
13 Haziran 2017 Salı


You want the enlightment, but you don't know what you are asking for.

Enlightment is to open to the Divine, and accepting the consequence that this openness will also open our soul to full vulnerability to the spiritual suffering of mankind, and the temptations and trials of the soul that the spiritual journey brings.

The invading energies come from the culture we live in, the television, the internet, violent, cynical, despairing, or pornographic forms of entertainment. We must keep watch over and be our hearts guardian spirit. That includes not letting harmful, cynical, coveting, parasitic, or hateful thoughts of our own mind's creation not to gain energy or enterance or a foothold in our soul. These obsesive compulsive forms of desire and aversion are called demons. Demons of gluttony, concupiscence, avarice, sadness, anxiety, anger, vainglory, pride and despair.

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