
25 Nisan 2017 Salı



If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

Such people should not expect to receive anything from God. They live with their passion instead of patience.

Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.



For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.

But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.

And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.

Let all that you do be done in love.

The true Spirit gives us a deep hunger for righteousness and guides us into all truth. He builds in us a strong desire and love for truth that no man can dislodge by seeking unity under the guise of consensus.

The false spirit encourages self-satisfaction and makes us believe that we are in need of nothing.It perpetuates our lukewarmness by destroying our hunger for truth.


The goal of our instruction is the love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and a sincere faith.

For you did not receive a spirit of slavery that returns you to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship, by whom we cry, “Father!"

My God, and my Father, You are the gigantic universal form which contains all the individual bodies of the living entities. You are the maintainer of the worlds, and as such You maintain the mind, senses, body, and breath of life within them. I therefore offer my deepest obeisances unto You.“


Bizler Tanrıdan gelmedik. Biz Tanrıylayız. Ruhlarımızı en saf şekilde Ondan aldık ve yine en saf haliyle Ona teslim etmeliyiz. Ruh Tanrının nefesidir ve bir sonraki nefeslerimiz Onun lutfu ile olur. O halde her an bitecek gibi ruhlarımızı aldığımız en saf haliyle  muhafaza edelim.



Tüm ruhlar dünyaya gidecekleri yeri bilerek gelir. Bazı insanların dünyaya delicesine sarılıp gitmek istememeleri bundandır. Başlarına gelecekleri hissederler.



God is sovereign, and we have free will. This is one of the great mysteries of the religious faith. God's will is ultimately accomplished. He is in control over all things. Yet we are also free to make choices that actually influence our worlds. We do not merely have the illusion of a choice; we have an actual choice.

Even so, our free will is constrained. We are slaves to our sinful natures. So while we do have free will, we also have a tendency toward sin. In that sense, we are not free. Apart from God, we are incapable of choosing to live rightly. We are "dead in our transgressions" without the help of God in this world.

God is sovereign and in that sovereignty has chosen to grant us free will. This means that our relationship with God is based on truth. We are not forced to relate with Him; we are freed to do so. 

God still speak to us today? Yes, He does so in a variety of ways. First, God has revealed Himself through the created world. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. There is no speech, nor are there words, His voice is felt by the pure souls.

God is perfect, and He will not convey something that contradicts the perfect truth which is love He has already given by means of Yeshua.



All souls come to the World knowing exactly where they will go. That's why some human beings are being attached to the World desperately and don't want to die. They know where they are going to go after...


15 Nisan 2017 Cumartesi



Benim gerçek öğretilerime sırt çevirmek için mazeret olarak öğretilerimin saptırılmış şekillerini kullananlar, bilin ki sizler benim hiçbir zaman elçilerim değilsiniz.

Benim adımı anmak, beni kabul etmiş olmak yeterli değildir. Önemli olan sözlerimin özümsenip uygulanmasıdır.

"Bu dünya geçici bir sınav alanıdır. Burada ölümün hükmü geçerlidir. Doğan her şey ölür ancak sonsuz yaşamda yaşam hüküm sürer. Ölüm yoktur. Bu dünya için değil sonsuz yaşam için yatırım yapın. Aklı olan bu gerçeğe biran evvel uyansın"

Yukarı yükseklere bakın. Derin bakın. Bilinçlerinizi yükseltin. Tanrıyı her şeyin kaynağı olarak düşünün. Tanrının ışığını düşünün. Doğruları söylemekten korkmayın. Toprağın bağrında kalmaktan korkun. Sonsuz yaşamı arzulayın. Sonsuz yaşamı arayın.  Tanrının huzuruna çıkabilmek için dua edin. Tanrının sevgi olduğunu hiçbir zaman unutmayın. Kalbinizde hâkim olan duygu sevgi değilse Tanrının huzuruna çıkamazsınız.

