
21 Kasım 2016 Pazartesi


I say; how do you insist on saying that Yeshua was God? He never said he was. That wrong belief shows that the so called 'Christians' have not understood Yeshua yet.

On cross just before He delivered his last breath; what has He said?

"Father, forgive them. They do not know what they are doing?"

So if He was God, would  He had  spoken like that?

Think please,

God is God of all cosmos.

So, do you think then God has gone to all the other planetes with intellegent life to get killed for their sin so to forgive them again by Himself?

Or, if God came and lived among us for 33 years then the rest of the universe remained Godless?

Pleas think. Yeshua is waitig to see this happenned. He is very upset of being accepted as God.


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