
18 Eylül 2017 Pazartesi


Selfish egoism inclines people to use quile and manipulation. Many people are blind to it in others because they, too, are divided, or morally ambivalent at heart.

Be the same person on the inside as you are on the outside. Be honest and sincere. Let your yes mean yes - not maybe, or no. Delight in fairness, compassion, and wisdom.

Purity of heart is not a social-taboo avoidance. Rather, purity is a singleness of heart in which one no longer hold sway. It is not a loud voice. It doesn't override other voices. So, be still and listen.

Initiate a moral discipline of recognizing and then refusing to express anger and violance against any other soul, of controlling the ever present evil inclanition, and of remaining faithful in word and deed to the ways of God-compassion, justice, wisdom-regardless of the percieved cost.

Singleness of heart all referred to the process of making the inclinations of one's supreme guide for intention, word, and action in life.

This is not accomplished by repression of negative feelings and motivations. Rather, the process is to become aware of them, then, consciously reject them by refusing to dwell on them, express them verbally, or act on them. If you give them breath, then you give them life, so it is better not to express them as done in modern psychoanalysis. The value of expressing them verbally is to heighten awareness and bring them back into consciousness so they can be analyzed. But that is not necessary and can evolve into neurotic habits.

Recognize them, observe them enough to grasp them, then consciously sublimate them. Cruicify the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Never allow anger to rise up beyond the throat, swallow it and sanctify yourselfs. Tame your lower animal nature and transform into perfect man. If you loose control and let your lower animal nature rule you, then, you can loose your soul. Then, the animal becomes man, and the man is consumed. 

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