
22 Mart 2019 Cuma


The main difference between life in Spirit and life on Earth is that the Earth world is a 'melting pot' where the saint can dwell next door to the sinner, and often amongst those of the same family. The good, the bad and the indifferent are all mixed here, in different cultures and amongst every race and creed. That is part of the Earthly lesson, for this world is a great school of learning.
But in Spirit, there is no longer any anchoring force that can hold the countless different types of evolution together. After the physical bonds of the Earth life are broken at death, the soul must gravitate back to its own plane. This is a Spiritual Law, and nothing can prevent it. No matter how hard the Earthly life has been, or what awful conditions the soul has lived in, if the spiritual evolution is higher than the material circumstances, then that soul cannot be prevented from returning home to its own plane of being, earned from its own efforts to evolve into a higher consciousness.

Can a spirit of low-grade evolution enter into a higher plane? No; there are barriers, sometimes referred to as a gulf (mentioned by Yeshua in Luke 16:26) which says: "And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence."
This gulf or barrier serves as a protective influence which means that no soul can enter a higher realm until they are spiritually evolved enough to gain entry. However, those on a higher level may descend to a lower level, often for purposes of service to the souls there.

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