
27 Mart 2018 Salı


How can spirits be defined? 
“Spirits may be defined as intelligent beings of the creation. They populate the universe outside the material world.” 

Since there are two general elements in the universe, the intelligent element and the material element, is it correct to say that spirits are formed from the intelligent element as inert bodies are formed from the material element? 
“Obviously. Spirits are the individualizations of the intelligent principle, as bodies are the individualizations of the material principle. It is the time and mode of this formation that are unknown to us.”

Are spirits formed spontaneously, or do they proceed from one another? 
“God creates them as all other creatures were created, by Divine will. We repeat that their origin is a mystery.” 

Is it accurate to say that spirits are immaterial? 
“How could something for which no terms of comparison exist, and that your language is unable to express be defined? Can someone born blind define light? Immaterial is not the right word, perhaps incorporeal would be more accurate, for a spirit, since it is a creation, it must be something real. The spirit is quintessentialized matter existing in a state that has no equivalent within your scope of comprehension, and it is so ethereal that it transcends your senses.” 

We say that spirits are immaterial, because their essence differs from everything that we know as matter. A nation of blind people has no way of expressing light and its effects. We can only define them by comparisons that are imperfect or the product of our imagination. 

As the most elevated spirits have nothing more to acquire, does this mean that they are in a state of absolute rest, or do they also have occupations? 
“What would you like them to be for eternity?? Eternal idleness for them would be an eternal anguish.” 

What is the nature of their occupations? 
“They receive orders directly from God, convey them throughout the universe, and oversee their fulfllment.” 

What about lower ones? 
“The occupations of lower spirits correspond to their nature. Would you assign intellectual responsibilities to an illiterate day laborer?” 

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