
22 Aralık 2018 Cumartesi


Love has a number of significant essential aspects or qualities in it. First is a feeling of belonging, relatedness, and connection with others and with life. This might also be a feeling of unity-with. This feeling, or feelings, will start off with a very limited inclusiveness. By analogy, an infant or young one will feel this belonging, relatedness and connection first with its mother but not much with anyone else. Gradually this related-feeling expands to include another and then another and then the family and then maybe the extended family or relatives. This feeling then expands gradually to include, perhaps, the tribe or the larger community. This feeling of love-relatedness can potentially keep on expanding, even becoming inclusive of all humanity and the whole planet.

Yeshua 2019

21 Aralık 2018 Cuma


All the organized religions are full of superstitions, its effects upon the morals of the nations are most pernicious, it is involved with false science, and modern science will cut it up root and branch as happened in west nations 300 years ago.

19 Aralık 2018 Çarşamba


Zihnimiz beynimizin bir ürünüdür ve fakat ruhumuzu hakimiyet altına alırsa kirletebilir. Dünyada iken buna dikkat etmeliyiz. Eyleme dökmedigimiz sürece aklımıza gelen kötü düşüncelerden ruhumuz etkilenmez yine de zihnimizi iyi, olumlu düşüncelerle dolu tutmalıyız. Zihin beynimizle birlikte ölür geriye kalan ruhtur. Ruhsal bilinçtir. Dolayısıyla dünyasal kişiliğimizde ortadan kalkar. Tanrının bizlere doğar doğmaz verdiği ilk aldığımız nefesle yüklenen ruhtur. Bize üflediği saf bir enerjidir ruh..

Ruh enerjidir. Nefesle gelen yaşam enerjisi. Kendinin farkında olan enerji. Dünyasal kirler yüklenmişse bu ölüm ötesi onun için azap olur. Saf kalabilmişse ölüm ötesinde ışığa kavuşur. Tanrı ile birlikte ölümsüz yaşama kavuşur. Dünyevi kimlikler, dünyevi bilgiler, cinsiyet, akraba, tanıdık orada yok olur. Kalan sadece temiz yada kirli ruhtur. Ruh dediğimiz ilahi yaşama namzet olan kimliğimizdir. Ruhun cinsiyeti ya yoktur. Acıyı ve mutluluğu duyar. Ruh liyakatine göre görür, duyar ve kendinden bilir. Dereceleri vardır. Bazıları azaptadır, bazıları yeni bir reenkarnasyon için eğitimde ve bazılarıda Tanrı katında reenkasyon döngüsünden kurtulmuş Tanrının askerleri olarak Tanrı ile birlikte sonsuz yaşam ışığında bir olmuşlardır. Bu Tanrı olmuşlar demek değildir. Bir damlanın tekrar okyanusa kavuşması gibi anlaşılmalıdır.

Ruhlarımıza kötülük ve zaaf yüklemeyelim.

Yeşuadan alınan bilgilerden...

15 Aralık 2018 Cumartesi


All that human's including their emotions are energy. What we have labeled as various emotions is merely our endeavor to classify and label different vibrations of energy that we feel so that we can talk about it with others. When you are feeling really low energy, you say you are depressed. When you are feeling very malevolent energy, you say you are angry, hateful, or maybe evil. But according to Yeshua, what would you say when you are feeling the highest energy possible?

You would say you are love, or, that you are united with God's holy spirit. You just don't align with, but also expand to become a part of.


As for the truth, there is only one. The God. Source of Light and Love. When souls were created they were seeing and talking with the Source Almighty. However due to the free will which had been given to souls, they devoloped ego and made the one into two. Seperation had began. All we are struggling to achive now is to return to oneness, the original state of us at the beginning again. Unfortunately not all will succeed. In God we trust.

The ability to enter the inner realm of souls, has nothing in common with an Out of Body Experience, and a journey into the astral realms. The inner Kingdom can only be entered by those who are permitted therein.

In many times Yeshua has entered back into the earth, and assisted those who were True Seekers of TheWay. The vast majority of immature prodigal sons and daughters could not be taken, because they have yet to reach the necessary level of maturity that would permit them to return to the Gate.

This world is God's School House and in the true reality of our existence, there are no shortcuts -- no group social promotions -- and there are no school dropouts -- only the few who are worthy to enter within the Holy of Holies of the Living Body Temple, are permitted into the Inner Kingdom and Yeshua is the key holder of this gate which is love.


Fornication & Adultery.

