
6 Ağustos 2021 Cuma


When Yeshua lived on this earth, he came teaching about the Kingdom--the Kingdom of God. It is costly to follow Yeshua without hiding behind any man made religion. There is risk everywhere. Yes, but who said it would be easy to enter the Kingdom which is eternal life with God.

Messiah, from first to last, teaches the reality of eternal life. His only lesson was 'life.' It is the desire of the soul to live. And that life is the real life. Man keeps imagining that his life is for eating delicious dishes, for making merry, or for being comfortable for the time being. But when the body has gone, how will he live? What will become of his comforts? When the mind is not there, how will he satisfy the mind? To live in the body or the mind is to live in vehicles upon which one becomes dependent but which must pass, and be no more.

By Sufis it is called Fana, annihilation. All the attempts made by true sages and seekers after real truth are for the one aim of attaining to everlasting life.  Mankind’s invisible enemies are those who prevent people from learning and changing, from broadening and raising their consciouses. People, who are open minded and who can think without prejudice, are required for the raising of consciouses. People with shallow consciouses cannot have respect for themselves or their environment. But when people learn to have respect for themselves and for life, they will also find the rules on how to live happily and peacefully while being integrated and harmonious with themselves, with the society and with nature. For this, people need to know what they are and why they have been created. Social disorder and destruction cannot be prevented without reaching these truths. Those who prevent enlightenment are enemies of mankind. Two thousand years ago, Yeshua had said to all enemy-of-mankind zealots, “They are as shepherds who appropriate the feeds of their cattle. They did not eat them, nor will they let others eat”. 

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