
10 Temmuz 2019 Çarşamba


Please try to understand the true words of Yeshua and, for this, your hearts must be pure, and your minds are calm. If your hearts and minds are full of lusts there will be no understanding of this words. You will only be misusing the divinity to find excuses to legalize your wrong behaviors.
God created human beings biologically as blacks, whites and yellows. God is very close to us. God is everywhere. In our hearts and in the breath also in nature and in every good deed. If we put God to a place far from us, then He will be far from us. On the contrary God is with us all the time.
Do not put God somewhere unreachable. Yeshua is the guide of the straightest and most illuminated Broadway to God. To the very core of God. Once we are there, at the core of the God, we shall live eternally. That is the second birth. We will have born again spiritually to live eternally in God. God is love and the keyholder of the gate of love is Yeshua.
Give your body to the service of God who is love by becoming love yourselves. Give love to all around you. Vibrate positive energy and don't look back as to who has absorbed this positive energy and who has not. Those who are ready, who has reached to high frequencies of love will take it. Others with lower energies will reject it and be angry with you, thus will also try to pull you down to their level. So, never insist or argue with anybody.
God doesn't like doubt. Grow closer to God and your faith in God must be rock solid. Leave dogmas and manmade religions. Don't take them as a corner stone for your faith. Incorporate silence and solicitude into your life regularly and ask God to help you, praise Him and ask Him to forgive your mistakes.
Do not long for power and personal success. Power is necessary to protect yourselves and for malicious works. Personal success is selfishness. You do all your best and leave to others to evaluate you. Don't run after personal success. Do your best and stay in peace. Stay calm. To reflect the energy coming from God one must stay calm. One must be in peace. Otherwise the more passionate and concerned about earthly matters the less Divine Energy you can reflect.
Love is God's way. Love is not Yeshua's own personal way. Yes, God gave the order to Yeshua to teach love to all of us. To teach World how one can obtain the eternal life. Yeshua came on Earth to teach us love simply by living among us.
Yeshua did not establish a religion but simply showed the way to love and thus, to eternity. He said; ''With love in your hearts you can reach me and God. All you need is love. Only love in your hearts like little children you can reach me and God. If you can reach me, you can reach to God. You can directly reach me by love. You don't need any mediator.' ' Before Yeshua had come to World people were trying to reach 'love' but, could not. Even after that Yeshua had gone, even the closest people around Him could not understand what 'love' is. Very few people could rise to that consciousness.
God wants all His creatures be happy. That's why He has created the miracles called nature to please us. God is miracle and everything He has created are miracles. For this reason, unhappiness is accepted as a rebel against God. Live in joy and give thanks to the God, the Almighty.
People think that when a person dies, that's the end. The dead are just gone forever. But, they are wrong. Yeshua made it clear that death is not the end. He told a story about what happened after a rich man and a beggar died. Yeshua said; people remain conscious after their bodies die, and they have body, and people can feel pleasure or pain after they die.
Souls come to earth alone. But, some souls don't return alone. They are welcomed by light bearers. Those souls are the ones who have spent their lifetimes in kindness and love. By doing so they have become lights themselves and obtained the right to live eternally in light bodies. They do not incarnate again rather they also become the light bearers themselves. Majority of the humans go alone but if they not lived a harmful life to others on earth they are to be taken for training before they are given another chance by God for re-incarnation on earth in flesh.
The wicked humans who have committed crimes such as blasphemy, fornication, rape, murder, false witnessing, sorcery and theft will not be awaken at all. They will not realize even they are death and continue living in their miserable feelings under the ground for eons. They shall receive of the same sufferings of what they have done to others. 'This is Divine Justice.'
Those who have killed intentionally are not forgiven. If they kill without knowing what they have done will be annihilated by God without any suffering but, those who have killed knowingly shall first suffer all their wickedness same as they caused to others and then annihilated. Annihilation process is such; the murderer's memories will eventually diminish and will be erased totally from life. Their life energies will have mixed with nature or taken back by God. That is the second death. 'The real death.'
At the last seven minutes prior to passing to afterlife one becomes, after a short unconscious sleep, completely free to travel to the places and times with his/her conscious. This includes the ancient times. At this last minutes I advise you to focus only on God and His light. Accept death and do not pay any more attention to earthly affairs or remains. In the last minute you will be shown the place, you are going after death. This is in exception of those who have committed big crimes such as the murderers.
Human beings re-incarnate only as humans. The theory of re-incarnating as plants and animals before or after is completely wrong. There is no meaning in this. Plants and animals don't re-incarnate. Once they die their life energies get merged with natural forces. They have no awareness as the humans.
Man is not a body. Man is a soul, a consciousness. And the body is just a temporary container, in which man must go through the next stage of studying in the school in the material world.
Incarnate states of people are usually much shorter parts of their lives as compare to non-incarnate states. However, the development of man can only take place in the incarnate state. It is for this reason that the incarnations are necessary, it is for this reason that God creates material worlds.
There are fictions on earth whereas here are truths only.
According to the potency of the person difficult tasks are given.
Knowledge is given but understanding belongs to the people themselves.
You must always think the beauty beyond when it rains. You must get out of the prison you have caged yourselves. You have made a wall around yourselves. There must be a door to get out otherwise you will bump into the wall.
Thoughts are parasites and they suck the energy of your being. Without thoughts you maintain your energy in yourselves and it becomes a fullness.
Be open to learn otherwise you will become neurotics.
The point is that the body is the ''factory'' for transformation of energy. Physical movements create energy and thus with this energy loaded to soul our consciousness growth process take place both qualitatively and quantitively.
God is the living force for all. If a living creature with their own free will shall brake their ties with God while on earth, then they will disappear from the world of livings in the graves.
Yeshua said, "You shall learn the truth and the truth shall let you be free". Liberation from suffering comes with truth. Be aware of dogmas because of them people have started denying God and His truth. God is love and once this truth is forgotten there left nothing to hold on for kindness.
The word 'truth' has been translated from the Greek word 'Alethia' which originally means unforgettable. So, we understand from that we remember the truth inherited in us already. Truth is something we must remember. It has its own inherent and irresistible 'witness' to reality. People may lie to themselves but ultimately the truth has final word. ''The Light shine in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.''
Yeshua said, if your spiritual leaders say to you, ''Look, the Divine Realm is in the sky, then the birds of the sky will get there ahead of you. If they say to you, 'it is in the sea', then the fishes will precede you. No, the Divine Reality is existing inside and all around you. Only when you come to know your true self will you be fully known and, you will understand that you are a child of the Living God. If, however, you do not come to know who you truly are, realizing your true self then you are poverty-stricken being, and it is your 'self' which lies impoverished.
Before Yeshua, ' love’ was not known on earth. Before,' eternal life’ was not known. The real Creator was not known. Before Yeshua we were all under a strict law of retaliation. An eye to an eye. With Yeshua came unity of beings, love and light, forgiveness and brotherhood. With Yeshua came the freedom.
Yeshua never said he was a personality equal to God. On the contrary he said, 'the Father is greater than I'. He said, 'I will rise to my Father, to your Father, to my God and to your God'. He prayed at His last minutes to the Father 'Father forgive them because they don't know what they are doing'. He said, 'I deliver my soul to you Hands'.
''Without the trust in Yeshua, there is no stability.'' Yeshua was the faithful and true witness and he also called 'amen'. God sent Yeshua to expand his energy down to the earth to a biological body who is to be born from Virgin Mary. Yeshua, having been born from a woman was called 'son of man' where as he was called 'son of God' before the birth. He was already an important part of the Holy Spirit, a Holy Spirit that was the first time born as son of man on Earth.
The Holy Spirit is a part of God's Spirit and the active force of God. God sends His force to anywhere He pleases to get the duties done. The Holy Spirit is a name given by us and represents the pure souls. We human beings came on earth to be able to gain the right to become a Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit in general is a part of God's spirit and the active force in universe. So Yeshua called us all to become the children of God, sparkles of God's love by being brother with him. To be like Him. As we are to become the children of God we must become the brothers and sisters of Yeshua first because Yeshua is the son of God. Originally 'the son' means the sparkles of God's love. The atomy particles of God's light.
Holy Spirits live in the Kingdom of God. This is the second birth, eternal life in the core of God as light beings. Consciousness, living in light bodies instead of the flesh bodies. There is no gender, no nationality but ‘us'. Every conscious unit will have consciousness with their own integrity but acting as one.
The truth requires a much deeper understanding. Spirituality requires that you ask questions of yourself, whilst religions requires you to rely on books to move forward. And, by doing so millions of soul's minds have been locked down. Religions has become the slave owner’s mental back doors. Organized religions all over the world has become politics.
Soul needs to be constantly stimulated with new concepts to challenge and to feel invigorated. As the apparently only living gods (Pagan gods prophets) are not speaking anymore, but the so-called living gods from among the various religious clergy, people need more stimulus. They gravitate the ways calling them from within their soul. Religion is memory based as people can only exchange holy books scriptures as opposed to their own original thinking. The person with the ability to recite more scriptures is regarded as the more gifted, not due to originate but to ability to recite script. This can also be good for some time but this has always been detrimental for people who believes them. They have been taken away from their real mission. That's why the battle now commences with soul arguing with the programmed religious mind.
Discipline your life. Do the things that are hard to do: discipline is a necessary part of a successful life. The easy way out is for losers. Life will not coddle you out of your troubles, so don't waste yourself in complaining and whining. Want some examples of discipline? Master your thoughts and have spiritual practice! These take discipline at first, but they become something you love to do because they work. Serve others as well as yourselves. Do something nice for everybody. Reach out for good. Give of yourself.
While living on earth, don't disturb anybody, but make the world better with your caring. Love beauty and be curious. The world is incredible even if we've messed it up. Listen to upbringing music and read uplifting books. Create something. Learn something new. Take care of your body. Don't eat junk. Drink pure water without chlorine and fluoride. Get adequate sleep. Have a stress elimination routine and get exercise.
The one who has entered the spiritual path has to separate in oneself the true, eternal and valuable for life in the highest eons-from the false, which belongs only to this world. Then one has to cultivate in oneself the first and get rid of the second. Those who have accomplished this become eternal in the Divine eons. That is, make sure that you see heavenly treasure as infinitely more precious than earthly material treasure. When your eye sees things this way, you are full of light. And if you don't see things this way, even the light you think you see (the glitz and flash and skin and muscle of this world) is all temporary. You are sleepwalking through life. You are serving money as a slave without even knowing it, because it has lulled you to sleep. Far better is to be swayed by the truth- the infinite value of God.
God and the spirits hear not only the words which we say but also our thoughts, even the most ''secret'' ones. They also see everything existing in the world of matter, in all detail. Not only clothes, under which we hide our bodies, but even the intestines of our bodies are absolutely to the sight of Them. We are visible to all. They examine us, admiring or compassionating, respecting or making fun, loving or disliking, despising, foretasting our future suffering.
You shall know the truth and what you have learned will set you free from all mortal passions and fears. Without the truth, there can be no real morality, justice, equality, unity, success, freedom, love, joy, peace, spirituality or even survival. Only the truth can stop the wars and make the world the paradise it can be.
Keep calm and be pure hearted, then you will have direct connection with God, the Almighty. You will start getting your energy directly from God once you have reached and internalized the truth of life. You will be self-radiant like the stars in the universe. Once you become pure in heart you will be called as Holy Spirit. That you have gained the right again to live eternally in the core of God, just as it was in the beginning of the creation. You will start to sparkle your own light and you won't be a reflection anymore.
Average human beings curse those who worship material things but, the same human beings curse those who worship God twice as much. Even if you are not wanted, continue with reflecting the love as the world needs this. You, yourself become light and sparkle your own light.
Nations repeating themselves without love and wise are bound to lose at the end. Racism, gender, color, nationality and social statues must not carry any importance and superiority feelings over other people. We must never drive away those who approaches us openheartedly with love. We must find a way to live in peace together. We must be kind to others. Individuals must be able to stand for good even if the rest of the world goes to opposite direction. The only way to reach God's Kingdom which is eternal life in the core of Him, is love because God is Love.
God do not take revenge, but we separate ourselves from Him by thinking we can have separate life on ourselves without the God, the Creator. God is the Source of life. God is in and around us. We have been created to live in the core of Him eternally as His Spirit's holy sparkles at the highest eons. This is what we call the Kingdom of God, the core.
In the coming times, along with the new generations coming, the old will be replaced and, with this replacement, will come the new perceptions. As the new generations replace the old generations, believes will also be replaced. In fact, new generations will be clever, more energetic and more perceptive, but more mechanical and more egoistic as well. Religions will be left, and people will believe in sort of Source. They shall live more isolated life and get lonely.
Keep calm. Always keep your mind calm. Can you see yourselves on boiling water? No, you can’t, but if the water is calm like a mirror then you can see yourselves as if you are looking to a mirror. That's important. If your mind is not calm enough, you cannot receive the life energies flowing to every direction from the Source. That's why keeping calm is vital. Without having received the continuous flowing of the life energies one cannot stay healthy. Both physically and mentally.
. So, keep away anxiety.
. Keep calm.
. Never lose your temper.
. Praying is a great help to keep calm.
. Also, daily grounding with soil and water are very essential.
Could God not create the human beings as human beings of today? Has God not powerful enough for that? Certainly, God can, and He did. God doesn't need evolution. God creates by Word. Liner time as we perceive is our physical cognition whereas, in spiritual eons there is no time, only the present.
The first human beings were created almost 80 thousand years ago as todays human beings. Human beings became servants of their own bodies, whereas these bodies are only covers. Nothing else, and if you pollute them by bad feedings and bad thoughts your souls shall also be polluted. In addition to that wrong doings, human beings have started to use their bodies as a weapon against each other.
God creates the most perfect and beautiful because He is perfect and beautiful. We, human beings are the ones who destroy the beauty because we are jealous. We destroy the perfectness because we are greedy and unkind.
Also, evil doings of the tyrants which are in power of the big organizations like governments, financial foundations and religious sects got out of control. This will lead to a mass extinction of the species including human beings. Water will cover almost all over the world. There will be no life left on planet which had happened also before. When the planet renews itself a new race, both the bodies and the souls will be pure, will be created by God. The closing is a must unfortunately. They have speed up the procedure. The duration is probably like what scientists expect. However, God knows only. It is up to Him. The human-like creatures like Cro-Magnon, Neanderthal were not human. They did not have the consciousness and awareness you have.
I had said: "God forgive them. They don't know what they are doing". Now they know what they are doing. They know that they are at the point of no return from their wickedness. They know that they will taste the second death. That's why they carry on fiercely with their evil doings. That's why I do not pray for them. I do not say: "God forgive them"  any longer.
Pray to God only for goodness. God is the spring of goodness and cleanness. From this clean spring is it possible to drink dirty water? But, if the mouths are dirty than the water also will get dirty in the mouths. So, never pray anything which is not for the goodness of yourselves and others. Cursing or imprecation cannot be prayed from God. Remember: ''Pray for your enemies also''. Those who curse or damn will be punished by God.
The Kingdom of God is not where God reigns, but where His Source of Divine Power is.
''The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God come near; repent, and believe in the good news. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you''.
Our physical identities are for examinations to reach to higher eons. The physical bodies we use are not us, but instruments for our souls to be developed. When we are finished with them they shall be left behind to soil where they came from originally. Our soul identities are what matters. What we load to our souls, here on Earth, we will become in after life. And, that some of you will wake up to light and some to darkness.
If you shut the truth and the Life out, then you miss the mark. If you give priority to other things by giving more emphasis to desires rather than truth, it is the only way you can commit a sin. The unseen enemies of mankind are those who are preventing humans from learning and changing. Open minded, rational humans are needed. The rest, by means of morality, will come as they start to realize that they have to have respect for themselves and, above all, for life. Up till now the word of God has been destroyed by the traditions that has been handed down.
Information is not wisdom, those who are full of information shall miss the truth longest.
The truth is simple. Not only educated, but the children can also understand it.
. Love God with all your heart, wise and soul. This is spiritual love, love without seeing and hearing.
. Love everybody as yourself. The love here is the Divine Love which means a general affection.
. Cease doing malignant actions.
. Experience genuine remorse for the wrong committed.
. Make restitution to repair the damage done to others.
. Act to protect life, preserve life, make life more functional and/or improve the quality of life.
. Respect the human lives and beasts. Do not kill.
...but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.
Slavishly believing in dogmas, insulting the consciousness of all men, and has been pulled down by the darkness. With dogmas souls will be conquered by negative feelings such as rage, hatred, fear and jealousy. But with intuition men will be filled with unconditional Divine Love for everybody and everything meaning that you have reached the consciousness of unity. And your souls shall be full of love, peace and understanding.
Many human beings say 'I love you' one day and reject you the next day. This is not love. One whose heart is filled with love of God cannot willfully hurt anyone. When you love God without reservation, your heart gets filled with His unconditional love flowing freely always for all who are ready to take. The ordinary love is self-centered in the consciousness of 'I, Me, Mine', he has not discovered the omnipresent God who resides in him and everything.
Yeshua said; 'I am a drop of light from God.' 'I wish you to be all the same.' I am the path, illuminated path. If you stray from this path wickedness will catch you just like wild animals catch their prey. Follow me, the straightest and illuminated path, and this will take you to eternal life again. Yeshua represents the love God wants us to be able to live on earth.
Yeshua's main mission is healing. He is the key holder of the gate to the Kingdom. The gate of love, and nobody may pass through this gate without becoming pure in their hearts. God is love so, how can they enter the Kingdom of God before reaching full love in their hearts. That's why Yeshua said, ''I am the path'' because he represented the love of God. He said: '' I am the light'' because he is illuminating this path. And that path leads to the Kingdom (eternal life in the core of God). That's why Yeshua said, ''I am life''.
The sizes of every bodies' cups are different. Human beings can understand His messages according to the sizes of their cups. Even, 2000 years ago, His disciples couldn't understand Him. Those who reads this message will understand according to their consciousness level so, never insist but give the message and go to your way. Do not struggle to conceive as the ones with lower consciousness will not understand and, on the contrary will pull you down.
Eternal life is available only after physical death and the second birth which is spiritual. That is an awareness only a few souls have while living on earth. Notify this truth. Do not look back as to who have understood and who have not. Do not lose time with that. As some babies are being born dead, the same, some souls are also born dead. Just notify.
Our hearts must be pure. Our hearts are the source of our feelings, and if they are dirty nothing good will come out of it. Notice that all the religious are made for the sole purpose of possessions. Worship of ego most of the time and, they put their egos in the center and became fake idols.
You are all here to prove yourselves. There are still some souls waiting for incarnation on earth for the first time. This is due to their own wrong doings while at the spiritual realms. They didn't take serious enough the duties and trainings given to them. You are all here to gain the eternal life. To be born again spiritually. God sent Yeshua to teach us love so that we can eternal life.
World is the place of selection. So, try to be the ones who shall be selected. Look above to Godly things and act accordingly. Overcome the lust and temptation. God is limitless at every aspect. God warns directly and when He convicts it is irrevocable.
As the rulers of the world cannot compete with the rising birth rate, they are using terrorism to make them kill each other. Ego pushes nations into the lust as to be superior to others as well as the individuals to other individuals. Those individuals who are the real rulers who wants to work for humanity are being killed.
If you inflict terrible sufferings on others, surely, you've got to be punished. There are no exceptions. You will go through a life review, rather like a documentary with prodigious value. You will experience your life from the point of view of everyone who has involved: Everyone's feelings, attitudes, motives and believes laid bare, including yours. You won't just observe through their eyes and ears, you will experience what they have experienced. Did you steal from someone? You will experience his hurt and outrage. Did you give food to someone who was hungry? Then you will experience her relief and joy. Of course, your earth personality could not cope with this review, because the ship of your mind would founder in the emotional typhoon. Do you see the significance of this?
Through the afterlife there are multitude of different journeys. In the past, many didn't know that one cannot take anything with himself, and they took it all. Weapons, trappings of wealth, and slaves thoughtfully slaughtered for their post-earth convenience. Eventually time comes for real things.
Keep away from all type of perversion. Do not even look at the perverted humans with sympathy. Do not make friendships with them. They have strayed from the righteousness and left the humanity. They all shall taste the second death together with those who have made friendships with them or even look at them with sympathy and approval.
If you helped somebody or do a favor for them don't talk about it. Don't keep repeating of your kindness. If you talk about the good deeds you have done for others than your good behaviors will be of no value. Because, repeatedly mentioning the kindness done is like digging the newly planted tree's roots.
Man and woman are equal as an equal half of an apple. Whatever is right for one side is also right for the other side as well. There is no discrimination. The sides have different characteristics, but this is to complete each other. The main features are the same. Marriages must be pure as it is a remarkable opportunity for self-development of people longing for Truth. A pure marriage is vital in striving for attainment of Mergence with the Holy Spirit. As for its impure form, it exists as an outer appearance. By this, they will burden significantly their destinies. So, cognize the pure marriage, for it has great power.
Yeshua said, ''Blessed are those who verily existed before they were born. The one who verily exists now was like this and will be.'' Psychogenetically young people can live only an instinctive-reflexive life like the life of primitive animals. Those who represent a qualitatively and quantitively developed consciousness are capable of truly conscious, rightly directed, disciplined existence on the Path to the spiritual perfection, on the Path to the Father. But the maturing of the consciousness is a quite slow, and it lasts many incarnations. The statement of Yeshua is about this: first, it is easy to live with such mature people. Second, such people were prepared to such spiritual levels of existence before the beginning of the present incarnation.
Switch your attention to the Highest Goal-God the Father.
. Do not fear the flesh, nor love it.
. If you fear it, it will become your master.
. If you love it, it devours and subjugate you.
Rise in the highest eons. If you cannot succeed in this world you will be found outside of God's love eventually where the real badness is. It is perdition there. That's why it is good to live that world having not committing sins. We must acquire the resurrection while we live in this world. So that when we strip off the flesh, we may be found in calm, but not walk outside of love. Yet many go astray from the Path.
The Bridal Chamber is neither for animals, nor for men-slaves of passions, nor for women driven by passion. It is for pure women and men who gained spiritual freedom. Then one must learn to enter this Highest Eon by one's own efforts and stay in it. It is called the birth in it as a Holy Spirit. And one comes to Mergence with the Consciousness dwelling in God. Once you are there, once you feel the peace and calm in there you will never miss anything else again. You become the Son.
The purified souls becomes the user of the Divine Energies. The user can absorb divine energy and power directly into their body and use it in various ways.
The true purified soul's mind can weather all the lies and illusions without being lost. Their souls always yields to purifying light.
One passion includes all others. Purification requires the soul to be pure and clean from our own passions and lusts. The more we purify ourselves, the more we allow for Divine grace to function. When a soul is completely clean from its passion and is totally humbled, then it can experience the grace of God and the fulfillment of all His promises.
If a man thinks only of his own profit, and tries to benefit himself at the expense of others, he will incur the hatred of Heaven.
Communism was a gigantic facade, and the reality concealed behind it was the sheer drive for power, for total power as an end in itself. The rest was merely instrumental -- a matter of tactics and some necessary self-restrictions to achieve the desired end. Thus rationalism was transformed under communism into the idea of slavery.
There's an increasing sense in our political life that in both parties politicians call themselves public servants but act like bosses who think that voters work for them. Politicians who jerk around doctors, nurses and health systems call themselves servants, when of course they look more like little kings and queens instructing the grudging peasants in how to arrange their affairs. But in Governments, where the Legislative is in one lasting Assembly always in being, or in one Man, as in Absolute Monarchies, there is danger still, that they will think themselves to have a distinct interest, from the rest of the Community; and so will be apt to increase their own Riches and Power, by taking, what they think fit, from the People. Our rulers are theoretically "our" representatives, but they are busy turning us into the instruments of the projects they keep dreaming up.
Mankind soon learn to make interested uses of every right and power which they possess, or may assume. The public money and public liberty...will soon be discovered to be sources of wealth and dominion to those who hold them; distinguished, too, by this tempting circumstance, that they are the instrument, as well as the object of acquisition. With money we will get men, said Caesar, and with men we will get money.
It is not enough that honest men are appointed Judges. All know the influence of interest on the mind of man, and how unconsciously his judgment is warped by that influence.
Life is a better teacher of virtue than politicians, and most sensible governments in the past left moral faults alone. Instead, democratic citizenship in the twenty-first century means receiving a steam of improving "messages" from authority. Some may forgive these intrusions because they are so well intentioned. Who would defend prejudice, debt, or excessive drinking? The point, however, is that our rulers have no business telling us how to live. They are tiresome enough in their exercise of authority. They are intolerable when they mount the pulpit. We should never doubt that nationalizing the moral life is the first step toward totalitarianism.
In fact, it appears that those who have the most unquestioning belief in their own virtue, from the Capitalists to Commununists, are often those who feel entitled to commit, and do commit, the most abhorant acts against those who oppose them or who have different values.
Yeshua was not a rabbi. Yeshua took Maria Magdelena under His marriage certificate for the sole purpose of protecting her life. They never had sexual intercourse nor stay under the same roof.
Yeshua had no intention of making his name know worldwide as the one who came after him did. He didnot want to establish a new religion or a new flow. He was a Juden and wanted to correct the mıstakes his peoples were makıng under the name of religion.
Spiritual truth is eternal and universal: no particular religion or sect can have a monopoly on it. So, never get bigotted on one religion or other. Yeshua did not bring a new religion. He remind you the universal truth which is unity and the way to achiving it which is love.
Yeshua told me that: I shouldn't had taken her under my name through marrige. I admit I must have sort of weakness for her. But we had never been together as husband and wife. God wouldn't had allowed that. But, because we had been officially married I had to pay for her penalties here as well. This is valid for every marrige. Men take the responsibly of their wives.
Yeshua said that he had never been to France or to Tibet. He was a Divine Soul among us to show us the straighest and the most illimunated way to Divineness.
He said that His body was not left on Earth.
Yeshua said, ''The shroud of turin is fake. The real cotton that had been used faded away and dissolved in time. It is now nowhere.''
There will be no second coming. I have come and gone many times and I still come and go when & where it is necessary. But as Yeshua Messiah I will not come again.
There is no end time as you think. There is no devil. There is no armagedon. That will be against the act of free will.
There will be huge natural disasters and the World will change. There will be famine, plaques and floods worldwide. The world population will decrease voliminously. Life styles will change completely.
Do not loose faith. Keep calm till end. You, humans have acceletated this situation by your greeds. Do not be afraid of dying. Your feelings are very important at your last hours. This affects your passing procedure to afterlife. Whether you can realize you have died or not soon. Do not loose your faith at the last minutes. That is very important. I am always with the faithful.
You don’t need a religion to reach me.
All you need is love.
Only with Love in your hearts like little children you can reach me and God.
These are the steps of stairs.
Love, Me and God.
With Love in your hearts you can reach me.
If you reach me you can reach to God.
I couldn’t teach that to human beings.
You can directly reach me by love.
Declare that to all people.
They don't need any mediator.
Love God with all you soul, heart and mind and love people as yourself.
All you need is a pure heart full of love.
The germs of true religion originate in the domain of man’s moral consciousness, and they are revealed in the growth of man’s spiritual insight.
Yeshua says: "Do not be a warrior."
But religions say:"Fight till the end untill the law is fulfilled."
Follow Yeshua not the religions.