In the magazine The Scientist the article entitled Swapping DNA In The Womb it is stated that: "The findings are the first demonstration of microchimerism—in which cells that originated in one individual integrate into the tissues of another
—in the human brain, and could have implications for disease." Concluding that: “Knowing cells are in the brain brings home the idea that we’re a little more diverse than we thought we were,” said Nelson. “So conceptually, it may be more appropriate to think of ourselves as an ecosystem rather than a single genetic template.” The article then goes on an explains that: "Researchers have suspected that the human brain may harbor microchimeric cells, which are present in other human organs, and previous studies in mice have shown that such foreign cells can break through the blood-brain barrier. But the study, led by Lee Nelson of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, revealed that microchimeric cells could not only migrate to the brain, but do so frequently: more than 60 percent of autopsied brains contained DNA from another individual. ...To quantify microchimerism in the brain, Nelson and colleagues selectively looked for a gene found on the Y chromosome in brain sections from 59 female cadavers. ...In total, the researchers found that 37 women harbored such foreign genes in their brains. They also found evidence of cells in the brain, suggesting that microchimeric cells can and do cross the blood-brain barrier."

The DNA of a husband begins to deposit and even merge with that of his wife, is of the utmost importance in the process of bonding that enables the two to become "one flesh". But when a women can be portrayed " an ecosystem rather than a single genetic template.”, such a body-environment where a woman is connected to a number of previous sexual partners, is detrimental to the two becoming "one flesh". Thus, inhibiting the alchemical transformational process presented in the words of Yeshua in the Gospel of Thomas: Yeshua said to them, "...when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female ...then will you enter the kingdom." And to the woman who had been caught in adultery, Yeshua said: "Go and sin no more” (John 8:1-11). Why? Because a woman who is connected to many male sexual partners -- making herself " ecosystem" where the DNA of past sexual partners has joined with her own -- will have great difficulty joining with a husband, and therefore cannot fulfill the biological role of the two becoming  "one flesh".


Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.

Commiting sin weakens us and our strengh against temptation diminishes. So with every sin we commit we loose our strengh against temptations further more.


Kötülüklerin karşılığı hemen görülmediği için insan kalbi kötülüğe doğru kayar. Yapılan her kötülüklede zayıflar ve tahriklere karşı daha zayıf hale gelir. Günaha direnme, karşı koyma gücü gittikce düşer. Ufak ihmaller buyuk zararlar getirir.


God is not mind. God is limitless magnetic field circling through everything. Nothing happens without His permission. Don't think of Him as a super human.


Do not forget, if bad words are coming out of someone's mounth that is because there is malice feelings in that person. Words comes from hearts(souls) originally and, if your heart is pure no bad words can come out of it. If somebody is swearing that means their souls are full with evil and it is pouring out of their mouths. Thus, be alert and if some says bad words and afterwards declares that he or she talked without thinking, know that no bad words comes from a pure heart and nobody talks without previous thinking. Everybody talks after thinking and bad words comes only from a bad heart. From a good heart comes only good words.



Another aspect of spiritual life is a sense of sacredness. When you have a deep sense of thankfulness combined with regard and respect for everything that comes to you in life, it brings a sense of sacredness. In sacredness there is awareness. Your mind is fully present in either fear and anger or sacredness.

Silence heals and rejuvenates. Silence gives you depth and stability and brings creativity. Service brings the dynamic experience of heart. It creates a sense of belongingness. Lack of service can land a person in depression. Service alone can bring contentment in life, but service without silence tires you. Service without spirituality will be shallow and cannot be sustained for a long period of time. The deeper the silence, the more dynamic the outer activity becomes. Both are essential in life.


Certainly every words written in the books accepted as Holy are not wrong. We have to pick the correct ones as well as understand them correctly. However, organized religions are based on politics which then turned out to be fanatism for the imbecilic biggots.

Without science, free logic and freedom to choose human beings cannot rise their consciousness level. However, without faith in God there can be no joy, love, peace and truth. We cannot reach God through science either.

As one becomes more spiritual, animalistic aggressions of fighting and trying to control the beliefs of other people can be cast off like an old set of clothes that no longer fits. 


Let emptiness lead you to God’s fulfillment. Don’t try to deny or avoid the emptiness you feel inside sometimes. Instead, recognize that emptiness can be good when it motivates you to turn to God to seek fulὓllment during your times of solitude and silence. So feel the pain of your emptiness as it carves out space in your soul for you to receive more of God’s presence.

