
15 Ekim 2021 Cuma



In the name of the Mighty God,

They shall practice what they have read. The important thing is that they practice it in their own lives. They shall not prioritize anything over God. May their faces always be turned to the light. The love of God should be preeminent. At every moment, God is unceasingly sending His clean breath and His pure energy to all living beings. This clean source is at the essence of life. In return, He asks you to send back positive energies. This means that you are required to send back, in pure and clean form and without defiling, what you have taken from Him. And this is possible by leading a clean and useful life.

God comes before all; then comes love and then comes power and the fourth one is sacrifice. This is the correct order. Declare this to your readers.

God wishes all humans to be happy. Hence, He created the miraculous nature so that you  may be happy. God Himself is a miracle and everything He creates is miraculous. Therefore, unhappiness is perceived as a rebellion against God. Live in joy and express your gratitude to God. The suffering of man is a by-product of his ego. Solely focusing on the negatives and pretending as if the positive sides do not exist is egotism. 

Take only God as your role-model. Do not take anyone else as example. Including me. 

Love is the path of God. It is not my personal path. May your face always be turned to God. If you turn your face to any other direction than that of God, you will be headed towards darkness.

There are only fictions on Earth. Here, there are facts. The person may be assigned difficult tasks according to his potential. Information is provided but perception belongs to the person. 

I had said, “Knock the door and it shall be opened to you. Seek and you shall find”, but now I tell you that God is calling out to you. But the noise is so loud that you cannot hear Him.

God is the source. We exist with His pure energy. We receive this energy with all its pure features. Unfortunately, most of us misuse this energy and cause dark energy vortexes. It is our main duty to purely reflect this pure God energy that we receive complimentarily. We had promised to God that it would be this way but most of us forget this when we become embodied. God is saddened with this situation. Even the sparkles of His light may sometimes diminish in parallel to this sadness. God is so supreme that, to forgive us, He looks for crumbs of goodness even in the most unfathomable details. But divine justice is inevitable.

Tell the people that they need to learn love, respect and tolerance. Otherwise, they will be lost in the heart of the earth. Not every deceased is waken. Not every waken one finds the chance to return to Earth. Not every returner is successful. This World is a temporary test zone. Death prevails here. 

Every born being dies. But in the eternal life, life prevails. There is no death. Invest for the eternal life, not for this World. May the rational ones wake to this reality as soon as possible.

The human soul is such a structure that it is fed by the constant energies that come from God. Whereas your evildoings build a shell around your soul and prevent you from receiving these pure and clean source energies that come from God. The thicker this shell becomes, the less energy your soul will receive, and at one point, it will die. Only a small amount of root energy is left behind, which is beyond death, bond to disperse and blend with the earth after divine justice is served. Those buried under the earth, the remains of the human soul, are only valid on Earth. We serve as, or rather we are made to serve as, holy spirits. God is everything, the only being. He is inside everything and outside everything. He knows all. He knows what will happen or where everything will end up. 

Pure (Holy) souls are those that have reached the source (Eternity); they are souls that have been included in the holy ring of functionaries. In the spiritual realm, they have a human-like appearances, albeit not in flesh and blood as on Earth. The magnificence of the peacefulness in this place is indescribable. 

Purified souls are able to cope with all the lies and illusions on Earth without losing control of themselves. They do not become prisoners of their emotions. They use their worldly desires in accordance with their existential purpose while embodied. They do not go to extremes. Such souls are always totally surrendered to God. They keep their minds under total control. They do not exert any efforts to come into prominence in society. But it is not possible for ordinary souls to be completely rid of their passions while embodied. But you may direct them; this is what is wanted and expected of you. You will reach reality when you correctly understand the words of the soul. This will take you out of the capturing force of worldly passions. This is what freedom is.

You are distanced from God when you are angry. And you become more peevish as you move away from God. Be calm and control your anger. Do not let your negative emotions blanket your mind. Let your mind be at ease. Can you see yourself in boiling water? No, you cannot. But if the water is calm, you can see yourself as in a mirror. This is important. If you are not calm enough, you cannot receive from the source the life energies that are flowing in all directions. Therefore, it is vitally important to be calm. When you are unable to constantly receive these energies, you cannot remain physically or mentally healthy.

God’s work must always be first and most prominent for the soul. Immediate reaction must be given at the right moment, because God’s works are done at the moment they are assigned. Pure souls, which are God’s children and troops, always wait readily, standing and fully focused in God’s presence, in order to serve and realize their duties as soon as they are assigned to them. Focusing is very important. The act of focusing must be continuous. Because wandering away momentarily will turn your direction away from God. And this is not permitted. In the end, such a degree of surrender is not easy and it requires being purified souls that are cleansed from all desires and obsessions while alive, and this requires full devotion, full love. Still, man cannot reach this level of consciousness while alive, but at least, he can keep his actions in this direction. He can keep his negative emotions under control. This is man living beyond himself. One may come close to this state of being while alive, and he can fully attain it after death. In order to achieve this, you need to be crazy for God while alive, to love Him with all your heart, your mind and your soul. Of course this does not mean not to enjoy life, to retire into seclusion. The important thing is for a man to establish such control, peace and devotion within himself and in his soul, while living in and together with a society, regardless of the circumstances. 

While it is raining, you should always think of the beauty that will come afterwards. You need to get out of the prison in which you have confined yourself. You have put up a wall around you; you must have a door to get out or you will keep hitting the wall.

Random thoughts are parasites and they exhaust the energy of your existence. When there are no thoughts, your energy will remain inside you in fullness. Be open to learning or you will become neurotic. 

I am disturbed by the fact that people cite my name while living in mansions and leading a lavish life. Life is like a cinema screen. You cry and laugh while looking there but only the screen remains when the light goes out, and you may see the truth only when that screen is lifted,  too.


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