
15 Aralık 2018 Cumartesi


Yeshua told me that I had been a small male Jewish child 2000 thousand years ago.

On that sinister day all the beasts were shouting as if they were crying. We have looked at each other's eyes while the human evils were whipping and swearing at Yeshua taking him to Golgota Hill to be crucfied.

Yeshua told me that I had been watching him with childish curiosity while holding my mother's skirt very tightly. But, I have left my mother and run amidst crowd to follow that holy man. Many times we have come to eye contacts and I have been ready to give my life to save him. Since then my soul  loved Him and since then I always walked on His way. Since then I have always stood by His side.

The life I have been given now is my last coming on Earth by means of physical birth. Thanks God I have gained the right to become a Holy Spirit and my second birth will take place after my physcical death.

I shared this good news with you all to show that out physical identities means a short exam and our soul's identities are what matters. Our souls are not our worldy minds. Mind is the product of our brains and will die with the brain.

Never be racist or be in favour of any kind of discrimination among people so that not to be dissapointed bitterly at your divine destinations. I wish to those who have not received yet, to get the same good news in your near future for yourselves.

Do not forget that virtues are like two sided blades. Never harm anybody or anything but also do not let anybody or anything harm you. You, yourselves too are dear beings as well as others.

Alpaslan/Brother of Yeshua.

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