Biz Tanrıylayız. Gerçek budur. Tanrıdan geldik demek yanlıştır. Tanrı tüm yaşam enerjilerinin kaynağıdır. O bulutlar üzerinde oturan, istekleri yapılınca mükâfatlar dağıtan ama isteklerine karşı gelinince ceza veren insanüstü bir ilah değildir. Tanrı sabittir. Hareket etmez ve değişmez. Tanrı yaşam verir, yaşamı devam ettirir ve yarattıklarına kendisini çeşitli şekillerde hissettirir. Her şeyden haberdardır ve hükmü kesindir. Aldığımız nefes, esen rüzgâr Onun nefesidir.

Tanrı ölülerin değil ama yaşayanların Tanrısıdır. Benimle konuşmanın ancak kilise mensubu birkaç kişiye inhisar ettiğini söyleyenler doğruyu söylememektedirler. Ben sürekli dünyaya ruh olarak gelip gitmekte ve sesimi duyurmaktayım. 2000 yıldır bu aralıksız devam ediyor. Bizler için sayı önemli değildir. Sıra dışı ruhlar önemlidir. Tanrıyla beraber sonsuz yaşama kavuşmak sizce bu kadar kolay mı olmalıydı, hayır ama Dünya insanının barbarlığı beni gerçekten şaşırtmaktadır. Bilinçlerin hala bu derece ilkel seviyelerde kalmış olması üzücüdür. Siz Dünya insanları belki teknolojik olarak evrende en geri tür değilsiniz ama barbarlıkta evrende en ileri seviyede olan birinci türsünüz. Gerçek sevgiyi hala hiç kavrayamadınız. Bunu kavrayamadan da varacağınız yer toprağın bağrıdır. Ölüler kervanına katılırsınız. Ruhlarınızda bedenlerinizle birlikte çürür ve madde elemanlarına ve enerjilerine dönüşür. Halbuki ben size ebedi yaşamı bulasınız diye gelmiştim. Bunun için işkence gördüm ve öldürüldüm ama ben dirilerdenim ve hala sizinle beraberim. Kapıları çalıyorum ve bekliyorum. Beni kabul edebilecekleri bekliyorum.

Bedenlerinizi de Tanrının hizmetine verin. İtibar ve güç peşinde koşmayın. Tüm güç Tanrınındır. Gücün kaynağı Tanrıdır ve siz kötüye kullanmayacağınızı ispat ettiğinizde Onun gücünden kullandırılacaksınız. Tanrı her şeyle iç içedir lakin merkezde yalnız yine kendisi ve ebedi yaşama layık olabilmiş saf ruhlar Onun huzurundadırlar. Bunları düşünün.

Daima Sevgi yolunuz Işık yoldasınız olsun.




Tarih boyunca tüm kötülükler böyle başlamıştır...

Küçük sapmaların bir zararı olmaz. Özellikle bundan şahsi ve maddi bir menfaatiniz olacaksa.

Menfaat için takiye yapılabilir. Menfaat için Tanrı adına konuşmak gibi sapkın davranışlar, yalan, iftira, gelişi güzel seks mübahtır.

Kısaca insan mevki, para, cinsel tatmin için inançlarını uzlaştırmalıdır. Cinsel sapıklarda tamamen dışlanmamalıdır.

Özetle bu tip davranışların oluşmasına imkan sağlanmalı ve menfaat için gerekiyorsa bunlara bizzat iştirak edilmelidir. "Bir kereden birşey olmaz".


Kötülüğün büyüğü küçüğü ayrımsız tümden red edilmelidir. Tanrının adını kendi nefslerine hızmet için kullananlar, kendi nefslerini Tanrı yapıp söylevlerde bulunanlar gerçek şeytanlardır.

Biz, Tanrıyla bağı olanlar, gerçek için, doğruluk için ve iyilik için ayağa kalkmak durumundayız. Bu diğerlerinin duymak yada görmek istemeyeceği şeyler olsada bunu yapmak mecburiyetindeyiz.



