
26 Mart 2017 Pazar



Religions and "mainstream" science in the West have evolved as pillars of the maintenance of oppressive regimes, that substantively seek to perpetuate 'Empire', rather than spread human rights .

Christianity and other organized religions were created by elites, and in the guise of spreading the message of God, was executed to spread Empire through the creation of an elite-driven religious bureaucracies. Religion was the tool that Romans, and other Empires since then, have used to pacify and oppress "the masses".

Western "science" became the secular mechanism used by the 'Empires' of the West, to correspondingly oppress the masses through the development of destructive technologies associated with a political-military-industrial complex, and through manipulated "official" pools of knowledge. These highly managed pools of knowledge are under elite ownership. These managed pools of knowledge are also collusively directed in the capitalist/socialist systems, through formal educational systems, broad socialization, and interconnected mass-media organizations from television to the print media.

The apparent conflict between "religion" and science, is a managed conflict and is a mass deception strategy through political theatre, which is orchestrated to give the appearance of an uncontrolled and critical debate. In reality, both sides of that debate are controlled by the same confederacy of elites, who are linked to the joint pursuit of 'Empire', through the opportunistic use of religion and science under capitalism.

Gnostic wisdom suggests that the "true" God of the universe is manifested in the pursuit of a consciousness associated with wisdom, peace, and love, and also on Earth by Mother Nature or 'Sophia'.

Having "blind faith" is the inculcation of self-imposed ignorance, which does not bring humanity closer to God, as presented by manipulative elites in fascistic religious organizations. Instead, in the apparent view of the Gnostics, such "faith", is orchestrated to move humanity further away from God, so that humanity can be "jerked around" by hideous intelligences.

In contrast, Gnostics recognize the critical pursuit of an appreciation of God to be essentially a "scientific exercise". Gnostics appear to appreciate understanding the complexity of reality, which empowers humanity through critical knowledge of the universe, requires scientific study, inclusive of spiritual phenomenon.

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