
30 Ekim 2017 Pazartesi


Void, a space of dark nothingness in which a soul is accompanied only by the quality of their character.  The Void seems to be a temporary stop-over after death before the spirit is consigned to their corresponding afterlife dimension.

Rarely, some experience the Void as a healing space; a place of quiet contemplation where an exhausted soul can rest after a difficult and painful life.  On the other end of the spectrum, souls may experience the Void as an endless stretch of agony and torture.  The purpose of the Void seems to be a space that amplifies thought and emotion.  For spirits with unresolved negativity and a stubborn unwillingness to receive help, the Void forces spirits to confront and work through their anger and obsessive thoughts.  Spirits may see others in the Void, but their purpose there seems to illustrative rather than communicative.

In darkness one can see clearly even though there was no light. It isn't just blackness, rather an endless void, an absence of light.  Void of love, life, and light, Void of everything. For some, this region is approximately their wish come true. Here they are truly alone with themselves.

For some souls, this is a pain that is unbearable. In the absence of truth, love, gentleness, and kindness, some souls fill the Void with an irrational and unbelievable amount of pain and fear.

In the afterlife  nobody can escape the result of their deeds in the Void.

The “affluenza defense” doesn’t work in the afterlife either.

29 Ekim 2017 Pazar


Yaratılmış olan her ruh henüz dünyada bedenlenme imkanı bulamadığı gibi bedenlenme gereği olmamış veya gerek olmuş ve bedenlenerek varlık sınıfına girebilmeye hak kazanmış yada henüz kazanamamış sayısız ruh vardır. Ruhlar dünyası tekamülü sadece dünyaya bağlı ruhlardan oluşmamaktadır ve sınırsız sayıdadır.


Man must be very selective when deceiding to marry a woman. Agreement treaty is first done above(heaven). With that treaty man shoulder all the sins of woman he has married as well as himselfs'. Upon death man has to suffer for his wife's burden as well. Woman do not shoulder her husbands' sins and burdens. That is why in marriges although both sides have equal rights, but,  man has the priority(right) for final decisions.

This is how it is accepted in the heaven(afterlife, spiritual realm).

Yeshua 29th October, 2017


One must free his or her soul from all obsessions and fears. With expectations such as unlimited food, sex or whatever wordly desires it may be, one cannot be free. Again one cannot be free if he or she is acting under the fear of  hell, fire or any sort of painful penalties.

One must get rid of all of these fears and/or expectations in order for their soul to be free.

Yeshua. 29th October, 2017

26 Ekim 2017 Perşembe


Organized religions are not the final truth in our search for God. Rather, it is the grammar school of faith, an important stage in our spiritual education but one from which we must eventually graduate. When you see the problems which organized religion has caused- "holy" wars, religious extremism, bigotry against women, intolerance of other religious traditions- you realize that religion is often motivated by politics rather than by love, that it is driven by fear and prejudice instead of a true understanding of the nature of God.

In times past, religion has indeed been a vehicle for corruption and violence. It has been blamed for incompetent government and the launching of world wars. Pastors, priests, and clerics have manipulated the spiritual needs of individuals for their own profit. Countries have been torn apart because of one religious sect battling another. In more ways than one, many of the accusations that have been brought against religion are correct.

The experiential and transformational teachings brought to each human being by Yeshua transcending religious beliefs, creeds, cultures, and time. That's why many are hostile toward the religion, but love Yeshua. Many feel suspicious of membership and organization, but are open to the figure of Messiah.

Yeshua came to offer is a pure and genuine spirituality. He combined the innocence and strength of the child with manly strength, all-absorbing devotion to God with tender love for man.  He possessed commanding dignity combined with winning grace of humility.  He manifested unyielding firmness with gentleness…


Knowing God is the purpose of human existence. When you get this, you’re at peace. The search is over. Ego-driven expectations disappear. Life begins to be genuinely celebrated.

We show up for one reason and one reason only: to walk with God, or union with Divine.

While most religions seem to start out right — that is, with the purpose of helping people know and feel connected to themselves, to life, to the Divine — it isn’t long before they turn spiritual grants into religious loans that must be repaid with obligations and offerings, duties and doctrines, debates and disagreements, and, in the not-too-distant-past, violence and bloodshed against anyone who disagreed. This extreme is still the modus operandi with some religions.