Herşeyden önce Yeşuanın gösterdiği ibadet birincil olarak yüreğe dayalıdır. Eğer kişi, yüreğinde doğru hislere ve düşüncelere sahip değilse, yaptığı eylemler her ne kadar doğru, güzel ve iyi de görünse Tanrı katında geçersizdir. İbadet her zaman, her yerde, tüm aklı, tüm yüreği ve tüm eylemleriyle Tanrı'yı memnun etme amaçlı olarak meydana gelen düşüncesel, ruhsal, eylemsel hareketler, düşünceler ve hisler bütünüdür. Yeşuanın inancındaki en büyük buyruk; Tanrıyı tüm gücümüzle, tüm aklımızla, tüm yüreğimizle sevmektir. İkincisi ise komşumuzu kendimiz gibi sevmektir. Burada kullanılan komşu kelimesi; "herkes" anlamındadır. Yeşuaya göre Kutsal Yasa ve Peygamberlerin sözlerinin özeti budur. Tüm inanç bu temel öğreti üzerine kuruludur; Sevgi. 



Untill now, humanity was far too primitive and isolated, separated and scattered, to receive a world Message.

Unfortunately, religion has been miscast and misunderstood and corrupted through human adoption and usury [misuse]. Therefore, people’s relationship with religion has been skewed and obscured. They have all been changed by people and culture. And so now they seem to compete with each other, giving rise to great strife and conflict, religious war and religious fundamentalism so that now religion is just but another factor in dividing and fracturing the human family rather than bringing greater unity, compassion and purpose, as the Revelations were intended to do.

The great miracle of Yeshua's life was the demonstration of the Divine Truth Knowledge, taught to people who had no notion of such things. They were slaves to their circumstances, their poverty and their oppression, lost in a world filled with gods and fantasies and the cruelty of nature pressing in on them at every turn. Yeshua's mission was; the development of Knowledge in the world, the cultivation of true freedom and empowerment for the individual.

For everyone was sent into the world to make a contribution to the world for its current and future circumstances. But to find this contribution, you must be engaged with your deeper nature, which represents Knowledge, which represents the Holy Spirit that moved Yeshua and directed him in his great mission on Earth.

Your Hell and damnation is to live without the power and presence of Knowledge, to live a life of confusion and servitude in a world you do not understand, threatened by innumerable forces, oppressed by innumerable things, overtaken by your preferences and your fear and the preferences and fears of others. That is the Hell and damnation you live with at this moment, living in your state of Separation.

God does not care what religion you belong to. God cares what moves your heart, what you do and what motivates you to do what you do. God cares about what you express in your relationships. God cares about the degree to which you can become connected and united with the greater power within you, which is the only thing that can really redeem you, for God has put it there.

It is a great power, but to receive this requires a great yielding, a great surrender and a greater responsibility that requires a change in how you regard yourself, others and the whole world. It requires forgiveness, compassion and a very clear understanding of why people make mistakes and what will restore them from their own degradation.



Hananya adında bir adam, karısı Safira'nın onayıyla bir mülk sattı, paranın bir kısmını kendine saklayarak gerisini getirip elçilerin buyruğuna verdi. Karısının da olup bitenlerden haberi vardı. Petrus ona, "Hananya, nasıl oldu da şeytana uydun... yalan söyleyip mülkün parasının bir kısmını kendine sakladın?" dedi. "Mülk satılmadan önce sana ait değil miydi? Sen onu sattıktan sonra da parayı dilediğin gibi kullanamaz mıydın? Neden yüreğinde böyle bir düzen kurdun? Sen insanlara değil, Allah'a yalan söylemiş oldun." (Elçilerin İşleri, 5:1-4)

Gerçek ise bu karı kocanın orada öldürülmesiydi. Sebebi ise kendilerine birşeyler ayırmış olmalarıydı. Bu da aslında havarilerin de Yeşuayı tam olarak anlayamamış olduklarını gösteriyor.

