
29 Ağustos 2017 Salı


God manifests Himself as the One who has (the congenital and not acquired) fullness of all good things - of “power, glory, wisdom, philanthropy” etc.; in other words, “all the good things that the Son has are the Father’s, and everything that the Father has, is made visible in the Son”.

Wholly unknowable in His essence, God wholly reveals Himself in His energies, which yet in no way divide His nature into two parts–knowable and unknowable–but signify two different modes of the divine existence, in the essence and outside of the essence.

He who has the Spirit, who confers the gift, has at the same time the Son, through whom every gift is transmitted to us; he also has the Father, from whom comes every perfect gift.

The purified souls becomes the user of the Divine Energies. The user can absorb divine energy and power, into their body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing themselves, gaining the drained power, using it as power source etc., either temporarily or permanently.

The true purified soul's mind can weather all the lies and illusions without being lost. The true heart can tough the poison of hatred without being harmed. Since beginning-less time, darkness thrives in the void, but always yields to purifying light.

One passion includes all others. Purification requires the soul to be pure and clean from our own passions. Human beings will spiritually progress and be benefited only when they manage to eliminate their lusts to zero. When this is achieved our soul are cleansed, then they are elevated towards God.

We should unload our soul from our passions and let Divine grace dwell inside us. The more we purify ourselves, the more we allow for Divine grace to function. When a soul is completely clean from its will and is totally humbled, then it can experience the grace of God and the fulfillment of all His promises."

If any one purifies himself from what is ignoble, then he will be a vessel for noble use, consecrated and useful to the master of the house, ready for any good work.

"Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God."


God is the One Who really exists and He is forever and unchangeable; He didn’t receive His existence from nothing and He doesn’t direct his steps to nothingness; that He is almighty.

Cosmos means an order, everything in harmony. Cosmos is the opposite of chaos. Cosmos is unity.
But this unitary reality has lost its primary meaning because of man’s intemperate character and behavior. The cosmos or universe had to be conceived as an enormous living organism, ruled by God with almightiness and wisdom. The cosmos has a beginning and consequently, it will have an end, is not eternal.

Divine energies present within creation. God who is above all created things and the divine energies that are present within creation. This helps us understand that the created world is the work of God, not as effusion of His being, but rather as the fruit of grace, of divine energies. The glory of the Most High is His descent to the humble ones and His descent is a free one, not one of necessity, it is a gift. He descends in order to give Himself.

28 Ağustos 2017 Pazartesi


All the moral virtues taught serve to remind us of our real nature, and no spiritual progress can be made without following them. Any attempt to do so would be like trying to build a house without a foundation. Before we even begin to think about how to realize the ultimate truth, we first need to build the groundwork of a real life, one based on real values.

These precepts function as spiritual tools, tools that can be used to create spiritually beneficial habits. These tools aren’t goals that can be instantly achieved—they are ideals to strive for, patterns to emulate. Still, it’s good to remember that when we do use these tools, we grow in strength and move closer to our ideal.

Civilizations, religions, and individuals are all part of this ongoing cycle. The appearance of the avatar is essential to this eternal movement of spiritual decline followed by regeneration.

Spiritual truth is eternal and universal: no particular religion or sect can have a monopoly on it. So, never get bigotted on one religion or other. Yeshua did not bring a new religion. He remind you the universal truth which is unity and the way to achiving it which is love.


What is it that prevents us from realizing the truth? Simply put, the ego: the sense of “I” and “mine.”

What does the ego have to do with ethics and morality? Absolutely everything. All moral codes are based upon the ideal of unselfishness: placing others as well as ourselves. Following selfish desires is always a detriment to our spiritual life. Whether the action or thought is great or small, any selfishness will make the veil of ignorance thicker and darker. Conversely, any act of unselfishness, however great or small, will have the opposite effect.

It is for this reason that doing good to others is a universal ethical and moral code, found in all religions and societies. Forgiving is also a universal code. Why is this so universal? Because it reflects the truth that we instinctively intuit: the oneness of life.

Love, sympathy, and empathy are the affirmation of this truth; they are a reflexive response because they mirror the reality of the universe. When we feel love and sympathy we are verifying—albeit unconsciously—the oneness that already exists. When we feel hatred, anger, and jealousy we separate ourselves from others and deny our real nature which is infinite and free from limitations.

What is the root of the problem here? Our wrong identification: thinking of ourselves as minds and bodies rather than infinite Spirit.

Spiritual life is not a haphazard affair: it is the most serious task that we shall ever face. And it is absolutely impossible to do so without living an ethical, moral life. It simply does not work.


Unity is the song of life; it is the grand theme underlying the rich variations that exist throughout the cosmos. Whatever we see, whatever we experience, is only a manifestation of this eternal oneness. The divinity at the core of our being is the same divinity that illumines the sun, the moon, and the stars. There is no place where we, infinite in nature, do not exist.