Instead of encouraging people to experience their full humanity, religion leads people to deny their humanity and so become more and more insane.

“The word ‘enlightenment’ conjures up the idea of some superhuman accomplishment. It is really just your natural state of felt oneness with Being.”
Eckhart Tolle.


I am not trying to convince anybody. I am not teaching either.

I am only notifying what I have received from Yeshua in my dreams, and sharing what I belive is true from my various readings.

Thank you for your interests.
A.K. Brother of Yeshua.


Recognize that, while religious traditions often vary across cultures, Yeshua is the same for people from all cultures at all times in history. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that Yeshua is like cultural images of Christians. Take off your cultural glasses so you can see Yeshua more clearly.

Şunu anlamalıyız ki dini gelenekler, kültürler temelinde sık sık farklılıklar gösterir. Ancak Yeşua'nın sözleri tüm zamanlardan ve tüm kültürlerden olan insanlar için aynı anlamı taşıyor. Bu nedenle Yeşua'yı Hıristiyanların bir sembolü olarak görmeyin. Aslında kültürel gözlüklerinizi çıkarırsanız onu daha iyi görebilirsiniz.

25 Ekim 2017 Çarşamba



Hepimiz zaman içinde yeniden bedenleme vasıtasıyla birçok kültürde yaşadık, gördük. İnsan ruhu bedenlenince(doğum) adı insan olur. Babasız(spermsiz) bakire bir kadından doğduğu için Yeşua Mesih'e Tanrıoğlu ve annesi Meryem insan olduğu içinde insanoğlu dendi. Bu isimlendirmeler mecazidir. Yeşua bedenen insan ruhen Tanrı idi. Yani ruhu Tanrıdan bir zerre idi. Bir soluk idi. Doğan çocuk ilk nefesiyle ruha kavuşur, nasıl ki Tanrı yine, mecazen anlatılan, Adem'in çamurdan yarattığı bedenine nefesinden üfleyerek onu yaşayan bir can yaptı ise buradan anlaşılması gerekende odur. Meryem spermsiz olarak nefesle bakire kaldı. Bizler ise spermle hamile kalan annelerin çocuklarıyız. Yeşua Mesih'le aramızdaki yaratılış farkı budur. Yeşua'nın ruhu ve bedeni böylece özel kılındı. Saf ve günahsız kalabilmesi için. Dünyasal tutkulara hiç bulaşmaması için ancak elbette bedeni yinede bir nefs taşıyordu. Kontrol edilmesi gereken ve Yeşua bunu eksiksiz olarak tam başarabilen tek ruhtur.

Yeşua çarmıha gerildi, işkence gördü ancak Onu öldüremediler. Tanrı buna izin vermedi. Baygındı ve üç gün mağara mezarında Tanrıdan şifa alarak iyileşti ve sonra dışarı çıkıp bir müddet havarileri ile görüştükten ve onlara öğüdünü tamamladıktan sonra bedeni ile beraber göğe alındı. Çünkü onun DNA ları bu dünyaya ait değildi ve burada bırakılamazdı. Orada bedenini terketti ve bedeni o alemde çözülüp dağıldı.

Yeşua'nın aralarından ayrılması ile onu doğru dürüst anlayamamış olan havarileri kendilerinden olan suçsuz bir karı-kocayı yanlış bir hükümle katlederek ilk cinayetlerini işlemiş ve bu şekilde sevgiden ayrılmış oldular. Daha sonra ortaya çıkan engezisyon anlayışı ve işkence uygulamalarıyla da oluşmuş olan dinin Yeşua ile, Onun yapmak istedikleri ile hiç bağdaşmayan bir din olduğunu görüyoruz. Esasen tüm dinler kurumlaşarak bir politik baskı unsuru haline gelmişlerdir. Yeşua'nın sevgi ve TEK YÜCE BİR VARLIK içinde varlık olabilme hedefi ile bir alakaları oluşmamış, birkaç kisinin egosu yönünde hızmet eden ve Tanrıdan çok uzak hareketler olmuşlardır. Yeşua'nın yapmak istediği ise içine doğmuş olduğu Yahudi toplumunu sevgiye ve şefkate çekmek böylece yeni bir akım başlatmaktı. Bu vesileyle bugünkü Hristiyanlığın Yeşua'yla , onun yapmak istediğiyle bir alakası yoktur diyebiliriz. İnsanların günahını üstlenmesi, Tanrı olarak kabul edilmesi ve tekrar aynı kimlikle gelecek olması tamamen gerçek dışı fantazilerdir.