Bu bilgiyi Yeşuaya sorduğumda üzülerek onayladı. Yani sevgi temelli bir öğretide can almanın yeri olur mu ama o devirdeki ilkel insanların bilinci bizlere göre çok geriydi ve ha koyun kesilmiş ha insan misali bir seviyedeydi. Malesef yine Yeşuanın bana aktardığı kadarıyla bu zamanda bile (21. Yüzyılda) Onu tam anlayıp özümseyebilen insan sayısı tüm dünyada1000 kişiden azmış. Genler çok bozukmuş. Savaşlar, bilinçli toplu tecavüzler(kendi genlerini yaymak), yanlış yada eksik beslenmeler, akraba evlilikleri, korku ve zulüm saçan tüm inanç ve kötülükler, hastalıklar genleri çok bozmuş.


This is the verdict: "Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light."

9 Nisan 2017 Pazar


Everything is vibration. Every word, sound, movement cause vibrations from the already available vibrations. As for the first creation, there is only ONE SOURCE. The Almighty who gives the push to all there is, to vibrate while He, Himself remains constant. There is no other Source of Power(Breath) to create except our HOLY FATHER.



Yer çekimini bilmiyorsanız yüksekten atlar, ölürsünüz. Ruhsal ve fiziksel dünyanın kanunlarını, işleyişini bilmelisiniz.

Kutsal kitaplar sadece dini olarak ele alınıp okunduğundan dini bir gelenek sembolü olmuşlardır. Tanrı hiçbir zaman kurumsal dinleri oluşturmamıştır. Yolları göstermiştir. O'na ulaşmanın bin bir yolu vardır. Dinleri insanlar şekillendirdi. Din bağnazlığı(kendi dinini tek gerçek diğerlerini bir şekilde geçersiz saymak), amacı unutup araca gömülmek yani bir şekilde kendi nefsimizi Tanrı yapmak, insanlar ve toplumlar arasındaki savaşları, nefreti büyütür. Tanrı adına savaş ise soykırımları getirir, getirmiştir de ve hala da bu aynı bağnazlık devam ediyor. Savaş-Nefret-Soykırım, bunlar Tanrının vasıfları değildir. Eğer bir din, kin ve düşmanlığın herhangi bir şeklini sergilerse dünya üstünde ‘Işık’ oluşturamaz. Çatışmalar, hoşgörüsüzlük ve karanlık ışığın olduğu yerde barınamaz.

İlahi bilgelik evrenseldir, sevgi ve barış isteklerini uyandırır. İnsanlar arasında ırk, inanç, zenginlik ayrımı yapmaz. Yer çekimi herkes içindir. İlahi bilgelik de öyle.


Evrenin doğuşundan önceki tek gerçek Enerjidir. Işık da denilen bu enerji Tanrının alanıdır. Zevkin her şekli bu mutluluk ışığının içindedir. Tanrı bu sonsuz mutluluk ışığını bizlerle paylaşmak istedi ve seve seve bize verdi. Ama her şey önümüzde olduğu için bu çok zevkli gelmedi bize. Eğer biz yaratılış ışığını arayıp bulsaydık daha zevkli olurdu. 

Tanrıya dedik ki; “Sen ışığını sakla, biz de O’nu bulalım.” Işık saklanınca varlığın içinde küçük bir boşluk oluştu. Bu zamanın doğuşunun işaretiydi. Bu küçük boşluğu nokta olarak tanımladı. Nokta boş bir alan meydana getirerek genişledi. Adeta şişen bir balon gibi. Bu boşlukta bir enerji ışını oluştu. Bu enerjide yıldızlar, gezegenler, canlılar vs. oluşturdu.

Işığı bulmadan önce onun saklandığı yeri bulmalıyız. Işık bizim ruhumuzdur ve egoya saklanmıştır. Ego ruhumuzu, ışığımızı kararttı. Ego bizim gerçek benliğimiz değil, özümüzü saklayan perdedir. Ego düşünce ve davranışlarımızı sınırsız yönetme gücüne sahiptir. Ruhumuz ise rasyonel zihnimizden saklanmış ve baskı altındadır. Ego aktif oldukça ışık daha çok gizlenir, ego karanlığı sever ve karanlıkta büyür. Ruhu kullanarak oyunu oynarsanız egoya direnmelisiniz. Bu da perdeleri yıkar ve ışığı açığa çıkarır, yaşam aydınlanır.

