Wisdom) must be our sustenance, our nourishment, our food, and our life's bread.

Yeshua has said that; "Man Shall Not Live by Bread Alone"


The calender and the clock of God work different.

The Holy Spirit is exhorting us to be filled with the spirit of wisdom... ie... the spirit of a seer.

God wants us to see what He is doing... and that's what we are to do.

God wants us to hear what He is saying... and that's what we must hear.

God wants us to know what He knows about this year... and that's what he wants us to know.

Proverbs 1:23 "Come here and listen to Me, I will pour out the spirit of wisdom upon you and make you wise."  God wants to do it saints.. More than ever.

The Holy Spirit told Daniel that in the last days, "But the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits."  (Daniel 11:32)

Holy Spirits(pure spirits) live in the Kingdom of God. This is the second birth, eternal life in the core of God as light beings. Consciousness, living in light bodies instead of the flesh bodies. There is no gender, no nationality but  'us'. That is to say every conscious unit will have consciousness with their own integrity, but acting as one. They become a part of God's Spirit.


1 Corinthians 2:12-14

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God, which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words. But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.


Tek eşlilik ve eşit haklar...Önce Tanrıya sonra eşe saygı...Aile kutsaldır.

Türk aslından gelen kadınlar erkeklerinin yanında, onları kollayıp sezgileriyle yönlendiren ve arkalarını toplayıp yücelten Tanrı kızlarıdır. Tarihte Türk kızı ile evli hakanların sırtları yere gelmemiştir. Ne zaman ki Arap adetleriyle çok eşlilik ve yabancı eşler devreye girse düşüş başlamıştır.

Esasen bu tüm milletler için ve yine dejenereler hariç tüm milletlerin kadınları için de geçerlidir. Çünkü kadın anaç olması itabiriyle sezgisel bir varlıktır. Konuşamayan bebeğinin derdini güçlü sezgileriyle anlaması için Tanrı onu o şekilde yaratmıştır.

Esas olan kadının ve erkeğin birbirinden saygı görmesidir. Çok eşlilik bir kadına yapılacak büyük saygısızlıklardan biridir.

Türk töresinde eşler yan yana durur ve yan yana yürür. Aksi durum zaten insanın doğasına aykırıdır. Erkek han ise kadın da onun hanı(mı)dır.

Dolayısıyla da diyorum ki: Ne mutlu insanım diyene...

Alpaslan Kuzucan

İffet tende değil ruhtadır.

Gözünüz kötülüğe bakmasın, kötü yerlere gitmeyin, kötü söz söylemeyin, kötülük düşünmeyin.

Kişinin aklı belden aşağıya takılıysa, devamlı her şeyi belden aşağıya çekiyorsa, giyim kuşam ne yapsın. Dokuz aylık bebeğe de tecavüz eder abaza psikopat.

Herkes istediği gibi giyinir yada giyinmez. Buna sadece kişinin ailesi karışabilir, eğer gerçekten bir yanlış varsa önce kendi aklı ve şayet yetişkin değilse ailesinin aklı yeterlidir. Toplum genel öğretimini genele yapar. Almak isteyen alır.

Yobaz psikopatların amacı iffet değil tacize, tecavüze, olmadı küfre kılıf uydurmaktır.

Kim ki öldürüyor, bilsin ki Tanrının kader hükmüne müdahale ediyordur. Katillerin affı yoktur. Onlar sebep oldukları acıları bire bir kendilerine kabirde yaşatıldıktan sonra Tanrı tarafından ruhları yok edilecek kişilerdir. Bu gerçek ölüm bir ruh için çok acıdır. Herkesinin bu gerçeklere çok geç olmadan uyanmasını dileyelim.


Yeshua wasn't killed for our transgressions but He was taken by God so that He doesn't get dirty with the world any longer. He was a pure soul, and God didn't want Him get smutted any more. That's why He was taken.

The way He was tried to be killed showed us the degree of the wickedness of the humans. Today also killings of the children and young people shows that we have not changed. Those innocent ones who are being killed are the ones that God doesn't want their souls get dirty as well and they are taken.


Biz kimiz diye sormayın. Biz neyiz diye sorun. Biz kimiz sorusunun karşılığı bedensel kimliklerdir. Egodur. Biz neyiz derseniz o zaman ruhsal yapımız da işin içine girer. İnsanız yani. Bedenin ötesinde de var olacak bilinçleriz.

Ölüm bir son değildir. Başka bir boyuta geçiştir. Uyanmaktır ölüm aslında, gerçek yaşama kıyam etmektir. Bazıları için ışığa bazıları için ise karanlığa.