Farklı DNA lara sahip olması onun şifa verebilmesi ve tüm bu acılara katlanabilmesi için gerekliydi. Ancak Yüce Tanrı, Yeşua'nın son yemekten sonra oluşacak olan işkencelerdeki dayanılmaz acıları hissetmemesini sağlamış ve bu esnada Yeşua'nın ruhunun bedeninin dışına çıkarak herkes gibi kendini dışardan izlemesine izin vermiştir.

Yeşua'nın kardeşi.

24 Ekim 2017 Salı


Şu anda hiçbir toplum yada millet yok ki fertlerinden çoğunluğunu VARLIK içindeki varlıklar olarak söyleyebilelim. Her toplumda birkaç kişi var, VARLIK içindeki yokluktan VARLIK içindeki varlıklar halkasına girebilmiş durumda olabilen.



Today's Christianity has nothing to do with what I had wanted to do. I was born as a Jew. My family was not poor. I was like you, generous. I did not give much importance to money and wealth. Yes, I was born from a virgin woman. She was pregnant without sperm. My birth was special. After me, my mother Miriam did have other children with her husband Yosef in natural way.

I had wanted to start a different flow, but, certainly not Christianity. I wanted to pull the humans to love and compassion.  Yes,  I had the power of turning the fates from death to life. My father gave me the grace and authority to do that but, apart from that, always think rationally while living on earth. God has not given authority to anybody to show miracles as mentioned in so called holy books which are at present full of fairy tails. Only God can show miracles. In fact God, Himself is miracle. Everything He has created is miracle.



God also doubts those who doubt God. Faith and trust is a must. God may forgive everything except disbelief. Those who disbelief God are absent in The BEING. They are in nothingness. After death they will be in nonexistence. Those who truely belive in God, are beings in The BEING, and the true believers are a few in every community.

Yeshua 24th of October, 2017


Tanrıdan şüphe edene Tanrıda şüpheyle bakar. İnanç ve güven şarttır. Tanrı herşeyi bağışlayabilir ama inançsızlığı bağışlamaz. Tanrıya inanmayanlara Tanrıda inanmaz.  İnançsızlar varlık içinde yokluklardır. Gerçek Tanrı inancına sahip olanlar çok azdır. Her toplumda bir kaç tane ama onlar varlık içindeki varlıklardır.

Yeşua 24.4.2017  01.50

21 Ekim 2017 Cumartesi


Kutsal olmak nedir?

Insan kalbinde bir boşluk hissi sürekli vardır. Bu boşluk hissi kutsal olana dokunulduğunda sevgi ile yer değiştirir. Bu sevgi sürekli bir huzur ve coşku yaratır. Zamanı geldiğinde hakikate ermek denen, bizlerin Tanrı ile uyum içinde bir yaşama başlamasıdır. Huzurlu olunur ve bu da aslında huzurda oluşun işaretidir...


Grace is unconditional. Grace is uncontrollable. Think about it. God totally exposes himself and makes himself vulnerable because he knows this type of grace is the only thing sufficient to truly transform hearts. Nothing else will work. True grace has the potential to be abused, but without this layer, it wouldn’t be grace. It wouldn’t transform. And it couldn’t save us.

Grace cannot be put in cage. We cannot put conditions on grace. It just seems something uncontrollable. And religion doesn’t deal with uncontrollable. It’s too dangerous for religions. Even if the uncontrollable is God himself.

Religion is a like a contract with a boss. Contracts have conditions. Do the right things, you are fine. There is no intimacy or relationship. Often times, there is no dialogue. Just do your part and God will do his by allowing you into heaven.

