
15 Ağustos 2017 Salı


All the religions organized are fake doctirines. They are based on fears of ancient primitive peoples and still effective on today's primitive brains which are majority of the world population.

Truth needs mind. A strong and a brave mind. Truth brings real feedom, real trust and kindness.

Religions are tied to books full of prejudices and supernatural dogmas.

Real love is brothership. Real love is sistership. In real love there is no slavery but a decent respect.

Humans become fake as they start becoming religious. They start looking down on others as if themselves are some sort of superior creatures. They start to see others as lower humanoids and thus see the right in themselves to use the others as slaves. They want freedom and happiness only for themselves.

Those who reaches the truth are in conscious of oneness. Oneness of being. Their love is not for theirselves but for all the creatures. They ask goodness and happiness for all. Their minds are rational and reasoning minds. They are not lazy. They do not want to be burden on anybody and anything. They are still.

Whereas the religious people live as parasites on others most of the time. They are lunatics and lazy. They are not kind and rational. Their minds are covered with apetite and lust for the world.

If you look at the eastern countries you can see there what we meant. They live in poverty and feacel matter insensitively. 

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