Karakterinizde sevinçli olmak ve coşku ağır bassın. Olumluluk kalıcı olsun. Mutsuzluk, üzüntü gibi olumsuz duygular kalıcı olmasın. Çabuk geçsinler.

Karakteriniz ölümden sonraki yaşama aynen geçer. Bilhassa son yedi dakikadaki duygularınız çok önemlidir. Tüm yaşamını yada yaşamının çoğunu olumsuz biri olarak geçirenler bu son yedi dakikada mutlu olmaya çalışsın. Zor olsada hiç olmamasından iyidir. Tanrıyı, ışığı düşünsün. Olumlu insanlarda yine bu son yedi dakikada şaşırmasın, isyan etmesinler. Bunlar herkes için geçerlidir.

En son dakikada kişiye gideceği yer gösterilir.


The insanity all around us can only make sense to the insane, who have shaped the world into what it is today. The sane should not expect any betterment in short terms.

But, there is here humor in the absurd. When you rise above the unrelenting trial, the excruciating injustice, you will find your smile again.

Don’t get stuck in the mire of resentment, revenge, and hatred. The cosmos rolls on. What is horrible now, will be remade.

Don’t sacrifice yourself to darkness. That’s what it wants you to do. If you want to get even, keep your smile.


You have heard that the law of Moses says, 'Do not commit adultery.' But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust in his eye has already committed adultery with her in his heart.


- Some men laugh and sneer at the idea that there could possibly be anything wrong with merely lustfully thinking about seeing scantily clad or naked women. But for one thing, thoughts, if cherished, can lead to temptations, which can lead to actions for some people. Also, lustful thoughts can lead to uncaring attitudes. -


The souls who are awakened while still  biologically living on Earth and has reached the state of emiting God's pure energy also pulls the negative energies of unawakends and turns it into pure energy and send it back to God. Had they not been doing this energy healing, the World would have turned upside down long ago. That is what Yeshua did on a global measure once.

All of the life energy which has intellect derivates from God. God gave us everything but, alas, fewer of us believes in Him in Spirit. Most of us believes in a mighty merchant king. If pleased, gives every sort of lust fullfilling toys othervise burns forever.

Most of us believes in a false god in allignment with their egos for richness, virgins, wealth of no boundries, flesh and gold. All sort of wordly lusts. They are unable to perceive Spirit. The peace when filled up with that Spirit.

Eternal life and Holy Spirit does not mean anything to them. They worship gold, flesh and power giver not the Spirit.

If your children had loved you just for the money you gave them, how would you feel?  Aren't we the children of God?  How He feels?

Let's think.



The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitudes with self-possession, confidence, and resolution; bravery.


1. the power or quality of dealing with or facing danger, fear, pain, etc

2. the courage of one's convictions the confidence to act in accordance with one's beliefs

3. take one's courage in both hands to nerve oneself to perform an action

4. obsolete mind; disposition; spirit

5. valience

We have to become immuned to all sorts of fear.
We have to have courage to get rid of all our dogmas and fake believes.
We have to be brave to leave all our lust.
We have to be brave to seek and to learn truth.
And the truth shall set us free.


Soul is the central reality of the individual, created by God itself, and identical to God's image. All things, all creatures begin and end in God; this is the Fatherhood. All human beings are the sons and daughters of God; this is the brotherhood of humanity.

Ruh insanın esas gerçeğidir. Tanrı tarafından yaratılmış ve Tanrının kendi imajında. Tüm herşey, her varlık Tanrıda başlar Tanrıda biter. Bu Tanrnın babalığıdır. Tüm insanlar Tanrının kızları ve oğullarıdır. Bu insanların kardeşliğidir.

Loving is creation; everything that exists is an expression and manifestation of God's Divine Power.

Sevmek yaratmaktır, var edilmiş herşey Tanrının kutsal gücünün ifadesi ve tezahürüdür.

Our desire is; in order to be able to follow God's Divine will; the ultimate emancipation and liberalizm of the soul by self freedom from all lust and God Realization.

Tanrının kutsal isteğini takip etmek için arzumuz; Ruhun nihai parıltısı ve özgürlüğüdür. Buda kendi tutkularından özgürleşmek ve Tanrıyı idrakle olur.



Gecenin sessizliğinde ruhların sesi duyulur ve sadece saf olan ruhlar bu sesleri duyar. Gece, ruhlar birleşip bir ve bütün olduğunda daha da...