I am holding the key of love, my brother. You know that God is love. So, how can they enter the Kingdom of God before reaching to full love in their hearts. That's why I have said that I was the path. I represent the love God created. I am illuminating that path that's why I have said that I was the light. And that path leads all to the Kingdom. To The Eternal Life. So, that's why I have said I was the life. That's why I have said that I came to World so that you could have life in abundance.
I hope most of you will awake before death and be taken.
Do not be a warrior. Drop your shields. Leave your passion. Leave all your addictions, fear, nervousness. Let love be your path and light be your comrade on this path. Fill your heart with love for God and do not allow anything to violate this love. Do not put anything before your love for God. Keep calm. Do not allow nerviousness control your mind and do not let fear and infidelity fill in your heart.
Turn your face to light and let the light illimunate your face. You are neither your emotions nor your mind. You are a being above them. Be aware of your reactions. Watch them as a third person and criticize. Put them down when they are short tempered. When your mind become like a clear water reflecting all who looks at you and your emotions positive, full of love then you are eligible for becoming a part of the Holy Spirit.
The souls who are awakened while still living on Earth and has reached the state of emiting God's pure energy also pulls the negative energies of unawakends and turns it into pure energy and send it back to God. Had they not been doing this energy healing, the World would have turned upside down long ago. That is what Yeshua did on a global measure once.
All of the life energy which has intellect derivates from God. God gave us everything but, alas, fewer of us believes in Him in Spirit. Most of us believes in a mighty merchant king. If pleased, gives every sort of lust fullfilling toys othervise burns forever.
Most of us believes in a false gods in allignment with their egos for richness, virgins, wealth of no boundries, flesh and gold. All sort of wordly lusts. They are unable to perceive Spirit and the peace when filled up with that Spirit.
Eternal life and Holy Spirit does not mean anything to them. They worship gold, flesh and the power giver but, not the Spirit.
If your children had loved you just for the money you gave them, how would you feel?  Aren't we the children of God?  How God feels? Let's think.
For the past 2,000 years he has maintained a line of communication through those who have been willing to serve as messengers for His Living Word and who have pursued an understanding of His true message instead of settling for fake official religious doctrines which disturb Him continiously.
Once you admit that mainstream religious traditions have not answered your questions about life, you are very close in getting contact with the divine truth.
If you use a perverted version of Yesua's teachings as a justification for closing your mind to His real teachings, you are not one of His modern-day disciples.
God's judgement regarding gender condition is final. Those who are perverted such as transgender; gays, lesbiens, bisexual, intersex, and like perversions, even those who accept this incidents as normal, those who make friendships with them, marries to them, perform their marriage ceromony, who confirms and legalize this perversion, and who blesses them, anyone who feels affinity with them are going to be annihilated by God and they shall not see the eternal life.
So called gays and lesbians are mentally ill and morally pervert people.
Same as fornication these should not be accepted as normal in communities. This kind of sickness will in tima rot natural relationships. They should enter under a remedy treatment.
Those perversions are a rebellion against the God.