The Self that is within me, the Breath, is the same essence that is within you—no matter whether the “you” in question is a saint, a murderer, a cat, a fly, a tree, or that irritating driver at the four-way stop.

All fear and all misery arise from our sense of separation from the great cosmic unity, the web of being that enfolds us. Duality, our sense of separation from the rest of creation, is always a misperception since it implies that something exists other than One Being. There can be no other.

The Self is the essence of this universe, the essence of all souls . . . You are one with this universe whatever brings us closer to that goal is ethical and moral; whatever prevents us from attaining it, is not.

Acting in accordance with our real nature—acting nobly, truthfully, kindly—tears away the veil of ignorance that hides the truth of reality. Whatever distorts this reality is a perversion of the truth.

The whole of ethics, then, is based upon a simple line of reasoning: Does this action or thought bring me closer to realizing the truth, or does it take me further away?


27 Ağustos 2017 Pazar


Connection 27.8.2017

There is only One Being at the Universe. And, there are beings in that One Being. Human beings first know themselves. Learn their essence first and then they can connect to God. When you connect to God you are like a hawk. You start living multidimensional and multifaceted.

Those who are in agony are actually suffering from a side product of their ego. Not seeing the miracles around and see the misery only is egoism.

Do not become a voice among other voices. Be still, keep calm and be silent then you can become a witness of your surrounding.



İrtibat 27.8.2017

Evrende varlık tekdir. Bu tek varlık içinde varlıklar vardır. İnsan önce kendini, özünü tanır. Kendi özünü bulur sonra Tanrıya bağlanır. Tanrıya bağlanan insanın ruhu şahin gibidir. Birçok boyutta ve durumda yaşayan varlık olur.

İnsanın ızdırap çekmesi egosunun bir yan ürünüdür. Sadece olumsuza odaklanıp olumlu taraflar yokmuş gibi davranmak egoistliktir.

Sesler içinde bir sesde siz olmayın. Sakin ve sessiz olursanız etrafinıza tanık olursunuz.


21 Ağustos 2017 Pazartesi



I am not trying to convince anybody.

I am only notifying what I have received, and what I belive is true from my various readings.

Thank you for your interests.
A.K. Brother of Yeshua.


Geçmiş ve gelecek sizin hırsızınızdır. Anda yaşayın.

The past and the future are your thieves. Be in the moment.

Yeşua/ Yeshua



Don't let them waste their time in endless discussion of myths and spiritual pedigrees. These things only lead to meaningless speculations, which don't help people live a life of faith in God.

The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.

But some people have missed this whole point. They have turned away from these things and spend their time in meaningless discussions.

They want to be teachers of the Law, yet they do not understand either what they are talking about or the things about which they speak so confidently.

But we know that the Law is good, if one uses it lawfully,

For the law was not intended for people who do what is right. It is for people who are lawless and rebellious, who are ungodly and sinful, who consider nothing sacred and defile what is holy, who kill their father or mother or commit other murders.

The law is for people who are sexually immoral, or who practice homosexuality, or are slave traders, liars, promise breakers, or who do anything else that contradicts the wholesome truth.


Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

The answer is 'no'.

In this union there is no room for envy, pride or selfish ambition, for God is love and love is kind; it envies not…vaunts not itself, is not puffed up, does not behave itself unseemly, seeks not her own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil; rejoices not in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth. Love never fails.

All the organised religions of the world may be considered as God's word, but they were actually developed and used as a system of mind control to produce slaves that believed God decreed their slavery.

Our relationship with God must be so close, so unique, that we are always of the same mind, will and purpose. Yeshua confidently knew His Father would back Him up in doing the humanly impossible. Many times Yeshua spoke about their special bond:

“As the Father knows Me, even so know I the Father”.

“I and My Father are one”.

“The Father is in Me, and I in Him”.

“Believe Me that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me”.

“You, Father, are in Me, and I in You…We are one”.

The bond between the Father and Yeshua Messiah, which has existed from eternity, serves as a model for the relationship God ultimately desires to share with humanity.

17 Ağustos 2017 Perşembe


Sonsuzluk Tanrı'ya ve Kutsal ruhlara aittir. Diğer her şeyin sonu bir şekilde vardır. Bilincinde çıkabileceği son bir kademe vardır. Rakam olarak 12. kademe diyebiliriz. O noktada artık tırmanma bitmiş zirveye çıkılmıştır. Merdiven bitmiş düzlüğe varılmıştır.

Oradan her yer görünür. Daha yukarısı yoktur. O noktada da aşağı bakıp insanları küçümsemeyin. Yukarı bakın. Işığa bakın. Ben kimim diye sormayın. Bu bencilliktir. Daima ben neyim diye sorun.

Bilincimizi tüm zamanların üzerine yayabilseydik sonsuzluğa kavuşurduk. Güzellikte bir anlık sonsuzluğa yayılma duygusu verir ama geçici olduğundan ümitsizliği ve hüsranı da akabinde getirir. Bir an olsun kendimizi unutturur ama sonra gider. Kırılırız. Kalıcı sonsuzluk duygusu benliğimizin hiçliğe ulaşması ile olur. Sonsuzluk hiçliktir.