Yeshua says God is your father and you are his son or daughter. Children don’t have contracts with parents. Love is the only bond. There is an intimacy in between, with God and every individual soul.


The role of Yakov in the early Christian church ably demonstrates that Paul's Greco-Roman doctrines ignored almost completely the role of Yeshuas' brother in the developing early church, but redirected the church away from the teachings of Yeshua as well.

18 Ekim 2017 Çarşamba


Yeshua said: "If I had done the miracles mentioned in the Bible everybody would have believed in me and followed me. Only God can make miracles. GOD Himself is miracle."

15 Ekim 2017 Pazar


In the circle of the beings who are graced by God there is no 'I' but 'US'. There is no ego here among us. We don't breath here either. We are the ones who has been graced by God as One Divine Beings' Circle in The ONE ALMIGHTY BEING.

Yeshua, 15th of October, 2017

11 Ekim 2017 Çarşamba


Why the scientific people are in favor of atheism nowadays?


Do they really believe what they are emposing on people?


10 Ekim 2017 Salı



His disciples said to him: “Is circumcision beneficial, or not?”

He said to them: “If it were beneficial, their father would beget them circumcised from their mother. But the true circumcision in the spirit has prevailed over everything."



Beni ölü bir tahta olan haçla simgeliyorlar. Benim simgem yoktur ama illada bir simge aranıyorsa bu canlı bir ağaç olabilir. Zaman zaman durgunlaşır, yapraklarını döker sonra yeniden çiçek açıp meyve verir. Üzerinden bulutlar geçer ama etkilenmez. Işık hep oradadır, bilir. Sizde böyle olun.


They represent me with a piece of dead wood. I have no symbol. But, if a symbol is searched to represent me, an alive tree is approprite. The tree can become lifeless from time to time. Drops its leaves, but, in time it blossoms and gives its fruits again. The passing by clouds donot effect it. It knows that the light is always there.

You, be as such.




There is no satan. No lucifer or a rebelled angel or rebellious angels.

Angels have no conscious. They have no ability to choose. They are created solely for goodness. They do without questioning whatever God tells them to do spontenously. There are no angels who have been given the right to rebel. Only human beings while in flesh on earth are free to choose.

So, those who belive in satan and think that they worship satan are ill minded people. Nothing else.



Yeshua is the first soul created by God from God's essence. He was created 2000 years ago just before virgin mary had given birth to him. Her pregnancy was spermless. The egg was fertilized without any sperm.

Yeshua had been sent on Earth for a mission. To pull the strayed humanity to God's way. He was not the God. He had cried out loudly on the cross" Father, why have you forsaken me?" So ...had he cried out to himself!

Time is near to be exterminated for this human race. They have caused this result by their wickedness. Extinction is not of the world but of the whole human beings only. Without us the world will recover herself and the nature will be clean and full of life again. During that cleaning and reviving processes there will be no interventions to meteors anymore. There will be huge cracks and clefts on earth. Even the nuclear wastes will be totally cleaned. The world will be made ready for the new souls.

Unfortunately almost all of us will be annihilated due to our own wrong and greedy acts. This is not the annihilation of the physical bodies only but including our souls which are our consciousses. (Eternal death for the majority of us.)


Tanrının yoluna odakların. Gözleriniz bu noktaya konsantre olsun. Başka yöne bakmayın. Ben Dünyaya tekrar eğer insanlar sadece Tanrının yoluna odaklanırsa gelirim. Insanların bu haliyle Dünyaya tekrar gelmem söz konusu değil.


Focus on God's way. Let your eyes be concentrated on this target only. Don't look at other directions. If all the humans focus on God's way I come again, otherwise why should I come to World again? This is out of question.




I had said: "God forgive them. They don't know what they are doing". Now they know what they are doing. They know  that they are at the point of no return from their wickedness. They know that they will taste the second death. That's why they carry on fiercely with their evil doings. That's why I do not pray for them. I do not say : "God forgive them"  any longer.

Yeshua 29.09.2017


Gecenin sessizliğinde ruhların sesi duyulur ve sadece saf olan ruhlar bu sesleri duyar. Gece, ruhlar birleşip bir ve bütün olduğunda daha da...