
7 Mart 2017 Salı


People will lose faith in God. They will lose heart. They will turn to technology to save them, thinking that it alone will be their salvation. The Spirit and the Presence and the Power of God will be lost in a world of convulsive change and upheaval.

To use religion for war, conquest and domination is an abomination. It is a crime against God. Any scripture that promotes this is inauthentic. Any teaching that promotes this in the name of religion is inauthentic and incorrect. Any declaration, even from one of the Messengers, to promote this in the name of God and religion represents an error and a misunderstanding.

Think not that the Messengers were without error, for they all made mistakes along the way and had to be corrected.

To condemn people to Hell because they do not follow your ideology is an error and a crime against God. To denounce people because they are unbelievers represents a misunderstanding.

If they cannot receive the Grace of God, then they are unfortunate and should be pitied, not punished. If they stray from their religion, they need assistance, not condemnation.

Who in the world can say what God wills for each person?

It is human arrogance, human unforgiveness, human aggression, human stupidity and ignorance that give rise to the abuses of religion.

You cannot punish, torture or kill in the name of God.

Therefore, there is no holy war. There is no holy warrior. You go to war for other reasons—for power, for domination, for resources, for control, for revenge. It has nothing to do with religion.

. Learn tolerance and moderation.
. Learn humility and reverence.
. Learn compassion and forgiveness.
. Learn charity and service.

These are what keep humanity from falling into ruin and despair. This is what elevates you beyond the animals and the creatures in the field.

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