There is only One Being at the Universe. And, there are beings in that One Being. Human beings first know themselves. Learn their essence first and then they can connect to God. When you connect to God you are like a hawk. You start living multidimensional and multifaceted.
Those who are in agony are actually suffering from a side product of their ego. Not seeing the miracles around and see the misery only is egoism.
Do not become a voice among other voices. Be still, keep calm and be silent then you can become a witness of your surrounding.
Yeshua 27th, August 2017

There are two ways for the souls.
One goes to life and the other goes to death. Faith is very important. Whatever you believe while you live in a physical body is what you are going to face after death. The soul does not die with body and whatever you have loaded to him/her will go with the soul.
So, don't load weakness and wrong beliefs to your soul. In addition to that your conscience knows everything and by every wrong doing of yourselves realizes that he/she shall have to face the consequences.
As for the crimes the divine justice will be working.
The unseen enemies of mankind are those who are preventing humans from learning and changing. Open minded, rational humans are needed. The rest, by means of morality, will come as they start to realize that they have to have respect for themselves and, above all, for life.
If you shut the truth and the Life(God) out then you miss the mark. If you give prioity to other things by giving more emphasis to desires rather than truth, it is the only way you can commit a sin.
God is the spring of kindness, goodness and cleanness. From this clean spring, is it possible to drink dirty water? One can drink only clean water. But, if the mouths of the drinkers are dirty than the water gets dirty as well in their mouths. As such only goodness can be prayed from God. Badness cannot be prayed from Him. Badness for somebody else or curse cannot be wished from that pure Spring. Those who do this vile wishes are punished by God.
Think of God and His light. Do not put any other loves in between your love for God and yourselves. Love God first and before everything and everybody. Do not be a warrior. Drop your shields. Leave your passion. Leave all your addictions, fear, nerviousness. Let love be your path and light be your comrade on this path. Fill your heart with love for God and do not allow anything to violate this love. Keep calm. Do not allow nerviousness control your mind and do not let fear and infidelity fill in your heart
Never deny God, Almighty. Do not even argue about His oneness and divineness. He is the Source of light. He is Love. He is in and out of everything seen and unseen. Our bodies are to be the temple of The Holy Spirit. Our souls are to be the part of His Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is the active force of God so, our souls must be the home for God. All the praises and all the glory are belong to Him, to our God, to our Love. His will be done forever.
The truth requires a much deeper understanding. Spirituality requires that you ask questions of yourself, whilst religions requires you to rely on books to move forward. And, by doing so millions of soul's minds have been locked down.
The physical realm is the world of beginnings and endings, creation and destruction. Matter and energy change forms as ceaselessly as the ocean’s surface rises and falls from frothy wave to wave. Trees, mountains, buildings, and human bodies are all temporary.  They're just the scenery, and when a drama is finished, the scenery is torn down to make room for another set that can contain another play.  Only we, the players, are real and eternal—our consciouses are spiritual, and our consciouses are entirely separate from the brain and physical realm.
“By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible”.
Never forget, spirituality Is what you are, it is not what you do. The total of what you have loaded to yourselves while living on earth.
Spiritual adultery includes any form of idolatry and is a major theme throughout the Old Testament. Yeshua reminds us just how deadly this form of adultery can be. Yeshua said, “Nobody can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other”. It’s important as believers that we leave the worldly attachements and lusts behind us, put the God before us first. There is no turning back.
Knowing God is the purpose of human existence. When you get this, you’re at peace. The search is over. Ego-driven expectations disappear. Life begins to be genuinely celebrated.
We show up for one reason and one reason only: to walk with God, or union with Divine.
“The word ‘enlightenment’ conjures up the idea of some superhuman accomplishment. It is really just your natural state of felt oneness with Being.”

“God sent His son as a ransom to be sacrified so that with his blood our sins are washed.”
They claim this sadistic knowledge from the Bible and really believe in it. I reject to believe in such a cruel and sadistic god… What would you say to that my brother?
Yeshua said: “There are a lot of false words in bible. You are right. This is wrong. God is love. God is the God of all universe, not only the World’s. I didn’t come to World as ransom. I had come as the love of the Father but I was not welcomed and was tried to be killed. Even now 2/3 of the people on Earth are still wicked. They are enemies of God Who is Love and Light. The Source of every goodness and beauty. Uptill now I used to pray: My God they don’t know what they are doing. Forgive them…but now I don’t say ‘forgive them’ anymore. "
I asked to Yeshua in my lucid dream, Christian belief is as such that those who believe in You and get babtised, the Holy Spirit will be cast down upon them. Is it so?
Yeshua answered, ‘’Holy Spirit is neither cast down nor descend but humans must rise up cognitively to become a Holy Spirit.’’
All people – Christians or not – receive this help through the spiritual love that Yeshua hold. "Ask and you will be answered".

Any kind of prophecy, prediction or clairvoyance regarding future events are not wellcomed by the God. God detastes interference with His doings. God gets disturbed about the foretellings of any kind regarding what He is going to do.
Those in the past, your socalled prophets, had said many things. If one says so many a thing regarding future events some of them might be used to sitimulate people according to the policies of the rulers. That doesn't mean that they know the future. Nobody can and may know the future. To know the future one must be superior to the One who makes the future every moment anew, The Almighty God. That is, to think that you are superior to Him even unknowingly, a very disgraceful mistake one can do.
Nobody can know what God will do. Nobody can talk about future. That is to poke your nose in God's bussiness which is an impertinent action. God is superior and can not be forecasted. Also this impertinent action, trying to forecast God's affairs disturbs God.
Stay with righteouness. Never bring evil thoughts into action. Do not give them life.

Time is closing. Sideways were all closed. There is no sideways any more. Either one reaches to God or to the second death after the physical death. "All or nothing." That is the word and the deed now to reach God. You have to focus on God only in order to achive this goal. Those who shall not succeed this goal will lose everything. Tell this to everyone.
Yeshua, 1st of March, 2018.


7 Temmuz 2019 Pazar


Kalp durup ölüm hadisesi gerçekleştiğinde takiben beyin de ölür. Beyin tamamen duruncaya kadar ki süre içerinde ise onun eseri olan zihin doğduğu andan itibaren yaşamının tüm hafıza kayıtlarını geriye sararak netice itibariyle yok olur.  Bu geri sarma esnasında şayet etkisiz hale getiremediğiniz olumsuz duygalarınız varsa filim orada kopar. Son dakikada kişiye gideceği yer gösterilir. Ruh uykudadır. Bu uykunun süresi bazıları için kısa bazıları için uzun bazıları içinse bir daha hiç uyanmamak üzeredir. Her ruh Tanrının huzuruna alınmaz. Kötü ruhlar Tanrının huzuruna çıkarılmadan ilahi adalet sağlandıktan sonra yok edilir. Kötü değil ama cehaleti ile kötülüğü bilmeden beslemiş olan ruhlar(softalar) uyandırılmadan yok edilir. Yalnız erdemli ruhlar Tanrının huzuruna çıkar. Yaşarken gerçeğe ulaşmış azizlerin ruhları ise Tanrının ışığına katılırlar. Bu dünyada bir daha ete kemiğe bürünmemek demektir. 


Saflaşmış ruhlar kendilerini kaybetmeden dünyadaki tüm yalanlarla ve illizyonlarla başa çıkabilirler. Dünyasal duygularının esiri olmazlar. Onları, dünyasal duygularını yaratılış amaçlarına uygun oranda kullanırlar. Aşırıya gitmezler. Bu ruhlar her zaman saf ışığa (Tanrıya) tam bir teslimiyet halindedirler. Zihinlerini tam bir kontrol altında tutarlar. Toplumda ön plana çıkma gayretleri yoktur.

Bir dünyevi ihtiras içinde tüm diğerlerini de barındırır. Ben obezim ama diğer tüm duygularımı kontrol ediyorum diyenler yalan söylerler. Ellerine firsat geçerse bunlar yalanda söyler, çalar, taciz eder. Bir konuda aşırıya giden bir ruh her konuda dengesizdir. Dünyevi kişiliğinin (zihninin) esiri olmuştur. Ruhun tüm bu aşırılıklardan arınmış olması gerekir. Tamamen alçak gönüllü olması gerekir. Kibrin kırıntısı, ihtirasların zerresi olmaması gerekir. Ancak o zaman ruh Tanrının saf ışığını yeryüzünde yaratılış amacı oranında tam olarak yansıtabilir.

Sadece kendi menfaatlerini düşünen ve bunun için başkalarına zarar verebilen insanlar ilâhi alemde sevilmezler.