15 Ağustos 2017 Salı




Tanrı sevgiyi, şartsız, diğerkam sevgiyi temsil eder. Karşıdakinin mutluluğu da esastır.

Tanrı özgürlüğü temsil eder. Tanrısal olanda karanlık bir nokta yoktur. Herşey aydınlıktır, dolayısıyla korku yoktur. Takıntı yoktur. Kölelik, kulluk yoktur. Kardeşlik vardır.

Tanrıya inanmayanlar geçici olana inanırlar. Bir gün nasıl olsa bitecek bilinci bencilliği, korkuları ve köleliği getirir.

Tanrıya inanmayanlar özgürlüğü sadece kendilerine isterler. Buda zorbalığı ve bağnazlığı getirir.

Tanrıya inanmayanların sevgisi tutkularla şekillenir. Sevgiyi kendileri için isterler. Kendi egolarının tatminini sevgi sanırlar. Kendilerine kulluk edilmesini isterler. Eşitliğe tahammülleri yoktur.

Gerçek, derin anlayış gerektirir. Ruhaniyet kendinizle ilgili soru sormak iken dinler ilerlemek için kitaplara güvenilmesini ister. Bu durum ise milyonlarca zihni kilitleyerek geri bıraktırmıştır. Dinler adeta köle tacirlerinin ideolojik arka kapıları olmuştur. Tüm dünyadaki kurumlaşmış dinler politikadır.


All the religions organized are fake doctirines. They are based on fears of ancient primitive peoples and still effective on today's primitive brains which are majority of the world population.

Truth needs mind. A strong and a brave mind. Truth brings real feedom, real trust and kindness.

Religions are tied to books full of prejudices and supernatural dogmas.

Real love is brothership. Real love is sistership. In real love there is no slavery but a decent respect.

Humans become fake as they start becoming religious. They start looking down on others as if themselves are some sort of superior creatures. They start to see others as lower humanoids and thus see the right in themselves to use the others as slaves. They want freedom and happiness only for themselves.

Those who reaches the truth are in conscious of oneness. Oneness of being. Their love is not for theirselves but for all the creatures. They ask goodness and happiness for all. Their minds are rational and reasoning minds. They are not lazy. They do not want to be burden on anybody and anything. They are still.

Whereas the religious people live as parasites on others most of the time. They are lunatics and lazy. They are not kind and rational. Their minds are covered with apetite and lust for the world.

If you look at the eastern countries you can see there what we meant. They live in poverty and feacel matter insensitively. 

13 Ağustos 2017 Pazar


Bazıları hala 'Ben ve babam biriz' sözümü tartışıyorlar. Hala ne demek istediğimi anlamadılar. Onlara anlat.

Bedenim oğul, ruhum Babadır.
Dış görünüşüm insan, özüm Tanrıdır.

Yeşua 10.08.2017

Bizler, tüm insanlar, Tanrının nefesi ile varız. Ruhumuz nefestir. Özümüz Tanrıdandır ama egomuz bizi ayrılığa sürüklüyor ve yok oluşa götürüyor. Tanrının yolladığı saf enerjiyi kötülük için kullanmaya devam edersek birliğe asla dönemeyiz. Yeşua başardı ve bize de yolu/gerçeği gösterdi. Duygularla değil aklımızla gitmeliyiz. Varlığın aslında tek olduğunu, Tanrıdan başka varlık olmadığını, var olan her şeyin Onun enerji zerrelerinin frekansları değiştirilmiş şekilleri olduğunu idrak etmeliyiz. Bu birlik idrakının sonucu sevgidir. Varlık sevgisi ve aklı bu sevgi doğrultusunda kullanmak.

12 Ağustos 2017 Cumartesi


Bu günlerde Tanrının insanları kendileri ile baş başa bıraktığı insanların büyük çoğunluğunun yanlışa gitmesinden belli oluyor bu da bir ciddi karmaşa ve büyük bir yargı ve cezanın gelişinin habercisi gibi...

Nowadays God has left the human beings on their own. This desolatenes is obvious from their wrong doings in huge numbers. This stiuation looks like there is going to come a big turmoil, a big verdict and a big penalty...








Yeshua, through the power and understanding given by God's Holy Spirit, was able to overcome temptation while here on earth. Even though he was tempted in all things just as we are (Heb. 2:18; 4:15), he was able to overcome and triumph over his human nature and mind by the greater Mind of God.

Thus we have answered our earlier question about HOW the Father was in Christ. God was in Yeshua the same way He dwells in us: through His Holy Spirit.

