
1 Ekim 2020 Perşembe


There is The Crown on top of everything. Eternal Universes coming down from this single Crown.

Visualize a swing caorusel, seats tied with chains to the same one drum above them. Making the chairs turn. As for the Universes, only the seats are infinite in numbers and some are within each other. All are being turned by this single Pover. The unique and infinite Pover. The Almighty. “The Universe is full of life. But the Universe is immense. And intelligent life living in the physical manifestation is scattered about a great and vast arena. It is concentrated in some places more than other. Your world exists in an area of congregation, an area that has many inhabited worlds beyond your Solar System.”

“The physical universe is changing and evolving. God is not managing it because it is self-perpetuating. God does not have to manage every little swirl in the current of a river because the river is self-perpetuating. It is running on its own. God does not have to manage every little breeze in the air, or the shape of every little cloud, because these phenomena are all being perpetuated by the geological and biological forces that were set in motion at the beginning of the creation of the physical reality.” 

God is in us, God is in animals, plants and everything which are eternal in numbers. There are infinite numbers of Universes independent of each other. Think of God's energy as an endless labyrinth.

It is wrong to say "Search God only within yourself". GOD is everywhere both within and without.


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