
22 Ekim 2016 Cumartesi


The pure souls, namely called Holy Spirits,  are not welcomed in this world.  They are usually left alone and disliked. Unknowingly people of low conscious levels are disturbed by their presence. Better to say that their subconscious minds are disturbed by pure spirits presence. Pure souls are marginalized and excluded from the society.

Pure souls are not biologically super humans. They are kind and generous. They don't talk much. They are humble people and they are minority in the world.

To become a pure soul one must direct all his/her obsessions and put God's love before everything and everybody. Their hearts must be pure. They must see the whole human beings as one family without any discrimination.  All religions must be abondened and only the words and deeds of Yeshua must be internalized and lived. Love...

God is love. Without love how can one enter to the God's Kingdom to receive the title of Holy Spirit. Nobody unpure are accepted to Kingdom of God.

The Holy Spirit is a part of God's Spirit, God's power on universe, and we were created to be the particules of this force and live everlasting. Those who will open their eyes to light after death will go through this divine procedure, the others depending on their purity level, shall go accordingly to be trained until the next reincarnation. And, alas some will go to darkness to pay off their debts before extermination of their soul. This is the second death. The real death we must be afraid of.

Nowadays God has left human beings on their own, left them with theirselves.


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