Because of the presence of God's Spirit, Christ was able to remain in the Father by overcoming his own desires and being in total obedience to His will. Here are several Scriptures that show this truth:

JOHN 5:30 "I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me. (NKJV)

JOHN 6:38 "For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me." (NASU)

JOHN 15:10 "If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love. (NKJV)

LUKE 22:42 Saying, "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." (NASU)

The Messiah subordinated his own will to that of the Father while he was here on the earth. That is how he remained in the Father.


11 Ağustos 2017 Cuma


They are still disscussing about the meaning of my word.

'I and the Father are one'.

They still could not understand what I had meant then.

Tell them what I meant:

'My body is the son. My soul is the Father. My outer appearance is human being and my essence is God.'

Received on 10th of August, 2017

9 Ağustos 2017 Çarşamba


Covetousness makes a man a thief. He lies and cheats to get more money. He laughs it off as a good bargain, but this is stealing from others.

“THOU SHALT NOT COVET thy neighbour’s house, THOU SHALT NOT COVET thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s” .

“Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth”.

Covetousness deceives and slays us except for the convicting power of God’s Holy Spirit and His deliverance; for it is the uncontrolled yearning to have, to have more and more and still more, until it kills the soul of man.

It breaks: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me;” for a covetous man is an idolater, having other gods besides the one true and living God.

“Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness and covetousness, which is idolatry.” So a covetous man makes this world, his god because he lives for this life and this life only. He is driven by the idols of riches and pleasures, or lust, position or fame and fortune, and will reap the wages of eternal death if he does not repent.

Again, this sin of covetousness also breaks: “Thou shalt not take the name of God in vain.” God never leads you into sin! Dear friend, if you are guilty of this, you are bringing God into something for which you and you alone are responsible. This is nothing more than your covetous heart wanting to have its own way and trying to shift the blame to God; therefore you stand guilty before God of taking His name in vain.


Ölümü takiben ilk yedi dakikada beyin tüm yaşadıklarını bir film makarası gibi geri sarar.

Her ruh kendi seviyesinde kaldırılır ve bir yere alınır.

1. Ruh burada başarılı olmuş ve enerjisi yüksek saf bir ruh ise Tanrı katına alınır.
2. Ruh eğer enerjisi düşük ama iyi bir ruh ise, çevresine hiç zarar vermemişse eğitime alınır ve tekrar dünyada bedenlenme şansı verilmesini bekler.
3. Şayet ruh hem düşük enerjili hemde kötü, etrafına zarardan başka bir katkısı olmayan birisi ise tüm verdiği ızdıraplar azap olarak kendisine bire bir yaşatılır. Bu ilahi adalet gereğidir. Azap safhasından sonra bu ruhlar tekrar kabirlerine sokulur ve hafızaları da silinir. Bunlardan arta kalan enerjiler bir daha gün yüzüne yayılamaz. Kötü enerjiler haline geldikleri için toprak altı enerjileri olarak kalırlar. İnsan olma vasıfları kalmamış düşük karanlık enerji kırıntılarıdır artık bunlar.

Halbuki Tanrı tüm insanlara saf temiz enerjiler verir. Tanrı temiz bir su kaynağı gibidir. Ama bu temiz enerjileri kirletenler yok olur. Hüküm kesindir.

Buluğ çağına gelmeden vefat eden yada öldürülen küçük çocuklar direk olarak Tanrıya çıkar ve yeniden bedenlenme şansı verilir.




"Do not be an angry person, for anger leads to murder; nor be envious, nor adversarial, nor hot-tempered, for from all these things murder results”.


Compassion is the truth of;
right relationship,
loving understanding,
actively expressed Love.

It is the foundation of brotherhood and the expression of the inner unity.

Compassion is the first basic truth of Deity, and is eternal Harmony ... a shoreless, universal essence, the light of everlasting right and fitness of things, the law of love eternal.

Compassion is a form of sacrifice.

In the true compassion there is no emotion. It is more like "without passion." The devotion to the salvation of others emphasizes profound compassion. This is echoed in the teachings of The Yeshua's, "The first shall be last and the last shall be first."

Compassion is a keynote of human evolution.

Those who have trouble accepting the Fact of God have had very little compassion in their lives. It seems that we first need compassion, right relationship, in order to experience and align with our Divine Source. It is then that we begin to notice the Great Whole and all the related parts.

Right relationship and the love of all brings us to the fact of God and the fact of God increases right relationship and the love of all!

Those who doubt the fact of God feel separated and fearful. They are not connected to the Whole and are not in alignment with their Divine Origin. Their doubt keeps them separated. Their minds have not made the intuitive leap to the fact of God and the Great Whole.

The Continuity of Revelation is a basic truth concerning the relationship of God and humanity. In response to a consistent invocation by humanity, God communicates with us through pure hearts. They transmit the very nature of God and enable humanity to express the needed divine ideas. The wisdom, love and light they express emanates from the very heart of God and is evidence of our inner divine guidance. They remind us that God exists and ever loves us, and at the heart of the universe is unalterable compassion which echoes the voice of God, leaving us without doubt that we are not alone.