Zihnimiz beynimizle birlikte ölür. Dünyasal kimliğimiz zihnimizde kayıtlıdır yani oda beyin olümünü takiben yok olacaktır. Geriye sadece ruhumuza yüklediğiniz doğru yada yanlış değerler kalır. Zihin ruhu kontrolü altına alırsa insan fizik alemi herşey olarak gorür ve temelde kendisine tapar. Ruhumuz zihnimizi kontrol ederse tekamül ederek Tanrıya doğru yükselir.

Ruh özü sevgi olan bir ışıktır. Yanlış değerler onun ışığını karartır. Doğru değerler ise parlatır. Fiziksel dünya ruh bilincinin yükselebilmesi için gereken hareket enerjisini sağlar. Maddi dünya bu açıdan önemlidir. Ruhsal alemde bu enerji sağlanamaz. Ruhun tekamülü fizik dünyada olur. Ruhsal alem esas alem olmakla birlikte fizik alemle iç içe bir bütündür.

6 Temmuz 2019 Cumartesi


Tanrı yaşayan her şeyin yaşam gücünü verendir. Yaşamı var eden ve var olmaya devam ettiren Kaynaktır. İnsan, Dünya yaşamında Kaynak ile arasındaki bu bağı özgür iradesi ile  koparırsa mezara girdiğinde artık varlık dünyasına ait değil, ama, malesef ölüler dünyasına aittir. Ruhu tükenmiştir. Bu sebeble kişi yaşarken bu  gerçeklere uyanmak zorundadır. Batıl ve dogma inançlardan kurtulmak zorundadır. Bu dogmalar bir çok insanı Tanrıdan soğutmakta ve uzaklaştırmaktadır çünkü sahte ilahlar, tekli yada üçlü, kavimlere özel, adeta dengesiz bir mafya babası gibi saçma bir Tanrı imajı çizmektedir. Gerçek ise  "unutulamayan şeydir" ve herkesin içinde kodludur ancak bunun için zihin kontrol edilmeli ve bedensel zevklerin esiri olmasına izin verilmemelidir. Amaçları dışında bu hisler kullanılmamalıdır. Aşırı faal bir zihin kendi ruhunun sesini duyamaz. Dinlemek için sakinleşmeli adeta bir süreliğine tüm duygu ve düşüncelerinden uzaklaşmalıdır.  

Tanrının sevgi olduğu gerçeği bir kere unutulursa artık ortada insanın iyiliğe dair tutunabileceği hiç bir dal kalmaz. Kalan kendi nefsini(zihnini) ilah yada onun temsilcisi sanan bir iblistir. Bu iblis insanlar kendi ihtiraslarının esiridir ve kötülükte sınır tanımazlar...

