
28 Kasım 2019 Perşembe


How quickly and far recede the cankering cares of life, the frets and fumes, the misunderstandings and the being misunderstood! How sure we are when we have consciously -- and by effort if need be -- swept away all limitations of personal desire and are saying, "Here am I, infinite Father, Thou great Fountainhead of all good. I have no desire. Thou art fulfilling thy highest thoughts in me, unhindered by my consciousness; Thou art now pouring Thyself through this organism into visibility; Thou art thinking Thy thoughts through this intellect; Thou art loving through this heart with Thine own tender Father-Mother love, which thinketh no evil, endureth all things, beareth all things, seeketh not its own; Thou art manifesting Thyself in Thine own way through this organism unto the visible world." I say, when we thus burst the bonds of personal desire and rise to a willingness that the Father's will be done through us every moment, how sure we are of the fatherly care that will clothe us with the beauty of the lilies and feed us as the birds of the air. Aye, with even a more lavish abundance of all good things than He gives to either of these, for "ye are of more value than many sparrows."

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