
11 Mart 2020 Çarşamba


Empaths pick up the personality, habits, and emotions of other people and project it back to their rightful owner. This is known as the mirror effect of the empath.

They Act as a Mirror.
Their Vibration is too Fast.
Their Stillness is Wrongly Interpreted.
It is common for people to act inauthentically. They hide who they are because they don’t like aspects of their personality. An Empath has the ability to reflect this back to them.

Anything hidden becomes seen within the ‘Mirror of the Empath’.

Anything hidden, such as an insecurity, suppressed shame, guilt or anger, builds the longer it is left buried. If someone has traits they don’t like about themselves, they are reminded of them when in an Empath’s presence. This is one reason why instant dislikes can form towards an Empath.

If this has been your experience, it could well be that you are reflecting back to them the truth they deny. Or there could be another reason.

What jobs are best to avoid? Sales is high on that list. Not many empaths enjoy being salespeople, especially if they’re introverted. Dealing with the public takes too much out of them. One patient who worked in technical support said, “I was too sensitive to constantly deal with angry customers, even if they were right.” Also, empaths pick up people’s emotions and stress which can make them sick. One man said, “Being a cashier at Walmart nearly gave me an anxiety attack. The crowds, the noise of people talking and loudspeakers, bright lights, and long hours were exhausting.” Whether it’s selling cars, diamond rings, or advertising, empaths don’t generally feel well having to “be on” all day.

Other stressful careers for empaths include public relations, politics, executives who manage large teams, and being a trial attorney. These high intensity professions value extroversion, the ability to engage in small talk, and aggressiveness rather than being thoughtful, soft-spoken, sensitive, and introspective.

The mainstream corporate world is problematic too. The “this is how it’s done” corporate mentality is difficult for empaths, including myself. This response has always frustrated me since there’s nowhere to go with it, and it clearly doesn’t value an individual’s needs. Empaths are independent thinkers and question the status quo at work if it doesn’t feel right. They like to know the reasoning behind a decision so they make sense of it in their gut. Plus, regular team meetings and power hungry team-mates are draining for empaths, who function better on their own.

. Empaths can’t help taking on the energy of others.
.Your intuition is always spot on.

.Being around people is tiring and you feel drained often.

.You find yourself being surrounded by people who are broken.
.You don’t do well around crowds.

.You can’t simply live anywhere.

.You are hypersensitive.

Remember to make time for yourself, where your only focus is you. Even just 5 minutes a day of silence and relaxed breathing can make a world of difference when it comes to handling emotional stress- and that’s good advice for everyone, not just empaths.

They tend to attract people who wish to be saved, not loved:

The empath enjoys saving others and that’s how they fall in love. While doing this, most empaths fall for narcissists and the relationship turns bitter.

As an empath, one must know that being in a relationship is not about saving someone, it’s about loving someone.

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