3 Temmuz 2019 Çarşamba


Please try to understand the true words of Yeshua and, for this, your hearts must be pure, and your minds are calm. If your hearts and minds are full of lusts there will be no understanding of this words. You will only be misusing the divinity to find excuses to legalize your wrong behaviors.
God created human beings biologically as blacks, whites and yellows. God is very close to us. God is everywhere. In our hearts and in the breath also in nature and in every good deed. If we put God to a place far from us, then He will be far from us. On the contrary God is with us all the time.
Do not put God somewhere unreachable. Yeshua is the guide of the straightest and most illuminated Broadway to God. To the very core of God. Once we are there, at the core of the God, we shall live eternally. That is the second birth. We will have born again spiritually to live eternally in God. God is love and the keyholder of the gate of love is Yeshua.
Give your body to the service of God who is love by becoming love yourselves. Give love to all around you. Vibrate positive energy and don't look back as to who has absorbed this positive energy and who has not. Those who are ready, who has reached to high frequencies of love will take it. Others with lower energies will reject it and be angry with you, thus will also try to pull you down to their level. So, never insist or argue with anybody.
God doesn't like doubt. Grow closer to God and your faith in God must be rock solid. Leave dogmas and manmade religions. Don't take them as a corner stone for your faith. Incorporate silence and solicitude into your life regularly and ask God to help you, praise Him and ask Him to forgive your mistakes.
Do not long for power and personal success. Power is necessary to protect yourselves and for malicious works. Personal success is selfishness. You do all your best and leave to others to evaluate you. Don't run after personal success. Do your best and stay in peace. Stay calm. To reflect the energy coming from God one must stay calm. One must be in peace. Otherwise the more passionate and concerned about earthly matters the less Divine Energy you can reflect.
Love is God's way. Love is not Yeshua's own personal way. Yes, God gave the order to Yeshua to teach love to all of us. To teach World how one can obtain the eternal life. Yeshua came on Earth to teach us love simply by living among us.
Yeshua did not establish a religion but simply showed the way to love and thus, to eternity. He said; ''With love in your hearts you can reach me and God. All you need is love. Only love in your hearts like little children you can reach me and God. If you can reach me, you can reach to God. You can directly reach me by love. You don't need any mediator.' ' Before Yeshua had come to World people were trying to reach 'love' but, could not. Even after that Yeshua had gone, even the closest people around Him could not understand what 'love' is. Very few people could rise to that consciousness.
God wants all His creatures be happy. That's why He has created the miracles called nature to please us. God is miracle and everything He has created are miracles. For this reason, unhappiness is accepted as a rebel against God. Live in joy and give thanks to the God, the Almighty.
People think that when a person dies, that's the end. The dead are just gone forever. But, they are wrong. Yeshua made it clear that death is not the end. He told a story about what happened after a rich man and a beggar died. Yeshua said; people remain conscious after their bodies die, and they have body, and people can feel pleasure or pain after they die.
Souls come to earth alone. But, some souls don't return alone. They are welcomed by light bearers. Those souls are the ones who have spent their lifetimes in kindness and love. By doing so they have become lights themselves and obtained the right to live eternally in light bodies. They do not incarnate again rather they also become the light bearers themselves. Majority of the humans go alone but if they not lived a harmful life to others on earth they are to be taken for training before they are given another chance by God for re-incarnation on earth in flesh.
The wicked humans who have committed crimes such as blasphemy, fornication, rape, murder, false witnessing, sorcery and theft will not be awaken at all. They will not realize even they are death and continue living in their miserable feelings under the ground for eons. They shall receive of the same sufferings of what they have done to others. 'This is Divine Justice.'
Those who have killed intentionally are not forgiven. If they kill without knowing what they have done will be annihilated by God without any suffering but, those who have killed knowingly shall first suffer all their wickedness same as they caused to others and then annihilated. Annihilation process is such; the murderer's memories will eventually diminish and will be erased totally from life. Their life energies will have mixed with nature or taken back by God. That is the second death. 'The real death.'
At the last seven minutes prior to passing to afterlife one becomes, after a short unconscious sleep, completely free to travel to the places and times with his/her conscious. This includes the ancient times. At this last minutes I advise you to focus only on God and His light. Accept death and do not pay any more attention to earthly affairs or remains. In the last minute you will be shown the place, you are going after death. This is in exception of those who have committed big crimes such as the murderers.
Human beings re-incarnate only as humans. The theory of re-incarnating as plants and animals before or after is completely wrong. There is no meaning in this. Plants and animals don't re-incarnate. Once they die their life energies get merged with natural forces. They have no awareness as the humans.
Man is not a body. Man is a soul, a consciousness. And the body is just a temporary container, in which man must go through the next stage of studying in the school in the material world.
Incarnate states of people are usually much shorter parts of their lives as compare to non-incarnate states. However, the development of man can only take place in the incarnate state. It is for this reason that the incarnations are necessary, it is for this reason that God creates material worlds.
There are fictions on earth whereas here are truths only.
According to the potency of the person difficult tasks are given.
Knowledge is given but understanding belongs to the people themselves.
You must always think the beauty beyond when it rains. You must get out of the prison you have caged yourselves. You have made a wall around yourselves. There must be a door to get out otherwise you will bump into the wall.
Thoughts are parasites and they suck the energy of your being. Without thoughts you maintain your energy in yourselves and it becomes a fullness.
Be open to learn otherwise you will become neurotics.
The point is that the body is the ''factory'' for transformation of energy. Physical movements create energy and thus with this energy loaded to soul our consciousness growth process take place both qualitatively and quantitively.
God is the living force for all. If a living creature with their own free will shall brake their ties with God while on earth, then they will disappear from the world of livings in the graves.
Yeshua said, "You shall learn the truth and the truth shall let you be free". Liberation from suffering comes with truth. Be aware of dogmas because of them people have started denying God and His truth. God is love and once this truth is forgotten there left nothing to hold on for kindness.
The word 'truth' has been translated from the Greek word 'Alethia' which originally means unforgettable. So, we understand from that we remember the truth inherited in us already. Truth is something we must remember. It has its own inherent and irresistible 'witness' to reality. People may lie to themselves but ultimately the truth has final word. ''The Light shine in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.''
Yeshua said, if your spiritual leaders say to you, ''Look, the Divine Realm is in the sky, then the birds of the sky will get there ahead of you. If they say to you, 'it is in the sea', then the fishes will precede you. No, the Divine Reality is existing inside and all around you. Only when you come to know your true self will you be fully known and, you will understand that you are a child of the Living God. If, however, you do not come to know who you truly are, realizing your true self then you are poverty-stricken being, and it is your 'self' which lies impoverished.
Before Yeshua, ' love’ was not known on earth. Before,' eternal life’ was not known. The real Creator was not known. Before Yeshua we were all under a strict law of retaliation. An eye to an eye. With Yeshua came unity of beings, love and light, forgiveness and brotherhood. With Yeshua came the freedom.
Yeshua never said he was a personality equal to God. On the contrary he said, 'the Father is greater than I'. He said, 'I will rise to my Father, to your Father, to my God and to your God'. He prayed at His last minutes to the Father 'Father forgive them because they don't know what they are doing'. He said, 'I deliver my soul to you Hands'.
''Without the trust in Yeshua, there is no stability.'' Yeshua was the faithful and true witness and he also called 'amen'. God sent Yeshua to expand his energy down to the earth to a biological body who is to be born from Virgin Mary. Yeshua, having been born from a woman was called 'son of man' where as he was called 'son of God' before the birth. He was already an important part of the Holy Spirit, a Holy Spirit that was the first time born as son of man on Earth.
The Holy Spirit is a part of God's Spirit and the active force of God. God sends His force to anywhere He pleases to get the duties done. The Holy Spirit is a name given by us and represents the pure souls. We human beings came on earth to be able to gain the right to become a Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit in general is a part of God's spirit and the active force in universe. So Yeshua called us all to become the children of God, sparkles of God's love by being brother with him. To be like Him. As we are to become the children of God we must become the brothers and sisters of Yeshua first because Yeshua is the son of God. Originally 'the son' means the sparkles of God's love. The atomy particles of God's light.
Holy Spirits live in the Kingdom of God. This is the second birth, eternal life in the core of God as light beings. Consciousness, living in light bodies instead of the flesh bodies. There is no gender, no nationality but ‘us'. Every conscious unit will have consciousness with their own integrity but acting as one.
The truth requires a much deeper understanding. Spirituality requires that you ask questions of yourself, whilst religions requires you to rely on books to move forward. And, by doing so millions of soul's minds have been locked down. Religions has become the slave owner’s mental back doors. Organized religions all over the world has become politics.
Soul needs to be constantly stimulated with new concepts to challenge and to feel invigorated. As the apparently only living gods (Pagan gods prophets) are not speaking anymore, but the so-called living gods from among the various religious clergy, people need more stimulus. They gravitate the ways calling them from within their soul. Religion is memory based as people can only exchange holy books scriptures as opposed to their own original thinking. The person with the ability to recite more scriptures is regarded as the more gifted, not due to originate but to ability to recite script. This can also be good for some time but this has always been detrimental for people who believes them. They have been taken away from their real mission. That's why the battle now commences with soul arguing with the programmed religious mind.
Discipline your life. Do the things that are hard to do: discipline is a necessary part of a successful life. The easy way out is for losers. Life will not coddle you out of your troubles, so don't waste yourself in complaining and whining. Want some examples of discipline? Master your thoughts and have spiritual practice! These take discipline at first, but they become something you love to do because they work. Serve others as well as yourselves. Do something nice for everybody. Reach out for good. Give of yourself.
While living on earth, don't disturb anybody, but make the world better with your caring. Love beauty and be curious. The world is incredible even if we've messed it up. Listen to upbringing music and read uplifting books. Create something. Learn something new. Take care of your body. Don't eat junk. Drink pure water without chlorine and fluoride. Get adequate sleep. Have a stress elimination routine and get exercise.
The one who has entered the spiritual path has to separate in oneself the true, eternal and valuable for life in the highest eons-from the false, which belongs only to this world. Then one has to cultivate in oneself the first and get rid of the second. Those who have accomplished this become eternal in the Divine eons. That is, make sure that you see heavenly treasure as infinitely more precious than earthly material treasure. When your eye sees things this way, you are full of light. And if you don't see things this way, even the light you think you see (the glitz and flash and skin and muscle of this world) is all temporary. You are sleepwalking through life. You are serving money as a slave without even knowing it, because it has lulled you to sleep. Far better is to be swayed by the truth- the infinite value of God.
God and the spirits hear not only the words which we say but also our thoughts, even the most ''secret'' ones. They also see everything existing in the world of matter, in all detail. Not only clothes, under which we hide our bodies, but even the intestines of our bodies are absolutely to the sight of Them. We are visible to all. They examine us, admiring or compassionating, respecting or making fun, loving or disliking, despising, foretasting our future suffering.
You shall know the truth and what you have learned will set you free from all mortal passions and fears. Without the truth, there can be no real morality, justice, equality, unity, success, freedom, love, joy, peace, spirituality or even survival. Only the truth can stop the wars and make the world the paradise it can be.
Keep calm and be pure hearted, then you will have direct connection with God, the Almighty. You will start getting your energy directly from God once you have reached and internalized the truth of life. You will be self-radiant like the stars in the universe. Once you become pure in heart you will be called as Holy Spirit. That you have gained the right again to live eternally in the core of God, just as it was in the beginning of the creation. You will start to sparkle your own light and you won't be a reflection anymore.
Average human beings curse those who worship material things but, the same human beings curse those who worship God twice as much. Even if you are not wanted, continue with reflecting the love as the world needs this. You, yourself become light and sparkle your own light.
Nations repeating themselves without love and wise are bound to lose at the end. Racism, gender, color, nationality and social statues must not carry any importance and superiority feelings over other people. We must never drive away those who approaches us openheartedly with love. We must find a way to live in peace together. We must be kind to others. Individuals must be able to stand for good even if the rest of the world goes to opposite direction. The only way to reach God's Kingdom which is eternal life in the core of Him, is love because God is Love.
God do not take revenge, but we separate ourselves from Him by thinking we can have separate life on ourselves without the God, the Creator. God is the Source of life. God is in and around us. We have been created to live in the core of Him eternally as His Spirit's holy sparkles at the highest eons. This is what we call the Kingdom of God, the core.
In the coming times, along with the new generations coming, the old will be replaced and, with this replacement, will come the new perceptions. As the new generations replace the old generations, believes will also be replaced. In fact, new generations will be clever, more energetic and more perceptive, but more mechanical and more egoistic as well. Religions will be left, and people will believe in sort of Source. They shall live more isolated life and get lonely.
Keep calm. Always keep your mind calm. Can you see yourselves on boiling water? No, you can’t, but if the water is calm like a mirror then you can see yourselves as if you are looking to a mirror. That's important. If your mind is not calm enough, you cannot receive the life energies flowing to every direction from the Source. That's why keeping calm is vital. Without having received the continuous flowing of the life energies one cannot stay healthy. Both physically and mentally.
. So, keep away anxiety.
. Keep calm.
. Never lose your temper.
. Praying is a great help to keep calm.
. Also, daily grounding with soil and water are very essential.
Could God not create the human beings as human beings of today? Has God not powerful enough for that? Certainly, God can, and He did. God doesn't need evolution. God creates by Word. Liner time as we perceive is our physical cognition whereas, in spiritual eons there is no time, only the present.
The first human beings were created almost 80 thousand years ago as todays human beings. Human beings became servants of their own bodies, whereas these bodies are only covers. Nothing else, and if you pollute them by bad feedings and bad thoughts your souls shall also be polluted. In addition to that wrong doings, human beings have started to use their bodies as a weapon against each other.
