
11 Ağustos 2019 Pazar


Our understanding of spirituality is so simple and stuck in its infancy; it is filled with dogma and twisted truth. In history it is well known that during every war and revolution the first thing they did is burn the knowledge base libraries and books so that they can rewrite their lies into history and religions. They keep on feeding the masses lies or half truths to keep them confused and controlled. Unless we challenge ourselves to learn beyond religious fear based traps and politics, we could just stay stagnant under their control for a long time. Most people may never wake up to see the truth that has been hidden by these creatures. They use the rich, and the powerful to influence our thought process through the media and other sources to keep the masses ignorant.

Spirituality and science are not separate; they are part of each other; however by keeping them separate we are separating ourselves from the truth. The truth is that these rich families don’t give a hoot about ideologies of any religious beliefs; what matters to them is the centralization of wealth and power in their hands. The banking system that is being implemented around the world gives them this power of world domination. Religions, politics, and the media are mere tools they use for socioeconomic experimentation and global geopolitical engineering. They are not part of any religion, but they support all movements of all religious groups to move the global population in the directions they want them to go.

We need to stay cautious towards the creation of a one world rule, or one world currency which is their ultimate game of control.
We have built our society on a hierarchy based system not equality; by allowing them to impose their rules on the world while immorality and hierarchy is dominant; then you might as well give them the keys to the planet and say your goodbyes. Nowadays if you don’t like the laws of the country you have the choice to relocate to a different country under more tolerable rules. But once the world is incorporated under one ring to rule them all, then we are all done like dinner.

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