En basit pro-aktif davranış, öfkelenmemektir. Kızgınlık anında öfkelenmemek. Aktif davranıp olayın üstüne gitmemek ruhaniyeti güçlendirir diğeri ise egoyu. Talihsizliklerin üzerinize çöktüğü anda dalgalarla boğuşmaya çalışmayın, geri adım atıp sakin olun. Yani tepkisel davranışlardan kaçın. ''Sana tokat atana sen de tokat atma.''

Tepkisel davranışlar düşük bilinç seviyesidir. Dualar(Nas Suresi, Ayet-el Kür-si, İsmi Azam) ve Tanrının isimlerini söylemek proaktif davranış geliştirmeyi öğretir. Eğer güdülerinizi ego yönetirse gelişim ve dönüşümden uzaklaşırsınız. Tepkisel davranışlar egonun oyunlarıdır. Kazanma ve kaybetme ile ilgili endişeler, ego dandır.

Zihnimiz madde üzerinde ne kadar hakimiyet sağlarsa o kadar kaostan kurtulmayı beceririz. Zihin gücümüzle tüm olumsuz duygulara ve ciddi hastalıklara meydan okuyabiliriz. Yaşamımızı tehdit eden olumsuzluklardan kurtulmak “BİLİNÇ”te başlar. Sonuçta her birimizin amacı en baştaki halimize ulaşmak, erişebilmektir. “Yükselin, hepiniz yükselin. Hiç kimse arkada kalmayacak şekilde yükselin, hep beraber bir kez daha var edildiğimiz yere, Tanrımızın ışığına ulaşmak zorundayız.”

Kadim bilgilerden...


“Guard and purify yourself against it,” and not just the body’s prostitution but especially the soul’s. That is why the messengers write to the communities of God that such whoring might not go on among them.

Yet the greatest struggle is the prostitution of the soul. From it comes the prostitution of the body. Greed, theft, false witnessing, idol worshipping. Bad, rotten food destroy our bodies and bad thoughts destroy our souls.

Speaking spiritually:
Our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the world rulers of this darkness and the spirits of evil.


Ignorance Is the Mother of Evil

Ignorance is the mother of all evil. Ignorance leads to death, because those who come from ignorance neither were nor [are] nor will be. But those in the truth will be perfect when all truth is revealed. For truth is like ignorance. While hidden, truth rests in itself, but when revealed and recognized, truth is praised in that it is stronger than ignorance and error. It gives freedom.

The word says, “If you know the truth, the truth will set you free.” Ignorance is a slave, knowledge is freedom. If we know the truth, we shall find the fruit of truth within us. If we join with it, it will bring us fulfillment.


If someone becomes an attendant of the bridal chamber, that person will receive the light. If one does not receive it while here in this place, one cannot receive it in the other place.

Those who receive the light cannot be seen or grasped. Nothing can trouble such people even while they are living in this world. And when they leave this world, they have already received truth through images, and the world has become the eternal realm. To these people the eternal realm is fullness.

This is the way it is. It is revealed to such a person alone, hidden not in darkness and night but hidden in perfect day and holy light.


Farming in this world depends on four things, and a harvest is gathered and                 taken into the barn as a result of water, earth, air, and light.

God’s farming also depends on four things: faith, hope, love, and knowledge.

Faith is the earth in which we take root. Hope is the water with which we are nourished. Love is the air through which we grow. Knowledge is the light by which we ripen.


Blessings on One Who Never Grieves Anyone

Blessings on one who has never grieved a soul. This is Yeshua. He came to the whole earth and never laid a burden upon anyone. Blessings on one like this, for this is a perfect human.