From this emerging place of oneness with divinity each of us has a responsibility to act as an expression of God’s revelation. When this occurs fully and consistently there will be a constant stream of God’s love working in and through humanity which will illumine our lives and make our world sacred.

When the soul-illumined mind trancends all the limitations of the form and planetary life, the focus will be on the subjective spiritual world.

Through love, will and intelligence, we will transcend our jealousies, prejudices, hatreds and selfishness. Expressions of this transcendence are love, wisdom, compassion and service towards all people and the ability to create right relations among ourselves and the nations of the world. We will learn to think in terms of the whole and of our unification with Deity.


09.07.2017 00.01 irtibat...

. Dünya adeta bir hapishane. Tanrı bile bu gezegene gelmiyor.
. Barbarlıkta birinci gezegensiniz.
. Yaydığınız olumsuz enerjiler güneşin düzgün görülmesini perdeliyor.
. Ben ki sevgi varlığıyım ama artık bende insanları sevemiyorum.
. Doğayı da tahrip ettiniz.
. Tanrı doğayı insanlardan daha çok sever.
. Sırlarıma layık olanlarla sırlarımı paylaşırım.
. Görmeyenler görsün istedim ama görenlerin bile kör olduğunu gördüm.
. Ben yeryüzüne ayrılık getirmeye geldim. Dünyaya bağlanmayın.
. Tohumlarımı yürüdüğüm yollara serptim ve ardıma bakmadım. Çoğunu kuşlar yedi. Onlar çok saf ve temiz varlıklardır.
. Kardeşim çok önceleri aradı, buldu ve ona sonsuzluk kapıları açıldı. Ne mutlu. Bazılarına ne yazık ki arasalar da görünmeyeceğiz.
. Kul hakkı öncelikle kendinedir.


8 Ağustos 2017 Salı


Since gawking at women in public can easily lead to gawking in private, a man must check himself before a marital affair or addiction to porn ruins his life—“for anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery in his heart”. 

But the best gift a man can give to his relationally-wired wife is himself. His continious attention. And talk about a win-win, for it’ll free her to become generous in return . Poet Kahil Gibran once wrote: “You give but little when you give of your possessions; it is when you give of yourself that you truly live.”

1 Peter 3:7 says a man is to live with his wife “according to knowledge,”which means to know her, and the only way that can happen is to limit distractions.


Many human beings say 'I love you' one day and reject you the next day. This is not love. One whose heart is filled with love of God cannot willfully hurt anyone. When you love God without reservation, your heart get filled with His unconditional love flowing freely always for all who are ready to take. The ordinary love is self-centered in the consciousness of 'I, Me, Mine', he has not discovered the omnipresent God who resides in him and everything.

Yeshua said; 'I am a drop of light from God.' 'I wish you to be all the same.' I am the path, illuminated path. If you stray from this path wickedness will catch you just like wild animals catch their prays. Follow me, the straightest and illuminated path, and this will take you to eternal life again. Yeshua represents the pure love God wants us to be able to live on earth.

7 Ağustos 2017 Pazartesi


Keep calm. Always keep your mind calm. Be still.  Can you see yourselves on boiling water? No, You can't, but if the water is calm like a mirror then you can see yourselves as if you are looking to a mirror. That's important. If your mind is not calm enough, you cannot receive the life energies flowing to every direction from the Source. That's why keeping calm is vital. Without having received the continious flowing of the life energies one cannot stay healty. Both physically and menthally.

. So, keep away anxiety.

. Keep calm.

. Never lose your temper.

. Praying is a great help to keep calm.

. Also daily grounding with soil and water are very essential

Keep calm and be pure hearted, than you will have direct connection with God, the Almighty. You will start getting your energy directly from God once you have reached and internalized the truth of life.

You will be self radiant like the stars in the universe. Once you become pure in heart you will be called as Holy Spirit. That is to say that you have gained the right again to live eternally in the core of God, just as it was in the beginning of the creation. You will start to sparkle your own light and you won't be a reflection anymore.


Purity means choosing to love God more than you love anything or anyone else, and expressing that love by wholeheartedly devoting your life to God. It’s important to pursue purity because the more pure you become, the more you’ll grow into the person God intends you to become.

It’s crucial to pursue purity in order to grow closer to God, because purity leads to holiness. So people of faith often talk about purity – but usually, only in the sense of avoiding sexual immorality. Believers try hard to achieve purity in that limited area, and despite their best efforts, many still end up failing.

Keep in mind that you’ll ultimately harm yourself if you look for pleasure in relationships that don’t please God, who is worthy of your honor and who wants the best for you. Decide every day to give all of your devotion (not just part of it) to God, placing your relationship with Him at the center of your life and revolving all of your other relationships around it. Doing so will help you avoid double-minded relationships (focused partly on serving God but partly on serving yourself or another person), which are impure and unstable. Recognize that God’s goal for your relationships is much more than that they make you happy; God wants your relationships to help you become more holy. With that in mind, regularly evaluate your relationships to honestly consider whether or not they’re drawing you closer to God or farther away from Him. Ask God to give you the courage and wisdom to set boundaries in your relationships to protect yourself from people who are tempting you to sin. Never pursue a romance with an unbeliever, no matter how attracted you may be to him or her.


