
28 Kasım 2019 Perşembe


In order that we may hear the inner voice and may receive the highest form of teaching, which alone can open the eyes of our spiritual understanding, the mortal self must cease its clamoring even for Truth, the human intellect must become absolutely still, forgetting to argue or discuss. The Father can lead into all Truth only when we listen to hear what He will say -- not to what others will say. We must learn to listen -- not anxiously and with strained ears, but expectantly, patiently, trustingly. We must learn how to wait on God, in the attitude of "Speak Jehovah for thy servant heareth," if we would know Truth.

Yeshua said, "Except ye turn, and become as little children [that is, teachable and trusting] ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven," or the kingdom of understanding of Truth. And again He said, "I thank thee, O Father . . . that thou didst hide these things from the wise and understanding [or intellectual], and didst reveal them unto babes."

We must put aside all preconceived opinions of Truth, either our own or any other person's, and with receptive mind opened toward the source of all light, say continually, "Lord, teach me." We must become as babes in human wisdom before we can enter into the deep things of God.

But believe me, the revelation that the Spirit of truth will make to you when you have withdrawn from all outside sources and learned to listen to the voice in your own soul, will be such as to make you know -- no longer believe -- your oneness with the Father and with all His children. They will be such as to fill you with great joy. "These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full."

So long as anyone clings to another, just so long will the manifestation of the real self, God, remain weak and limited. Wait only on God for the light you desire. He will tell you how to act, what to do. Trust your own inspiration; act on it, though all the world sit in judgment on it, for when any man puts aside selfish aims, and desires only to manifest the Highest, his life then becomes the perfect One manifesting through him.

When you learn to let God manifest Himself through you in His own way, it will not be like the manifestation through anyone else. You will think and speak and do without previous thought or plan. You will be as new and surprising to yourself as to anyone else. For it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking in you.

Magazin  of Unity.

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