A spiritual man is a mystic at heart, and his mind mirrors the mind of Pure Being. Therefore, his mind and thought processes are enlightened. And, since this transformation comes from the source of all knowledge, it automatically opens the gates of Divine Wisdom for him. Such a man is devoid of personal feelings or opinions, unless it be the feeling of deep compassion for all living things.

Most people are asleep and do not realize that there exists a higher spiritual reality; it is as though they see the lower illustration, take it at face value, and assume that there is nothing more. Through the faculty of intuition, however, it is possible for the higher Mind to discern the existence of a more inclusive reality. Yeshua, is both a symbol and an expression of this higher knowledge.

We are all the fragments of the same ONE WHOLE, GOD, THE SOURCE OF EVERYTHING. We all are united. To reach the peace of the world for ever, every living soul must remember this fact. Our bodies are meant to be temples of God and our souls are pieces of His power. Those who awakens to this truth and lives accordingly gain the eternal life in light bodies. Those who hasn't awaken will carry on borning into flesh again and again until their last chances and if they cannot succeed their soul memories will be erased and their energies will merge with nature's unsentimental powers.  The harvest of the souls have started spiritually.


 The four major institutions, religion, philosophy, yoga, and metaphysics have become antiquated and fossilized through the course of time, thus being reclassified into dead mystic schools. At one time, these doctrines thrived on the dynamic living impulse of their holy founders, but once they departed, their divine works were subjected to overly zealous disciples who all too often edited with a free hand. Power plays within the social and political structures have brought ruin to the translucence of the original teachings expounded by the founder. Regal temples and churches were erected, majestic ashrams and synagogues were built, scriptures and holy books sprang into existence, and, ironically, none of the founding Saints ever intended for this to happen.


Keep calm. Keep calm. Keep calm.

If your mind is not calm enough, you can not receive the energies flowing from the Source. That's why keeping calm is vital. Without receiving the continious flowing of the God's Life energies one cannot stay healty. Both physically and mentally. So keep away anxiety. Never lose your temper . Praying is a great help to keep calm. When praying, it is better to stand up and be clean. You can sit if you are ill or if disabled you can pray according to your health conditions. Also being in nature and grounding helps a lot. To be in touch with clean soil and water especially sea water is very helpful.



The last seven minutes before dying biologically you shall be completely free to travel to everywhere and to all times in the past with your conscious. This includes the ancient times.

Along with the new generations coming, the old are replaced and, with this replacement , will come the new perceptions. As the new generations replace the old generations, believes will also be replaced. In fact new generations will be cleverer but more mechanical. More energetic, more perceptive, but, more egoistic as well. Religions will be left and people will believe in a sort of Source but will be living more mechanical, more isolated lives. They shall get lonely.

Finally, I advice you to focus on God and His Light only at this last minutes. Accept death and do not pay attention to earthly affairs or remains any more. In the very last minute, you will be shown the place, you are going after death.



The so called "Fatima" incident in Portugal at early nineteenth century is not true. She(Mother Mary) is not entitled to give such messages. All the news regarding these three shepherd's girls are completely absurd stuff.



"She is my wife. She is my disciple."

These are mentioned in Coptic papyrus scrolles. Yes, Yeshua Married Maria Magdelena at the wedding at Cana. This marriage was a formality and for the sole purpose of protecting her life also to show that women can be a religious teachers and disciples as well.

Yeshua had never been with her by means of a marriage. This marriage was a formality only.  So, the sayings of, "Yeshua had siblings" is completely wrong.

Yeshua told me in my lucid dreams that these are all absurd lies. He feels upset that instead of understanding His message of love people are creating such fake stories. Yeshua told me also that if He had strayed from his mission and acted in such a way His Father would not let Him and would ceased His life breath simultaneously. He hadn't come to the world for wordly affairs.

Please try to understand Yeshua's message and, for this, your hearts must be pure. If your hearts are full of earthly lusts there will be no place left for divinity. You will only be misusing the divinity to find excuses in order to legalize your lustful behaviours.


There is no death. Your body will dissolve away, but the essence of you cannot cease to be. Earth life is a dream from which you wake, and when the time comes, you will look back at your body and know you are not your body, but that dreamtime being which shaped and used it. Think of a jacket that you make for yourself and wear every day, in spite of its flaws. Some day, you will lay that jacket aside.

You are that essence which made your body and is changed by the experiences of your body. So, when it’s time to move on, there’s an attachment to be dissolved. And in the afterlife, as well as on Earth, attachment keeps you poor, while releasing attachment enriches you.