Please try to understand the true words of Yeshua and, for this, your hearts must be pure. If your hearts are full of lusts there will be no understanding of this words. You will only be misusing the divinity to find excuses in order to legalize your wrong behaviours.

God created human beings biologically as blacks, whites and yellows. God is very close to us. God is everywhere. In our hearts and in the breath also in nature and in every good deeds. If we put God to a place far from us then He will be far from us. On the contrary God is with us all the time.

Do not put God somewhere unreachable. Yeshua is the guide of the straightest and most illuminated broadway to God. To the very core of God. Once we are there, at the core of the God, we shall live eternally. That is the second birth. We will born again spiritually to live eternally in God. God is love and the keyholder of the gate of love is Yeshua.

Give your body to the service of God who is love by becoming love yourselves. Give love to all around you. Vibrate positive energy and don't look back as to who has absorbed this positive energy and who has not. Those who are ready, who has reached to high frequencies of love will take it. Others with lower energies will reject it and be angry with you, thus will also try to pull you down to their level. So, never insist or argue with anybody.

God doesn't like doubt. Grow closer to God and your faith in God must be rock solid. Leave dogmas and man made religions. Don't take them as a corner stone for your faith. Incorparate silence and solititude into your life regularly and ask God to help you, praise Him and ask Him to forgive your mistakes.

Do not long for power and personel success. Power is necessary to protect yourselves and also for malicious works. Personal success is selfishness. You do all your best and leave to others to evaluate you. Don't run after personel success. Do your best and stay in peace. Stay calm. In order to reflect the energy coming from God one has to stay calm. One has to be in peace. Otherwise the more passionate and concerned about earthly matters the less Divine Energy you can reflect.

Love is God's way. Love is not Yeshua's personal way. Yes, God gave the order to Yeshua to teach love to all of us. To teach World how one can obtained the eternal life. Yeshua came on Earth to teach us love simply by living among us.

Yeshua did not establish a religion but simply showed the way to love and thus, to eternity. He said; ''With love in your hearts you can reach me and God. All you need is love. Only love in your hearts like little children you can reach me and God. If you can reach me you can reach to God. You can directly reach me by love. You don't need any mediator.' ' Before Yeshua had come to World people were trying to reach 'love' but, could not. Even after that Yeshua had gone, even the closest people around Him could not understand what 'love' is. Very few people could rise to that consciousness.

God wants all His creatures be happy. That's why He has created the miracles called nature in order to please us. God is miracle and everything He has created are miracles. For this reason unhappiness is accepted as a rebel against God. Live in joy and give thanks to the God, the Almighty.

People think that when a person dies, that's the end. The deads are just gone forever. But, they are wrong. Yeshua made it clear that death is not the end. He told a story about what happened after a rich man and a beggar died. Yeshua said; people remain conscious after their bodies die, and they have some kind of body, and people can feel pleasure or pain after they die.

Souls come to earth alone. But, some souls don't return alone. They are welcomed by light bearers. Those souls are the ones who have spent their lifetimes in kindness and love. By doing so they have become lights themselves and obtained the right to live eternally in light bodies. They do not incarnate again rather they also become the light bearers themselves. Majority of the humans go alone but if they not lived a harmfull life to others on earth they are to be taken for training before they are given another chance by God for re-incarnation on earth in flesh.

The wicked humans who have commited crimes such as blasphemy, fornication, rape, murder, false witnessing, sorcery and theft will not be awakend at all. They will not realize even they are death and continue living in their misarable feelings under the ground for eons. They shall receive of the same sufferings of what they have done to others. 'This is Divine Justice.'

Those who have killed intentionally are not forgiven. If they kill without knowing what they have done will be annihilated by God without any suffering but, those who have killed knowingly shall first suffer all their wickedness same as they caused to others and then annihilated. Annihilation proccess is such; the murderer's memories will eventually diminish and will be erased totally from life. Their life energies will mixed with nature or taken back by God. That is the second death. 'The real death.'

At the last seven minutes prior to passing to afterlife one becomes, after a short unconscious sleep, compeletly free to travel to the places and times with his/her conscious. This includes the ancient times. At this last minutes I advice you to focus only on God and His light. Accept death and do not pay any more attention to earthly affairs or remains. In the last minute you will be shown the place, you are going after death. This is in exception of those who have comitting big crimes such as the murderers, perverts and those consistently treating their spouses prejudically  and acting maliciously  towards everybody..


