
6 Mart 2017 Pazartesi


Trust to that God only who is unchangeable. Cease ye from man, leave trusting to the reed, but trust to the Rock of ages. He that is by faith engarrisoned in God, is safe in all changes; he is like a boat that is tied to an immoveable rock. He that trusts in God, trusts in that which cannot fail him; he is unchangeable. I will never leave you, nor forsake you. Health may leave us, riches, friends may leave us, but, says God, I will not leave you; my power shall support you; my Spirit shall sanctify you; my mercy shall save you; I will never leave you. Trust in this unchangeable God!

God's unchangeableness. I am God, I change not. God is unchangeable in his nature and in his decree.

Unchangeable in his nature.

1. There is no eclipse of his brightness.
2. No period put to his being.

.No eclipse of his brightness. His essence shines with a fixed lustre. With whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. Ypu are the same. All created things are full of vicissitudes.

.There is no period put to His being. Who only has immortality. The Godhead cannot die. An infinite essence cannot be changed into finite; but God is infinite. He is eternal, ergo, he is not mortal. To be eternal and mortal is a contradiction.

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