There are a multitude of different journeys through the afterlife. And in the past, many chieftains had no time for the idea that you can’t take anything with you. They took it all: weapons and armour, trappings of wealth, and slaves thoughtfully slaughtered for their post-Earth convenience. Viking warriors turned up at Valhalla on the horses buried with them. Others battled much anticipated diabolical forces on the way to the promised land. Some paid the ferryman to carry them across the Styx. Many waited by their graves for the day of judgement and the sound of trumpets. There is no fixed reality. But, eventually the time will come for real things.

Where’s the divine justice? If you have  inflicted terrible sufferings on others, surely you’ve got to be punished.

There are no exceptions. You will go through a life review, rather like a documentary with prodigious production values. You will experience your life from the point of view of everyone who was involved: everyone’s feelings, attitudes, motives and beliefs laid bare, including yours. You won’t just observe through their eyes and ears, you will experience what they experienced. Did you steal from someone? You will experience his hurt and outrage. Did you give food to someone who was hungry? Then you will experience her relief and joy. Of course, your Earth personality could not cope with this review, because the ship of your mind would founder in the emotional typhoon. Do you see the significance of this?

Divine Love has no counterpart in all creation, and comes from the Father alone.



All men are the children of God, and His Love and care are over all, and they are very dear to Him, otherwise He would not have rebestowed His Love upon them and given them the privilege of becoming inhabitants of His Celestial Kingdom. The Love of God is reaching out for every human beings, so that the meanest will be the object of His Care.





I had seen Yeshua in my dream in late 1980's. He had been crucified on the cross. I looked up and saw the nail in His right palm than I saw His holy face. He looked at me and said, "Must I be crucified again so that you believe?"

That incident had taken place almost thirty years ago. At those times I was thinking whether He was crucified or not because according to Islam religion he had not been crucified but another person who looks like him.  So, this was the answer to my hesitation. I cannot forget that forged black quadrangular shaped big nail driven in the middle of His holy right palm. I hadn't look at the left side.

Alpaslan/Brother of Yeshua.


Spirituality is the God's call, on the contrary religiousness is believing in dogmas without any inner intuatiotion.

When you believe blindly in dogmas, actually insulting your consciousness, you are being pulled down by the darkness. With dogmas your soul will be conquered by negative feelings such as rage, hatred and fear.

But, with intuition you will be filled with unconditional Divine Love for everybody and everything meaning that you have reached the unity. Your soul will be full of love, peace and understanding.


God is in us, God is in animals, plants and everything which are eternal in numbers. There are infinite number of Universes independent of each other. Think of God's energy as an endless labyrinth.

It is wrong to say "Search God only within yourself". GOD is everywhere both within and without.



God's judgement regarding gender condition is final.

Those who are perverted such as gays, lesbiens, bisexuals, transgenders, intersex, incest and as such, even those who accept these behaviours as normal, the ones who make friendships with those, officials who confirm and legalize this perversion and religious sects who bless them, anyone who feel affinity with them or sympathy towards them are going to be annihilated by God and they will taste the second death for sure. They shall certainly not inherit the eternal life.



Regarding the revelation of John, when somebody is kept in custody alone for so long it is normal that he starts seeing poseudohallucinations. That is what happened to John.

On worldy matters always think on scientific base. You are more evaluated souls. Your time has the advantage of advanced science.

There will be no second coming. I have come and gone many times and I still do come and go when and where necessary. But as Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) I will not come again.

There is no end time as you think. No devil either.  No armagedon.

There will be huge natural disasters and the World will change. There will be famine, plaques and floods worldwide. The world population will decrease voliminously. Life styles will change completely.

Do not loose faith. Keep calm till end. Human beings have acceletated this situation by their greeds. Do not be afraid of dying. Your feelings are very important at your last hours. This hours affects your passing transaction to the afterlife. Whether you will realize that you have died in short time depends on this mood. Do not loose your faith at the last minutes. That is very important.

I am always with the faithful.



The size of everybody's cups are different. Humans can understand my messages according to the sizes of their cups. Unfortunately, even my disciples, although they lived with me, did not understand my messages. So, you give my messages and carry on your way. Do not look back. Those who have consciousness level high enough will understand according to the size of their cups. Do not struggle to concieve individuals with lower consciousness. They will not understand and rise their conscious, on the contrary, they will pull you down to their level.

Some babies born dead. As such, some souls are also born dead.



We must rise our understandings regarding God and realize that with rewards and punishment there can be no sincere faith but, only fake faith by fear and/or  inducement.