Pray to God only for goodness. God is the spring of goodness and cleanness. From this clean spring is it possible to drink dirty water? But, if the mouths are dirty than the water also will get dirty in the mouths. So, never pray anything which is not for the goodness of yourselves and others. Cursing or imprecation cannot be prayed from God. Remember: ''Pray for your enemies also''. Those who curse or damn will be punished by God.


World is the place of selection. So, try to be the ones who shall be selected. Look above to Godly things and act accordingly. Overcome the lust and temptation. God is limitless at every aspect. He warns directly and when He convicts it is irrevocable.


If you helped somebody or do a favor for them don't talk about it. Don't keep repeating of your kindness. If you talk about the good deeds you have done for others than your good behaivours will be of no value. Because, repeatedly mentioning the kindness done is like digging the newly planted tree's roots.


Rise in the highest eons. If you can not succeed in this world you will be found outside of God's love eventually where the real badness is. It is perdition there. That's why it is good to live that world having not commiting sins. We have to acquire the resurrection while we live in this world. So that when we strip off the flesh, we may be found in calm, but not walk outside of love. Yet many go astray from the Path.

The Bridal Chamber is neither for animals, nor for men-slaves of passions, nor for women driven by passion. It is for pure women and men who gained freedom. Then one has to learn to enter this Highest Eon by one's own efforts and stay in it. It is called the birth in it as a Holy Spirit. And one comes to Mergence with the Consciousness dwelling in it. Once you are there, once you feel the peace and calm in there you will never miss anything else again.


Keep away from all types of perversion. Do not even look at the perverted humans with sympathy. Do not make frienships with them. They have strayed from the righthousness and left the humanity. They all shall taste the second death together with those who have made frienships with them or even look at them with sympathy and approval.


Man and woman are equal as an equal halves of an apple. Whatever is right for one side is also right for the other side as well. There is no discrimination but when marriages are accomplished, wedding is signed on the sky above all, and, man takes also the whole responsibility of his wife's actions under the sky.

The sides have different characteristics but this is to complete each other. The main features are the same. Marriages must be pure as it is a remarkable oppurtunity for self-development of people longing for Truth. A pure marriage is vital in striving for attai ance. By this, they will burden significantly their destinies. So, cognize the pure marriage, for it has great power.


Each spouse has an exclusive right to the others’ sexuality. “Ownership” might seem like a radical word but this isn’t a license for abuse, but it does mean that neither the husband nor the wife has autonomous control over their bodies. So, because your body belongs to your spouse, your sin affects them, even if they don’t know about it. The marital union is a spiritual, mysterious thing. That means to join yourself to another is to sin against your wife or husband.

So when a man wants sex and only sex, his wife feels used—like an appliance—because he only sees her as having one function. But the husband who “renders to his wife the affection due her” is a man who knows how to make his wife feel beautiful.

It’s important that a husband shows affection for his wife now, fit or not. And soon he’ll see her body as the most alluring in all the land, and will“rejoice in the wife of his youth”.

Sure, every woman has something beautiful to offer the world, a beauty for all to see. But within marriage, a woman feels like one-in-a-million when her husband thinks this of her: “My dove, my perfect one, is unique”. 

Husband and wife lusting & flirting with others make his or her spouse feel 'less than', ashamed and embarrassed. When we married our spouses, they became our only ‘type’ ; you are your husband’s and he is yours. Talking about other men/women or hinting at the attractiveness of other men/women is degrading and disrespectful to our husbands/wifes and creates insecurity in their hearts.


As the rulers of the world cannot compete with the rising birth rate, they are using terrorism in order to make them kill each other. Ego pushes nations into the lust as to be superior to others as well as the individuals to other individuals. Those individuals who are actually the real rulers who wants to work for humanity are being killed.

If you inflict terrible sufferings on others, surely you've got to be punished. There are no exceptions. You will go through a life review, rather like a documantery with prodigious value. You will experience your life from the point of view of everyone who has involved: Everyone's feelings, attitudes, motives and believes laid bare, including yours. You won't just observe through their eyes and ears, you will experience what they experinced. Did you steal from someone? You will experence his hurt and outrage. Did you give food to someone who was hungry? Then you will experience her relief and joy. Of course, your earth personality could not cope with this review, because the ship of your mind would founder in the emotional typhoon. Do you see the significance of this?

5 Ağustos 2017 Cumartesi



Don't let them waste their time in endless discussion of myths and spiritual pedigrees. These things only lead to meaningless speculations, which don't help people live a life of faith in God.

The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.

But some people have missed this whole point. They have turned away from these things and spend their time in meaningless discussions.

They want to be teachers of the Law, yet they do not understand either what they are talking about or the things about which they speak so confidently.

But we know that the Law is good, if one uses it lawfully,

For the law was not intended for people who do what is right. It is for people who are lawless and rebellious, who are ungodly and sinful, who consider nothing sacred and defile what is holy, who kill their father or mother or commit other murders.

The law is for people who are sexually immoral, or who practice homosexuality, or are slave traders, liars, promise breakers, or who do anything else that contradicts the wholesome truth.


