
4 Aralık 2017 Pazartesi


Atheists as well as most of those who call themselves Religious believe that man is a body. But in reality man is a soul, a consciousness. And the body is just a temporal container, in which man has to go through the next stage of studying in the School in the material world.

Incarnate states of people are usually much shorter parts of their lives as compared to non-incarnate states. However, the development of man can take place only in the incarnate state. It is for this reason that incarnations are necessary, it is for this reason that God creates material worlds.

The point is that the body is a “factory” for transformation of energy. In the body, the energy extracted, first of all, from ordinary food can become the energy of the consciousness, of the soul. It is thanks to this that the process of qualitative and quantitative growth of the consciousness can take place.

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