
26 Kasım 2019 Salı


Any kind of prophecy, prediction or clairvoyance regarding future events are not wellcomed by the God. God detastes interference with His doings. God gets disturbed about the foretellings of any kind regarding what He is going to do.

Those in the past, your socalled prophets, had said many things. If one says so many things regarding future events, some of them might be used to sitimulate people according to the policies of the rulers. That doesn’t mean that they know the future. Nobody can and may know the future. To know the future, one must be superior to the One, The Almighty who makes the future every moment anew, The Almighty God. That is, to think that you are superior to Him even unknowingly, a very disgraceful mistake one can do.

Nobody can know what God will do. Nobody can talk about the future. That is to poke your nose in God’s bussiness which is an impertinent action. God is superior and can not be forecasted. Also, this impertinent actions, trying to forecast God’s affairs disturb God.


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