Işık masumiyet ve inancın belirtisidir. Karanlık ise günah ve korkunun belirtisidir. Ruhlarımız korkuya uyumlu olarak yaratılmadı. Korku inanç eksikliğinden kaynaklanır ve bizi Tanrıdan uzaklaştırır. Korku ile inanç birlikte var olamaz. Korkuyla inanç arasında seçim yapmamız gerekir. Hangisiyle yaşamak istiyoruz? Tanrıya güveniyor muyuz, güvenmiyor muyuz? Eğer korkunun çığlıklarının içimizde oluşmasına izin verirsek Tanrının sakin sesini duyamayız. Burada hangi sesi dinleyeceğinizin kontrolü sizdedir. Seçiminizi yapın. Gün ışığının çocukları mı olmak istiyorsunuz yoksa gece karanlığının mı?

Durmak karanlıkta kalmaktır. Sürekli ilerleyin. İçgüdülerinize güvenin. Sakin olduğunuzda Tanrının sizi yönlendirmesi olan içgüdülerinizi duyarsınız. Çoğunlukla ilk içinize doğan doğrudur sonra vesvese karışabilir.

Vesvese sivrisinekler gibidir ilk saldırıyı fark edemezsiniz. Derinizi deler ve kan akışınızı sağlamak için pıhtılaşmayı önleyici bir kimyasal salgılarlar. Daha sonra siz cildinizdeki tahrişi fark eder ve tokatı yapıştırırsınız ama iş işten geçmiş ve hasar oluşmuştur. Öfke, kızgınlık, hasetlik, kin, zarar verme vs gibi olumsuz duygularda böyledir. Farkettirmeden sizin Tanrı ile olan bağınızı keserler. Fark ettiğinizde de genellikle zarar oluşmuştur. Buradaki saldırı şekli sivrisineğinkiyle betimlenmiştir. Belkide sivrisineğin yaratılış nedeni budur!

2 Ağustos 2017 Çarşamba


Yeshua had come to earth to seperate. Seperate us from the lusts and all other wordly desires but, people understood it wrong. They thought that He had come to seperate families... How pitiful we have been.

'LET US'...

God standeth in the Congregation of God (El) in the midst of gods (elohim) He judgeth” (Ps. 82:1)

In this psalm, we see God take His place as the leader of the divine council.

God needs no advice, but none the less he chooses to surround himself with others.

Again he said, Therefore hear the word of the LORD; I saw the LORD sitting upon his throne, and all the host of heaven(tzeva hashamayim) standing on his right hand and on his left”. (2Ch 18:18 KJV)



God rules over spirit beings of various ranks and powers. Not all of God’s created spiritual beings have the same rank or power, and that includes both the angelic world and demonic world, which is why Ephesians 6:12 says Christians fight against “rulers” (archē), “authorities” (exousia) and “world-rulers” (kosmokratōr). Similarly, Colossians 1:16 mentions “thrones” (thronos), lordships (kuriotēs), rulers (archē) and “authorities” (exousia), and these are different positions of authority in the kingdom of God. The biblical text shows that God holds large assemblies of His created beings, but also has much smaller meetings with an intimate council of His high-ranking and trusted ones.

All the spirit beings are created beings of God, but not all of them turned out to be loving and obedient, and God calls these gods to account and confronts them for their actions.

Psalm 89:6 refers to spiritual beings in the “skies” (or “clouds”) and also to the “sons of God,” which is a phrase that refers to the created beings of God (called “divine beings” in some English versions). Then, from Psalm 89:7 we learn that there is a “council” of these spirit beings; however, it is noteworthy that even though God’s council is around Him, Psalm 89:8 lets us know that none of God’s council is as powerful (or “mighty”) as God.


Gerçekten sevmiyorsanız kimseye "Seni seviyorum" demeyin.
En önemsiz şeyler için dahi asla yalan söylemeyin.
Birisi ile başkasını bulamadınız diye ya da birilerini kıskandırmak için çıkmayın.
Kimseyi aldatmayın.
Kimsenin duyguları ile oynamayın.
Mutlu iken söz, öfkeli iken tepki ve üzgünken karar vermeyin.
Dürüst olun.
Güzelliği kendi doğallığında bırakarak sahiplenmeye kalkışmadan takdir etmeyi öğrenin.
Sakin olun.
Olumlu olun.
Kısaca sevgi olun.


Yeshua said that even His mission has changed. It is not love anymore. He said that human beings cannot expect love anymore. There won't be left a single stone over another stone on the whole earth.


Yeshua said sex without aim is useless. Everything must be done according to its aim and not excessively. If you do it excessively it becomes abominable. Afterwards they loose their minds and turn to their own gender. For them do not pray. They will get mixed with the beasts of earth.


Gecenin sessizliğinde ruhların sesi duyulur ve sadece saf olan ruhlar bu sesleri duyar. Gece, ruhlar birleşip bir ve bütün olduğunda daha da...