
28 Kasım 2019 Perşembe


In the matter of God as our supply, or any other side of the divine law that we, from time to time, attempt to bring into manifestation, the moment we begin to be anxious our quiet becomes simply the airtight valve of tension or suppressed anxiety that shuts out the very thing we are trying to bring about, and so prevents its manifestation.

This way of holding with intensity to a thought, be it mental argument for healing or looking to God for material supply, recognizing that we ourselves have power by such firmness of thought to bring what we want into manifestation, is one way of obtaining results, but it is a hard way. We do thus give out what is within us, and it is helpful so far as it goes, but by some mental law this intensity of thought seems to cut off our consciousness from the Fountainhead, thus preventing inflow and renewal therefrom; hence the quick exhaustion and the burdened feeling.

We need to rise above this state of tension, to one of living trust. There is such a thing as an indolent shifting of our responsibility to an outside God, which means laziness, and which never brings anything into manifestation. But there is also a state of trustful passivity, which we must enter into to do the highest work.

There are some things that we are to do ourselves, but there are others that God does not expect us to do. (When I speak of ourselves as something apart from God, I simply mean our conscious selves. We are always one with God, but we do not always realize it consciously. I speak of ourselves as the conscious part of us.) They are His part, and our greatest trouble lies in our trying to do God's part, just because we have not learned how to trust Him to do it. We are, with our conscious thought, to speak the words of life, of Truth, of abundant supply, and we are to act as though the words were true. But the "bringing it to pass" is the work of a power that is higher than we; a presence that we do not see with these mortal eyes, but which is omnipotent and will always rush to our rescue when we trust it.

From the smallest thing of our everyday life to the rolling away of the largest stone of difficulty from our path, this Presence will come in to deliver us. But its working depends on our trusting, and trusting means getting still inside.

In this effort of ours to bring into manifestation the good that we know belongs to every child of God, it is when we get beyond the point where we try to do it all ourselves and let God do His part that we get the desires of our heart.

After we have done our part faithfully, earnestly, we are told to "stand still, and see the salvation of Jehovah, which he will work for you. . . . God will fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. "See the conditions here imposed. This invisible Presence will remove from your path the big difficulties, which look to your mortal vision to be almost insurmountable, only on condition that you stand still. The Lord will fight for you if you hold your peace. But there is nowhere any such promise of deliverance for you while you preserve a state of flutter within. Either one -- this state of internal unrest, or a forced external quiet, which simply means compressed anxiety -- completely prevents this invisible omnipotent force from doing one thing for your deliverance. It must be peace, peace; possess your soul in peace, and let God work.

My friend, this battle you are trying to fight is not yours, but God's. You are trying to heal; you are trying to hold vigorously to the law of good in that very trouble at home which the world knows not of, but which at times nearly overwhelms you. Be still. Let go. The battle is God's, not yours, and because it is God's battle through you, God desiring to manifest through you, victory was on your side before ever the battle began (in your consciousness, for that is the only place where there is any battle). Can you not calmly -- aye, even with rejoicing claim the victory right now, because it is God's battle! You need no longer fight this battle, but "stand ye still," right where you are today, in the struggle to overcome material things, and "see the salvation of God’s with you."

Magazin of Unity.

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