We are in a take and give relation with God. God sends us the purest energies from Himself all the time, however, as our hearts and minds are not compeletely empty, full of worldly lusts, we cannot take the pure energies God gives us freely all the time. Our duty is to take these energies and reflect it from us. But, alas.

The God, Almighty isn't a mighty superior human looking god, sitting on a throne above us in the sky. Rather, we can think of God allegorically as an eternal Magnetic Field, pulling the goods to Himself and pushing bads away from Himself.

He invite us to live with Him. He is not the God of the dead but God of the living. So be among the living. The pioneer will be last and the last will be pioneer. Think of that.



Yeshua: Blessed are those who have hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

Question: Filled with what?

Yeshua: Filled with Holy Spirit. If you are not filled, controlled and empowered by the Spirit than you will get drunk by world which leads to debauchery. That is disobedience.



İnsanlar elbette her konuda fikirlerini söylemelidirler ancak aynı şeyi devamlı tekrar etmek bir yerde Tanrıya isyan gibi olur.


It is normal that everybody has the right to say their own opinions freely. They can tell their opinions on every subject but, permanently repeating the same opinions on the same subject is like rebelling to God.



Yeshua told me that I had been a small male Jewish child 2000 thousand years ago.

On that sinister day all the beasts were shouting as if they were crying. We have looked at each other's eyes while the human evils were whipping and swearing at Yeshua taking him to Golgota Hill to be crucfied.

Yeshua told me that I had been watching him with childish curiosity while holding my mother's skirt very tightly. But, I have left my mother and run amidst crowd to follow that holy man. Many times we have come to eye contacts and I have been ready to give my life to save him. Since then my soul  loved Him and since then I always walked on His way. Since then I have always stood by His side.

The life I have been given now is my last coming on Earth by means of physical birth. Thanks God I have gained the right to become a Holy Spirit and my second birth will take place after my physcical death.

I shared this good news with you all to show that out physical identities means a short exam and our soul's identities are what matters. Our souls are not our worldy minds. Mind is the product of our brains and will die with the brain.

Never be racist or be in favour of any kind of discrimination among people so that not to be dissapointed bitterly at your divine destinations. I wish to those who have not received yet, to get the same good news in your near future for yourselves.

Do not forget that virtues are like two sided blades. Never harm anybody or anything but also do not let anybody or anything harm you. You, yourselves too are dear beings as well as others.

Alpaslan/Brother of Yeshua.


These are bad times...

Do not make interpretations on events. Do not make speculative comments.

Wait and see. Be patient . Stay calm and carry on with your jobs and be hard working.

Observe what God will do. What is to happen will happen anyhow.

Spare certain times of each day for God an open channel to Him. Withdraw energy from Him. That is important. Otherwise your souls are broken and disintegrated.



In the Kingdom of God there is no time or date. Duties were given at the exact point when they are to be done and they are done promptly. Nobody knows the times or the duties except God before they are given.

So, the particles of the Holy Spirit are always ready to take order and do it immediately as God's soldiers. No questioning, no prediction, no hesitation and no delays. That's why to the atomy particles of the Holy Spirit while living in earthly bodies as humans, as it is too difὓcult to do duty in biological bodies, are not given duties or very seldom.

Only those human beings who have gained the right to enter the Kingdom of God namely Eternal Life after death are the atomies of the Holy Spirit.



İstenmediğinizi hissetseniz bile siz sevgi neşretmeye devam edin. Dünyanın buna ihtiyacı var.

Başkalarının duygularını hisseden açık bir insansanız dikkat edin. Burun akması, ağırlık hatta esneme sizin enerji kaybettiğinizi, o ortamın yada kişilerin sizin enerjinizi tükettiğini gösterir. Fark edin ve kendinizi korumaya alın. Bu bir dua olabilir. Negatif konuları hemen değiştirmek yada oradan uzaklaşmak olabilir.

Kadınlar yapıları gereği frekansları daha çabuk açılan varlıklardır. Çevrenin farkında olma duyarlılıklarının erkeklerden daha fazla olması ve duygusal yapıları onları daha fazla alıcı haline getirir.


14 Aralık 2018 Cuma


Benim için bir simge kullanılacaksa bu canlı bir agaç olmalıydı. Ölü bir tahta parçası değil. Ağaçların üzerinde fırtınalar,  bulutlar oluşur. Ama ağaçlar hep yukarıya uzanır. Göğe bakarlar. Bilirler ötesinde güneşin var olduğunu ve fırtınanın da, bulutların da geçici olduklarını.


