
20 Haziran 2018 Çarşamba


There is naturally  reincarnartion of the souls but not as fictionalized on some of the new age movements. In addition we are now on special harvesting times and only the souls who are seen having strong possibility of achieving are given the chance to incarnate on earth again.

Human souls do not reincarnate as an animal or a plant,  also human souls have been created as human souls.  They did not start as plants and animals at the beginning.  That would be meaningless.

There are strict rules of education here for those who are to incarnate again. The souls cannot be reincarnated freely by themselves. Reincarnation is not limitless. The souls who are not purified yet have no freedom as to travel among all realms. Every realm has different volume of light. The lower the dimmer and the higher the brighter.


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