
18 Mayıs 2019 Cumartesi


The mind, while a powerful helper in this regard, is not, of itself, sufficient to bring about the great desideratum. It is True that with every mortal, there is a constant warfare between the appetites and lusts of the flesh, and their Higher Desires. Hence, it is said, that these appetites and desires are sinful, the cause of evil and the inharmony that exists in the lives of mortals. This statement is not altogether True. For as human was made with Spiritual Aspirations and Desires, so also, were they made with appetites and desires of the flesh. The latter, of themselves, are not evils.

The failure to make the distinction between the fact that these appetites and desires of the flesh are not evil, and the fact that only the perversion of them brings evil, is the great stumbling block that stands in the way of human's developing this Natural Love in the manner that I have indicated. These, what are sometimes called the animal appetites and desires, may be exercised, in such a way, as to be in Perfect Harmony with the Laws that control them. In such exercise, not interfere with, or prevent, the development of this Natural Love to Perfection.

Human, in the free exercise of their will, has in their wanderings, gone beyond the limitations, which the Law of Harmony has placed upon them, added to, and increased and distorted, the appetites and desires of the flesh, which were originally bestowed upon them. Hence, has them self, created those things that are not in Harmony with the Creation of them self.

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