
15 Aralık 2018 Cumartesi


Let emptiness lead you to God’s fulfillment. Don’t try to deny or avoid the emptiness you feel inside sometimes. Instead, recognize that emptiness can be good when it motivates you to turn to God to seek fulὓllment during your times of solitude and silence. So feel the pain of your emptiness as it carves out space in your soul for you to receive more of God’s presence.

A spiritual man is a mystic at heart, and his mind mirrors the mind of Pure Being. Therefore, his mind and thought processes are enlightened. And, since this transformation comes from the source of all knowledge, it automatically opens the gates of Divine Wisdom for him. Such a man is devoid of personal feelings or opinions, unless it be the feeling of deep compassion for all living things.

Most people are asleep and do not realize that there exists a higher spiritual reality; it is as though they see the lower illustration, take it at face value, and assume that there is nothing more. Through the faculty of intuition, however, it is possible for the higher Mind to discern the existence of a more inclusive reality. Yeshua, is both a symbol and an expression of this higher knowledge.

We are all the fragments of the same ONE WHOLE, GOD, THE SOURCE OF EVERYTHING. We all are united. To reach the peace of the world for ever, every living soul must remember this fact. Our bodies are meant to be temples of God and our souls are pieces of His power. Those who awakens to this truth and lives accordingly gain the eternal life in light bodies. Those who hasn't awaken will carry on borning into flesh again and again until their last chances and if they cannot succeed their soul memories will be erased and their energies will merge with nature's unsentimental powers.  The harvest of the souls have started spiritually.

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