God creates the most perfect and beautiful because He is perfect and beautiful. We, human beings are the ones who destroy the beauty because we are jealous. We destroy the perfectness because we are greedy and unkind.
Also, evil doings of the tyrants which are in power of the big organizations like governments, financial foundations and religious sects got out of control. This will lead to a mass extinction of the species including human beings. Water will cover almost all over the world. There will be no life left on planet which had happened also before. When the planet renews itself a new race, both the bodies and the souls will be pure, will be created by God. The closing is a must unfortunately. They have speed up the procedure. The duration is probably like what scientists expect. However, God knows only. It is up to Him. The human-like creatures like Cro-Magnon, Neanderthal were not human. They did not have the consciousness and awareness you have.
I had said: "God forgive them. They don't know what they are doing". Now they know what they are doing. They know that they are at the point of no return from their wickedness. They know that they will taste the second death. That's why they carry on fiercely with their evil doings. That's why I do not pray for them. I do not say: "God forgive them"  any longer.
Pray to God only for goodness. God is the spring of goodness and cleanness. From this clean spring is it possible to drink dirty water? But, if the mouths are dirty than the water also will get dirty in the mouths. So, never pray anything which is not for the goodness of yourselves and others. Cursing or imprecation cannot be prayed from God. Remember: ''Pray for your enemies also''. Those who curse or damn will be punished by God.
The Kingdom of God is not where God reigns, but where His Source of Divine Power is.
''The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God come near; repent, and believe in the good news. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you''.
Our physical identities are for examinations to reach to higher eons. The physical bodies we use are not us, but instruments for our souls to be developed. When we are finished with them they shall be left behind to soil where they came from originally. Our soul identities are what matters. What we load to our souls, here on Earth, we will become in after life. And, that some of you will wake up to light and some to darkness.
If you shut the truth and the Life out, then you miss the mark. If you give priority to other things by giving more emphasis to desires rather than truth, it is the only way you can commit a sin. The unseen enemies of mankind are those who are preventing humans from learning and changing. Open minded, rational humans are needed. The rest, by means of morality, will come as they start to realize that they have to have respect for themselves and, above all, for life. Up till now the word of God has been destroyed by the traditions that has been handed down.
Information is not wisdom, those who are full of information shall miss the truth longest.
The truth is simple. Not only educated, but the children can also understand it.
. Love God with all your heart, wise and soul. This is spiritual love, love without seeing and hearing.
. Love everybody as yourself. The love here is the Divine Love which means a general affection.
. Cease doing malignant actions.
. Experience genuine remorse for the wrong committed.
. Make restitution to repair the damage done to others.
. Act to protect life, preserve life, make life more functional and/or improve the quality of life.
. Respect the human lives and beasts. Do not kill.
...but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.
Slavishly believing in dogmas, insulting the consciousness of all men, and has been pulled down by the darkness. With dogmas souls will be conquered by negative feelings such as rage, hatred, fear and jealousy. But with intuition men will be filled with unconditional Divine Love for everybody and everything meaning that you have reached the consciousness of unity. And your souls shall be full of love, peace and understanding.
Many human beings say 'I love you' one day and reject you the next day. This is not love. One whose heart is filled with love of God cannot willfully hurt anyone. When you love God without reservation, your heart gets filled with His unconditional love flowing freely always for all who are ready to take. The ordinary love is self-centered in the consciousness of 'I, Me, Mine', he has not discovered the omnipresent God who resides in him and everything.
Yeshua said; 'I am a drop of light from God.' 'I wish you to be all the same.' I am the path, illuminated path. If you stray from this path wickedness will catch you just like wild animals catch their prey. Follow me, the straightest and illuminated path, and this will take you to eternal life again. Yeshua represents the love God wants us to be able to live on earth.
Yeshua's main mission is healing. He is the key holder of the gate to the Kingdom. The gate of love, and nobody may pass through this gate without becoming pure in their hearts. God is love so, how can they enter the Kingdom of God before reaching full love in their hearts. That's why Yeshua said, ''I am the path'' because he represented the love of God. He said: '' I am the light'' because he is illuminating this path. And that path leads to the Kingdom (eternal life in the core of God). That's why Yeshua said, ''I am life''.
The sizes of every bodies' cups are different. Human beings can understand His messages according to the sizes of their cups. Even, 2000 years ago, His disciples couldn't understand Him. Those who reads this message will understand according to their consciousness level so, never insist but give the message and go to your way. Do not struggle to conceive as the ones with lower consciousness will not understand and, on the contrary will pull you down.
Eternal life is available only after physical death and the second birth which is spiritual. That is an awareness only a few souls have while living on earth. Notify this truth. Do not look back as to who have understood and who have not. Do not lose time with that. As some babies are being born dead, the same, some souls are also born dead. Just notify.
Our hearts must be pure. Our hearts are the source of our feelings, and if they are dirty nothing good will come out of it. Notice that all the religious are made for the sole purpose of possessions. Worship of ego most of the time and, they put their egos in the center and became fake idols.
You are all here to prove yourselves. There are still some souls waiting for incarnation on earth for the first time. This is due to their own wrong doings while at the spiritual realms. They didn't take serious enough the duties and trainings given to them. You are all here to gain the eternal life. To be born again spiritually. God sent Yeshua to teach us love so that we can eternal life.
World is the place of selection. So, try to be the ones who shall be selected. Look above to Godly things and act accordingly. Overcome the lust and temptation. God is limitless at every aspect. God warns directly and when He convicts it is irrevocable.
As the rulers of the world cannot compete with the rising birth rate, they are using terrorism to make them kill each other. Ego pushes nations into the lust as to be superior to others as well as the individuals to other individuals. Those individuals who are the real rulers who wants to work for humanity are being killed.
If you inflict terrible sufferings on others, surely, you've got to be punished. There are no exceptions. You will go through a life review, rather like a documentary with prodigious value. You will experience your life from the point of view of everyone who has involved: Everyone's feelings, attitudes, motives and believes laid bare, including yours. You won't just observe through their eyes and ears, you will experience what they have experienced. Did you steal from someone? You will experience his hurt and outrage. Did you give food to someone who was hungry? Then you will experience her relief and joy. Of course, your earth personality could not cope with this review, because the ship of your mind would founder in the emotional typhoon. Do you see the significance of this?
Through the afterlife there are multitude of different journeys. In the past, many didn't know that one cannot take anything with himself, and they took it all. Weapons, trappings of wealth, and slaves thoughtfully slaughtered for their post-earth convenience. Eventually time comes for real things.
Keep away from all type of perversion. Do not even look at the perverted humans with sympathy. Do not make friendships with them. They have strayed from the righteousness and left the humanity. They all shall taste the second death together with those who have made friendships with them or even look at them with sympathy and approval.
If you helped somebody or do a favor for them don't talk about it. Don't keep repeating of your kindness. If you talk about the good deeds you have done for others than your good behaviors will be of no value. Because, repeatedly mentioning the kindness done is like digging the newly planted tree's roots.
Man and woman are equal as an equal half of an apple. Whatever is right for one side is also right for the other side as well. There is no discrimination. The sides have different characteristics, but this is to complete each other. The main features are the same. Marriages must be pure as it is a remarkable opportunity for self-development of people longing for Truth. A pure marriage is vital in striving for attainment of Mergence with the Holy Spirit. As for its impure form, it exists as an outer appearance. By this, they will burden significantly their destinies. So, cognize the pure marriage, for it has great power.
Yeshua said, ''Blessed are those who verily existed before they were born. The one who verily exists now was like this and will be.'' Psychogenetically young people can live only an instinctive-reflexive life like the life of primitive animals. Those who represent a qualitatively and quantitively developed consciousness are capable of truly conscious, rightly directed, disciplined existence on the Path to the spiritual perfection, on the Path to the Father. But the maturing of the consciousness is a quite slow, and it lasts many incarnations. The statement of Yeshua is about this: first, it is easy to live with such mature people. Second, such people were prepared to such spiritual levels of existence before the beginning of the present incarnation.
Switch your attention to the Highest Goal-God the Father.
. Do not fear the flesh, nor love it.
. If you fear it, it will become your master.
. If you love it, it devours and subjugate you.
Rise in the highest eons. If you cannot succeed in this world you will be found outside of God's love eventually where the real badness is. It is perdition there. That's why it is good to live that world having not committing sins. We must acquire the resurrection while we live in this world. So that when we strip off the flesh, we may be found in calm, but not walk outside of love. Yet many go astray from the Path.
The Bridal Chamber is neither for animals, nor for men-slaves of passions, nor for women driven by passion. It is for pure women and men who gained spiritual freedom. Then one must learn to enter this Highest Eon by one's own efforts and stay in it. It is called the birth in it as a Holy Spirit. And one comes to Mergence with the Consciousness dwelling in God. Once you are there, once you feel the peace and calm in there you will never miss anything else again. You become the Son.
The purified souls becomes the user of the Divine Energies. The user can absorb divine energy and power directly into their body and use it in various ways. 
The true purified soul's mind can weather all the lies and illusions without being lost. Their souls always yields to purifying light.
One passion includes all others. Purification requires the soul to be pure and clean from our own passions and lusts. The more we purify ourselves, the more we allow for Divine grace to function. When a soul is completely clean from its passion and is totally humbled, then it can experience the grace of God and the fulfillment of all His promises.
If a man thinks only of his own profit, and tries to benefit himself at the expense of others, he will incur the hatred of Heaven.
Communism was a gigantic facade, and the reality concealed behind it was the sheer drive for power, for total power as an end in itself. The rest was merely instrumental -- a matter of tactics and some necessary self-restrictions to achieve the desired end. Thus rationalism was transformed under communism into the idea of slavery.
There's an increasing sense in our political life that in both parties politicians call themselves public servants but act like bosses who think that voters work for them. Politicians who jerk around doctors, nurses and health systems call themselves servants, when of course they look more like little kings and queens instructing the grudging peasants in how to arrange their affairs. But in Governments, where the Legislative is in one lasting Assembly always in being, or in one Man, as in Absolute Monarchies, there is danger still, that they will think themselves to have a distinct interest, from the rest of the Community; and so will be apt to increase their own Riches and Power, by taking, what they think fit, from the People. Our rulers are theoretically "our" representatives, but they are busy turning us into the instruments of the projects they keep dreaming up.
Mankind soon learn to make interested uses of every right and power which they possess, or may assume. The public money and public liberty...will soon be discovered to be sources of wealth and dominion to those who hold them; distinguished, too, by this tempting circumstance, that they are the instrument, as well as the object of acquisition. With money we will get men, said Caesar, and with men we will get money.
It is not enough that honest men are appointed Judges. All know the influence of interest on the mind of man, and how unconsciously his judgment is warped by that influence.
Life is a better teacher of virtue than politicians, and most sensible governments in the past left moral faults alone. Instead, democratic citizenship in the twenty-first century means receiving a steam of improving "messages" from authority. Some may forgive these intrusions because they are so well intentioned. Who would defend prejudice, debt, or excessive drinking? The point, however, is that our rulers have no business telling us how to live. They are tiresome enough in their exercise of authority. They are intolerable when they mount the pulpit. We should never doubt that nationalizing the moral life is the first step toward totalitarianism.
In fact, it appears that those who have the most unquestioning belief in their own virtue, from the Capitalists to Commununists, are often those who feel entitled to commit, and do commit, the most abhorant acts against those who oppose them or who have different values.
Yeshua was not a rabbi. Yeshua took Maria Magdelena under His marriage certificate for the sole purpose of protecting her life. They never had sexual intercourse nor stay under the same roof.
Yeshua had no intention of making his name know worldwide as the one who came after him did. He didnot want to establish a new religion or a new flow. He was a Juden and wanted to correct the mıstakes his peoples were makıng under the name of religion.
Spiritual truth is eternal and universal: no particular religion or sect can have a monopoly on it. So, never get bigotted on one religion or other. Yeshua did not bring a new religion. He remind you the universal truth which is unity and the way to achiving it which is love.
Yeshua told me that: I shouldn't had taken her under my name through marrige. I admit I must have sort of weakness for her. But we had never been together as husband and wife. God wouldn't had allowed that. But, because we had been officially married I had to pay for her penalties here as well. This is valid for every marrige. Men take the responsibly of their wives.
Yeshua said that he had never been to France or to Tibet. He was a Divine Soul among us to show us the straighest and the most illimunated way to Divineness.
He said that His body was not left on Earth.
Yeshua said, ''The shroud of turin is fake. The real cotton that had been used faded away and dissolved in time. It is now nowhere.''
There will be no second coming. I have come and gone many times and I still come and go when & where it is necessary. But as Yeshua Messiah I will not come again.
There is no end time as you think. There is no devil. There is no armagedon. That will be against the act of free will.
There will be huge natural disasters and the World will change. There will be famine, plaques and floods worldwide. The world population will decrease voliminously. Life styles will change completely.
Do not loose faith. Keep calm till end. You, humans have acceletated this situation by your greeds. Do not be afraid of dying. Your feelings are very important at your last hours. This affects your passing procedure to afterlife. Whether you can realize you have died or not soon. Do not loose your faith at the last minutes. That is very important. I am always with the faithful.
You don’t need a religion to reach me.
All you need is love.
Only with Love in your hearts like little children you can reach me and God.
These are the steps of stairs.
Love, Me and God.
With Love in your hearts you can reach me.
If you reach me you can reach to God.
I couldn’t teach that to human beings.
You can directly reach me by love.
Declare that to all people.
They don't need any mediator.
Love God with all you soul, heart and mind and love people as yourself.
All you need is a pure heart full of love.
The germs of true religion originate in the domain of man’s moral consciousness, and they are revealed in the growth of man’s spiritual insight.
Yeshua says: "Do not be a warrior."
But religions say:"Fight till the end untill the law is fulfilled."
Follow Yeshua not the religions.

