
27 Ocak 2017 Cuma


The Ten Reasons Why
Christians Don't Believe In Reincarnation

1. A Circus Prostitute and a Roman Emperor condemned the Christian doctrine of the pre-existent soul that evolves to perfection over the course of many lifetimes.
2. Another Roman Emperor ordered that crucial teachings be removed from the Bible.
3. Christians lack an understanding of one of the main themes of the Bible which is preordination.
4. Without understanding the reason why all things are preordained, Christians lack an understanding of the scriptures, and understanding of the Alpha and Omega
5. Mithraism was the universal religion of the Roman Empire -- and Christianity had to compete with Mithraism as to which religion could offer the multitude the greater redemption without change from the believers sinful ways.
6. The Gentile Christians were too heathen, and demanded that they not be held accountable for their actions, and they required religious doctrines that provided them a free ticket to Heaven.
7. The natural mind of man cannot know God whose ways cannot be perceived and understood from man's carnal perspective.
8. Reincarnation, as understood by the New Age, is in error
9. It can be said that most people don't reincarnate -- because as Jesus said, the spiritually dead cannot be made alive by merely passing from this world when their cycle here is completed.
10. Christians totally lack an understanding of the soul-self -- the higher purpose of life -- and the process of second soul-birth which is necessary to enter into Life and the Kingdom

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