
18 Mayıs 2019 Cumartesi


Life on Earth is an important part of the Great Eternity of living. Humans should realize this to its fullest meaning, and not think the Earth a mere stopping place, where the spirit is enfolded in flesh, only for the pleasures and gratification of its carnal appetites. This Earth Life is a fleeting shadow of the Spirit Life, but an important shadow to the happiness which human may enjoy in the future. It is the most important period of human's whole existence. The way that such Life is lived may determine the whole Future Life of the human. I do not mean that there is no redemption beyond the grave, for the Mercy of the Father continues into the Spirit Life. But when human fails to accept this Mercy, I mean The Way in which they may become a Divine Child of the Father while in the Earth Life, they may never accept it in the Spirit Life.

The Earth is the great plane of probation. The development of the souls of humans depends upon their correct living, in accordance with those Principles, which the Father has established, as the means whereby they may receive this condition of Divine Love, which alone can make them At-One with Him. Divine Love, which makes them, as it were, a part of Himself. I mean that there is in all humans the Potentiality of becoming a part of the Divine Essence. In order for them to partake of this Divinity, they must let the Divine Love of the Father, in its Highest Divine Nature, enter into their souls and make them At-One with Him.

Merely good deeds are not sufficient. Back of all deeds must be the Soul's Development, which results only from the possession of the Divine Love. I do not mean by this that deeds do not form a part of this development, for they do. But deeds, without the possession of the Divine Love, will never make a human the possessor of the one thing needful to ensure their entrance into the Heavenly Kingdom.

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