
9 Nisan 2018 Pazartesi


But what will eternal life be like?

Most people think of eternal life as living forever in heaven. But it's more than that. Eternal life also is a here-and-now thing. 

The word "eternal" translates a word in the original language that means "agelong." The idea is of life that never ends. It points to an afterlife where there is no death.

Eternal life means escaping the power of death. This life is ruled by death. Everything that lives will die. Physically, there is no way to escape it. But death wasn't the end of the story for Yeshua. God brought Him back to life. In the same way, death isn't the end of the story for us.  "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life" (Romans 6:23). 

What eternal life is NOT is eternal death. People with eternal life will not "perish," but people whose lives aren't lived God's way will meet divine justice and eternal death. If eternal life is living forever with God, then maybe the opposite is dying forever.

But eternal life isn't just something that starts after you die. It's also a here-and-now thing. 

Yeshua said "I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly" (John 10:10). The life mentioned here is the eternal life with God.

Eternal life is God's own life, living in you. If you want to know what that means, look at the kind of life Yeshua lived. Piercing insight into the most troubling and confusing problems people face. Strength to win the struggles with sin that people usually lose. God's miracle-working power that turns impossible situations into exciting victories.
Eternal life is full and free, like a natural spring that keeps bubbling up fresh, cool water even in the time of serious drought (John 4:14). 

If we have faith and live correctly according to Yeshua' s words we receive it at present. While we are still living on the earth and subject to earthly hardships, sorrows and disappointments we take refuge in the presence God. We shall have faith that the life that we have obtained is everlasting. It will extend beyond the boundaries of this earthly existence, indeed beyond time and the grave. So while we may suffer adversity here and now as foreigners in a strange country, we have hope of a better day. Still till the last minute we have to keep our egos in strick control and not stray.

Eternal life in its ultimate fulfillment will be lived in the joyous presence of the living God, forever. This afterlife will be unencumbered by mortal bodies and life's untoward circumstances. We will be transformed into beings that are immortal and incorruptible; no longer need we fear sickness, pain or death. We will be God's children.

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