I am holding the key of love, my brother. You know that God is love. So, how can they enter the Kingdom of God before reaching to full love in their hearts. That's why I have said that I was the path. I represent the love God created. I am illuminating that path that's why I have said that I was the light. And that path leads all to the Kingdom. To The Eternal Life. So, that's why I have said I was the life. That's why I have said that I came to World so that you could have life in abundance.
I hope most of you will awake before death and be taken.
Do not be a warrior. Drop your shields. Leave your passion. Leave all your addictions, fear, nervousness. Let love be your path and light be your comrade on this path. Fill your heart with love for God and do not allow anything to violate this love. Do not put anything before your love for God. Keep calm. Do not allow nerviousness control your mind and do not let fear and infidelity fill in your heart.
Turn your face to light and let the light illimunate your face. You are neither your emotions nor your mind. You are a being above them. Be aware of your reactions. Watch them as a third person and criticize. Put them down when they are short tempered. When your mind become like a clear water reflecting all who looks at you and your emotions positive, full of love then you are eligible for becoming a part of the Holy Spirit.
The souls who are awakened while still living on Earth and has reached the state of emiting God's pure energy also pulls the negative energies of unawakends and turns it into pure energy and send it back to God. Had they not been doing this energy healing, the World would have turned upside down long ago. That is what Yeshua did on a global measure once.
All of the life energy which has intellect derivates from God. God gave us everything but, alas, fewer of us believes in Him in Spirit. Most of us believes in a mighty merchant king. If pleased, gives every sort of lust fullfilling toys othervise burns forever.
Most of us believes in a false gods in allignment with their egos for richness, virgins, wealth of no boundries, flesh and gold. All sort of wordly lusts. They are unable to perceive Spirit and the peace when filled up with that Spirit.
Eternal life and Holy Spirit does not mean anything to them. They worship gold, flesh and the power giver but, not the Spirit.
If your children had loved you just for the money you gave them, how would you feel?  Aren't we the children of God?  How God feels? Let's think.
For the past 2,000 years he has maintained a line of communication through those who have been willing to serve as messengers for His Living Word and who have pursued an understanding of His true message instead of settling for fake official religious doctrines which disturb Him continiously.
Once you admit that mainstream religious traditions have not answered your questions about life, you are very close in getting contact with the divine truth.
If you use a perverted version of Yesua's teachings as a justification for closing your mind to His real teachings, you are not one of His modern-day disciples.
God's judgement regarding gender condition is final. Those who are perverted such as transgender; gays, lesbiens, bisexual, intersex, and like perversions, even those who accept this incidents as normal, those who make friendships with them, marries to them, perform their marriage ceromony, who confirms and legalize this perversion, and who blesses them, anyone who feels affinity with them are going to be annihilated by God and they shall not see the eternal life.
So called gays and lesbians are mentally ill and morally pervert people.
Same as fornication these should not be accepted as normal in communities. This kind of sickness will in tima rot natural relationships. They should enter under a remedy treatment.
Those perversions are a rebellion against the God.

