
30 Mayıs 2019 Perşembe



"As the prayers of the sincere, earnest soul ascend to the Father, that soul becomes opened up to the inflowing of this Love. The soul's perceptions then enlarge and come more in rapport with the conditions of influence that always accompanies the presence of this Love. Accordingly, its entrance into the soul becomes easier and, in its reception, more perceptible to the soul sense. The more earnest the prayer and sincere the longings, the sooner faith comes. And with this faith comes the realization that the Divine Love is permeating the soul.

When the Divine Love once finds a lodgment in the soul, it becomes, as it were, a changed substance to the extent that it receives the Love and partakes of the essence of that Love. And as water may become colored by an ingredient foreign to itself, which changes not only its appearance but also its qualities, so this Divine Love changes the appearance and qualities of the soul. And this change of qualities continues ever thereafter. The natural qualities of the soul and the essence of the Love become one and united, and the soul is made altogether different in its constituency from what it was before the inflowing of the Love − but this only to the extent of the Love received.

As this Love increases in quantity, the change and transformation become correspondingly greater. Finally, the transformation may and will become so great that the whole soul becomes a thing of this Divine Essence and partakes of It's very Nature and Substance − a being of divinity."

Yeshua Messiah

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