
2 Aralık 2017 Cumartesi


We live and move in God, but we are not God.  He is present in us and everywhere.

God Is Influentially Present Everywhere

No matter where we are, we are led and sustained by God.

The ever presence of God should restrain us from evil. There is no darkness dark enough to hide an evil deed from God.  There is no distance too great that He cannot see what we do.  He is perfectly Holy and He sees every thing that is unholy.

The ever presence of God should humble us; it should make us realize how small we are to Him.  When placed along side of Him, we are almost non-existent.  His greatness ought to bring us to our knees in reverence of Him.

The ever presence of God should comfort and strengthen us.  In our most severe trial or most painful loneliness or most difficult duty, God is always with us.  He goes with His people into the furnace of affliction, into the heat of battle, and into the valley of despair.

The creation of man is a clear display of the wisdom, power, and goodness of God.  Because of that, our reaction should be, wonder, admiration, gratitude, and praise.  The highest praise we can give Him is to offer back to Him and devotion and service what He has created.

Purity, tenderness, love, righteousness, and majesty shine forth in the precious thoughts of God toward man.

Man's soul thinks, feels, desires, and resolves is what we call the soul.  We cannot put our finger on it, it has neither shape or size; it is a great mystery.  But it’s great power enables us to remember, reflect, reason, anticipate, imagine, etc.

There are many deep thinkers in the world today that spend a lot of time thinking about things that are impractical and useless.  Their thoughts may impress everyone, but the truth is, most of them do not work.  But God’s thoughts are all practical and practicable.

We see this clearly in nature, in history, and in redemption.  Every plan of God is perfect in it’s concept and in it’s fulfillment.

Every new daybreak finds us still in the presence of God.  Every new day prompts us to praise, wonder, meditation, and admiration of His wisdom and goodness.  The continual presence of God gives us assurance, comfort, refreshment, and strength.

If we love God we cannot possibly be associated with those that hate Him. Those that truly love God will not be attracted to those that hate Him.

Every man has a war raging in him, the battle of good and evil.  There is a seed of unbelief in each of us that need to be removed. There is vanity and pride in us that will destroy us if we do not pluck it out.  There is selfishness in us that will lead us down the wrong road if we don’t not beat it into subjection.

There is worldliness in us that our flesh wants to pursue.  There is laziness that will cause us hunger and shame.  There is self-dependence that will dishonor God.  There is disobedience that will lead us to justify our sin.

Stay with righteouness. Never bring evil thoughts into action. Do not give them life.

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