
17 Ocak 2017 Salı



Yeshua was not an African. He was typical Middle Eastern man. Not a Norwaigen or Swedish either. He was neither black nor white.  A man walking for hours under the Middle East sun everyday, of course He must have had dark coloured skin. Apart from that His body was taken from the Earth because His DNA's were different than the wordly people's. Yeshua did not die on cross. Better to say, although all the tortures they have done to Him, they were not able to kill Him. When was taken to grave form Golgotta thinking He was dead. He was actually alive but showing Himself as dead by controlling His heart and breath together with all His body. There He healed Himself and left. He stayed on Earth and tought His disciples for some short time. When He compeletes His divine duty on Earth He stop preaching and was taken up. There He left His physcal body and went to the Source while His body is exterminated. Such a divine person cannot be killed. Those knowledge was given to me by Yeshua in my lucid dreams and I transfered this information to you all who wants to think.

The stories about other so called deities born of virgin and resurrected from death as Yeshua have all been created after Yeshua. If not, if these deities were real, where are their words? What message they have brought...? As far as I know there is nobody before Yeshua talking about eternal life with God and love... God is love.


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