
17 Mart 2017 Cuma


Yeshua, teaches without footnotes; he teaches on the basis of his own authority. In the Sermon on the Mount, He says again and again, “You have heard that it was said, …but I tell you”.  His words have authority, not only to instruct but also to heal.

Yeshua has the key of the Kingdom of God. Yeshua is love and without knowing Him how can one learn love and enter the Kingdom.

We are tempted, not only by obvious sins (misuse of sex, money, and power), but are also tempted to take shortcuts in building the kingdom. “Less talk, more rock.”  Develope yourselves. Keep away from communities who are just after filling pews.

Yeshua warns against false prophets, ferocious wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing—to be known by their fruits. By Matthew’s time, the community was struggling not only against persecution from the outside, but also against false leaders on the inside.

Yeshua warns that every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.

Yeshua warns that only those who do the will of the Father in heaven can expect to enter the Kingdom of God.

Yeshua warns that those who fail to act on Jesus’ words are like a house built on sand—headed for a great collapse.

Each of these warnings contrasts two kinds of people—those who choose the right or wrong road—those who bear good fruit or bad—those who do or fail to do the Father’s will—and those who build on rock or sand.

The kingdom of heaven/kingdom of God is composed of those who have submitted themselves to God’s rule. Therefore, entering the kingdom of heaven means submitting to God’s rule—becoming God’s loyal subject.

The dividing line is whether we have merely professed faith or have actually done the Father’s will. “The teaching of the Sermon on the Mount is not meant to be admired but to be obeyed”.

Yeshua has Authority, capable of seeing into the innermost recesses of our spiritual hearts. It is all too easy to busy ourselves about the work of the community without stopping to reflect on whether we are obeying Yeshua—to busy ourselves with programs while neglecting people—to prepare sermons while neglecting prayer—to do great things in Yeshua’ name while neglecting Yeshua—to assume that full pews validate our ministry when, in fact, we have lost touch with the Lord.

Yeshua tells us that obedience requires poverty of spirit, mourning, meekness, hungering and thirsting for righteousness, mercy, purity of heart, and peacemaking.

 It requires us:

• To let our light shine;

. To deal with anger and to resolve conflict;

• To maintain proper marital relationships;

• To speak honestly without fanfare or oaths;

• To act in generous and loving ways—even toward our enemies;

• To give alms and to pray in secret;

• To forgive;

• To refrain from judgment;

. To observe justice, mercy, and faith.

This raises the issue of salvation by works. Are we saved by what Yeshua has done or by what we do? It would be easy to misinterpret Yeshua’ requirement to do the will of God. Yeshua is not advocating salvation by works but authentic faith that produces good fruit—that impels us to act in accord with God’s will—that leads to faithful action.

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