
30 Ekim 2019 Çarşamba


Many of us wish to be as unburdened as children, to protect our innocence and remain neutral or safe behind the line of worldly battles; to deny, ignore, and completely disengage from the suffering of others is ethically reprehensible, a type of cowardice done many times under the guise of “spirituality”. Just as it was most definitely not “spiritual” during the Inquisition to support the Church in the burning of heretics (even though people deceived themselves in the form of projected religious loyalty when they were really just being cowards), it is not “spiritual” to refuse to face the truth that negative conditions exist. This is worldly reality, even if we don’t want it to be “our” reality.

To recognize these things is not to be weak. It is to be strong when besieged with adversity. This is what Nature intended for grown-ups to do and further, superficial positivity as promoted by many a modern self-help guru will not get rid of the negativity within us. It merely enables our inner Shadow to hide, thereby contributing to the collective negative matrix. So yes, there is negativity inside and outside of us and we cannot cure it with denial or cover-ups.

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