9 Aralık 2018 Pazar


I had come to free you from your wordly lusts and fears. Not to cage your souls and limit your consciousness. Unless you become as I had shown you there will be no second coming.



The Divine Souls are the soldiers of God. They do what God make them do. Regarding future and death only God knows. Nobody else.



Come, take my hand. Turn your faces to God. Be my brothers and sisters.



Yeshua said that  the disputes regarding the dates of his birth and death are not important. The message he has given is important. He said that his body didn't die on earth.

Yeshua, 09.12.2018


Yeşua diyor ki 2019 yılı doğanın insanlardan öcünü alacağı yıldır. Doğayı yok etmenize izin veremeyiz. Ne yazık ki insanlar hala benim doğum ve ölüm tarihlerim üzerinde tartışıyorlar. Söyle onlara bu tarihler hiç önemli değil. Önemli olan sizlere verdiğim sevgi mesajıydı. Benim bedenimin ölümü yeryüzünde olmadı.

YEŞUA, 09.12.2018 

8 Aralık 2018 Cumartesi


When it was apparent that Yeshua was not going to return with a few days or weeks, the band of followers sold their belongings and property in Galilee, moved to Jerusalem, and pooled their money to wait for Yeshua to return, assuming it would not be much longer. Two followers, Ananias and his wife Sapphira, sold a field, but didn't give all the money from the sale to the apostles to be used for the community.
Peter confronted Ananias about it with strong, vituperate language: "Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart? Why do you lie to the Holy Spirit?" Ananias, Luke reported in Acts, fell dead on the spot. His wife, Sapphira came in three hours later. Peter confronted her about the money and she fell dead at Peter's feet. Luke reported that "all the people who heard about this were very much afraid" (Acts 5:1-11).
Violence had intruded itself into the church within days of Yeshua's death. The occurrences were remarkable in their ferocity and provide insight into the early church:
  • The deaths were very suspicious. Two people fell dead instantly when they displeased the apostles. However, apparently nothing was made of it at the time. Either God killed them or the apostles killed them. The fear of retribution from their exposure probably would not have been great, but even a fear that the group would be angry with them would hardly have killed two people within hours of each other, and the clear message was that they didn't die of natural causes—something killed them because they displeased the Holy Spirit.
  • Luke follows with a celebratory, "The apostles did many signs and wonderful things" (Acts: 5:12), as though the deaths of Ananias and Sapphira were among the "signs and wonderful things." The reader was to believe the deaths were wonderful acts.
  • Luke stated that the people were "afraid," indicating that Peter and Luke apparently felt that God was an angry, irascible man who would snuff out someone's life if they disobeyed, rather like a Mafia Don. God should be feared.
  • Peter castigated Ananias saying, "Why do you lie to the Holy Spirit?" Already, the wishes of a group of men had come to be regarded as the will of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit spoke to the group by consensus or spoke to the apostles, and anyone who did not conform to the regulations they articulated could be put to death. That would be repeated and amplified through the following centuries.


2019 will be the year that the nature will take its revenge from human beings.


2 Aralık 2018 Pazar


Bu günlerde adıma olan sempati arttı ve bu sempatiyi duyanlar gidip Hristiyan oluyorlar. Bu yanlış. Dinlerden topyekûn uzak durun. Gerçeği kavrayın. Yaratılış gerçeğini. Amacın tekrar Tanrı ile bir olmak gerçeğini. Ona kavuşmak gerçeğini. Bu zamanda bu başarılmalıydı. Olması gereken budur.

YEŞUA, 2.12.2018

1 Aralık 2018 Cumartesi


İnsanların benim yeni bir din kurmaya çalıştığımı düşünmeleri beni çok rahatsız ediyor. Ben ikibin sene önce yeni bir din kurmaya çalışmadım. Biliyorsun ben Yahudiydim. Yapmak istediğim mevcut dindeki yanlışları düzeltmekti. Yeni bir akım yaratmak değildi. Benden sonra gelen gibi kendi ismimi öne çıkarmak, yaymak gibi bir niyetimde yoktu. Kendi ismim bilinsin istemedim. İstediğim insanların yüzlerini Tanrıya çevirmekti sadece. Bunu bilsinler.

Yeşua, 01.12.2018


Gecenin sessizliğinde ruhların sesi duyulur ve sadece saf olan ruhlar bu sesleri duyar. Gece, ruhlar birleşip bir ve bütün olduğunda daha da...