There is only One Being at the Universe. And, there are beings in that One Being. Human beings first know themselves. Learn their essence first and then they can connect to God. When you connect to God you are like a hawk. You start living multidimensional and multifaceted.
Those who are in agony are actually suffering from a side product of their ego. Not seeing the miracles around and see the misery only is egoism.
Do not become a voice among other voices. Be still, keep calm and be silent then you can become a witness of your surrounding.
Yeshua 27th, August 2017

There are two ways for the souls.
One goes to life and the other goes to death. Faith is very important. Whatever you believe while you live in a physical body is what you are going to face after death. The soul does not die with body and whatever you have loaded to him/her will go with the soul.
So, don't load weakness and wrong beliefs to your soul. In addition to that your conscience knows everything and by every wrong doing of yourselves realizes that he/she shall have to face the consequences.
As for the crimes the divine justice will be working.
The unseen enemies of mankind are those who are preventing humans from learning and changing. Open minded, rational humans are needed. The rest, by means of morality, will come as they start to realize that they have to have respect for themselves and, above all, for life.
If you shut the truth and the Life(God) out then you miss the mark. If you give prioity to other things by giving more emphasis to desires rather than truth, it is the only way you can commit a sin.
God is the spring of kindness, goodness and cleanness. From this clean spring, is it possible to drink dirty water? One can drink only clean water. But, if the mouths of the drinkers are dirty than the water gets dirty as well in their mouths. As such only goodness can be prayed from God. Badness cannot be prayed from Him. Badness for somebody else or curse cannot be wished from that pure Spring. Those who do this vile wishes are punished by God.
Think of God and His light. Do not put any other loves in between your love for God and yourselves. Love God first and before everything and everybody. Do not be a warrior. Drop your shields. Leave your passion. Leave all your addictions, fear, nerviousness. Let love be your path and light be your comrade on this path. Fill your heart with love for God and do not allow anything to violate this love. Keep calm. Do not allow nerviousness control your mind and do not let fear and infidelity fill in your heart
Never deny God, Almighty. Do not even argue about His oneness and divineness. He is the Source of light. He is Love. He is in and out of everything seen and unseen. Our bodies are to be the temple of The Holy Spirit. Our souls are to be the part of His Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is the active force of God so, our souls must be the home for God. All the praises and all the glory are belong to Him, to our God, to our Love. His will be done forever.
The truth requires a much deeper understanding. Spirituality requires that you ask questions of yourself, whilst religions requires you to rely on books to move forward. And, by doing so millions of soul's minds have been locked down.
The physical realm is the world of beginnings and endings, creation and destruction. Matter and energy change forms as ceaselessly as the ocean’s surface rises and falls from frothy wave to wave. Trees, mountains, buildings, and human bodies are all temporary.  They're just the scenery, and when a drama is finished, the scenery is torn down to make room for another set that can contain another play.  Only we, the players, are real and eternal—our consciouses are spiritual, and our consciouses are entirely separate from the brain and physical realm.
“By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible”. 
Never forget, spirituality Is what you are, it is not what you do. The total of what you have loaded to yourselves while living on earth.
Spiritual adultery includes any form of idolatry and is a major theme throughout the Old Testament. Yeshua reminds us just how deadly this form of adultery can be. Yeshua said, “Nobody can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other”. It’s important as believers that we leave the worldly attachements and lusts behind us, put the God before us first. There is no turning back.
Knowing God is the purpose of human existence. When you get this, you’re at peace. The search is over. Ego-driven expectations disappear. Life begins to be genuinely celebrated.
We show up for one reason and one reason only: to walk with God, or union with Divine.
“The word ‘enlightenment’ conjures up the idea of some superhuman accomplishment. It is really just your natural state of felt oneness with Being.”

“God sent His son as a ransom to be sacrified so that with his blood our sins are washed.”
They claim this sadistic knowledge from the Bible and really believe in it. I reject to believe in such a cruel and sadistic god… What would you say to that my brother?
Yeshua said: “There are a lot of false words in bible. You are right. This is wrong. God is love. God is the God of all universe, not only the World’s. I didn’t come to World as ransom. I had come as the love of the Father but I was not welcomed and was tried to be killed. Even now 2/3 of the people on Earth are still wicked. They are enemies of God Who is Love and Light. The Source of every goodness and beauty. Uptill now I used to pray: My God they don’t know what they are doing. Forgive them…but now I don’t say ‘forgive them’ anymore. "
I asked to Yeshua in my lucid dream, Christian belief is as such that those who believe in You and get babtised, the Holy Spirit will be cast down upon them. Is it so?
Yeshua answered, ‘’Holy Spirit is neither cast down nor descend but humans must rise up cognitively to become a Holy Spirit.’’
All people – Christians or not – receive this help through the spiritual love that Yeshua hold. "Ask and you will be answered".

Any kind of prophecy, prediction or clairvoyance regarding future events are not wellcomed by the God. God detastes interference with His doings. God gets disturbed about the foretellings of any kind regarding what He is going to do.
Those in the past, your socalled prophets, had said many things. If one says so many a thing regarding future events some of them might be used to sitimulate people according to the policies of the rulers. That doesn't mean that they know the future. Nobody can and may know the future. To know the future one must be superior to the One who makes the future every moment anew, The Almighty God. That is, to think that you are superior to Him even unknowingly, a very disgraceful mistake one can do.
Nobody can know what God will do. Nobody can talk about future. That is to poke your nose in God's bussiness which is an impertinent action. God is superior and can not be forecasted. Also this impertinent action, trying to forecast God's affairs disturbs God.
Stay with righteouness. Never bring evil thoughts into action. Do not give them life.

Time is closing. Sideways were all closed. There is no sideways any more. Either one reaches to God or to the second death after the physical death. "All or nothing." That is the word and the deed now to reach God. You have to focus on God only in order to achive this goal. Those who shall not succeed this goal will lose everything. Tell this to everyone.
Yeshua, 1st of March, 2018.



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