The word tells us how difficult it is to bring this about. How can we accomplish such a feat? How can we give help to everyone?

To begin with, one must not cause grief to anyone, whether great or small, unbeliever or believer, and one must not give help to those who are well off. There are some who profit by helping the rich. The person who does good deeds will not help the rich, for this person will not take just anything that may be desirable. Nor can such a person cause them grief, since this person does not give them trouble. The new rich sometimes cause others grief, but the person who does good deeds does not do this. It is the wickedness of these people that causes their grief. The person with the nature of a perfect human gives joy to the good, but some people are deeply distressed by all this.


Worldly marriage;

The mystery of marriage is great. Without it, the world would not exist. The existence of the world depends on people, and the existence of people depends on marriage. Then think of the power of pure intercourse, though its image  is defiled.

Union in the Bridal Chamber;

If the female had not separated from the male, the female and the male would not have died. The separation of male and female was the beginning of death. Yeshua came to heal the separation that was from the beginning and reunite the two, in order to give life to those who died through separation and unite them.

A woman is united with her husband in the bridal chamber, and those united in the bridal chamber will not be separated again. 

8 Nisan 2017 Cumartesi


Literally, the lamp of the body.

Proverbs 20:27,

 “The spirit of man is the candle (or ‘lamp’) of the Lord” that which, under the name of “conscience,” the “moral sense,” the “inner man” discerns spiritual realities, distinguishes right from wrong, gives the light by which we see our way. If this is “single,” if it discerns clearly, all is well. The “whole body,” the life of the man in all its complex variety, will be illumined by that light. The connection with what precedes lies on the surface. Singleness of intention will preserve us from the snare of  having  a  double  treasure, and   therefore   a divided heart. 

The cruel, and the loveless shall go away into chastisement for ages, and there are multutidues of error and if they repent not, be utterly destroyed.

The Righteous, and the Merciful shall go into Everlasting Life, and Everlasting Peace.

Believe not that any man is wholly without error, for even among the prophets, and those who have keenly initiated into the Brotherhood of Light, the Word of error has been found, but there are multitudes of error which are covered by Love.


It starts from the top to the bottom. First mind,  second eyes, third tonque, forth heart, and last the body language. Yeshua.

It is never safe to trust the guidance of life to tastes, inclinations, or to anything but clear reason, set in motion by calm will, and acting under the approbation of ‘the Lord Chief Justice, Conscience.’

The power and the habit of sternly saying ‘No’ to the whole crowd of tempters is always the main secret of a noble life. ‘He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down and without walls.’

Proverbs 4:23–26 instructs believers to, “above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.” When Solomon refers to guarding the heart, he really means the inner core of a person, the thoughts, feelings, desires, will, and choices that make that person who he/she is. The Bible tells us that our thoughts often dictate who we become (Proverbs 23:7;27:19). The mind of a man reflects who he really is, not simply his actions or words. That is why God examines the heart of a man, not simply his outward appearance and what he appears to be (1 Samuel 16:7).

Just as there are many diseases and disorders that can affect the physical heart, there are many ailments of the spiritual heart that can impair growth and development as a believer. Atherosclerosis is a hardening of the arteries due to accumulated cholesterol plaques and scarring in the artery walls. Hardening of the spiritual heart can also occur. Hardening of the heart occurs when we are presented with God’s truth, and we refuse to acknowledge or accept it.

If you reach to certain degrees in wickedness then your conscience cannot carry that burdan anymore. Consequently you start denying the moral values and following to that you deny God in order to compansate for the guilty feelings. But that is the way which takes you to eternal darkness.


Her bir insanoğlunun doğuşuyla Tanrı bir diğer yaşayan mabede varlık verir. Bu mabetler vasıtasıyla ve onların içinden Tanrı Dünyasal boyutta kendisini ifade eder. Tanrı olarak, ancak bu mabet saf ise olabilir. İnsan bu manada Dünyadaki tek organizmadır. Evrensel Zihin insan vasıtasıyla ve içinden, şekil Dünyasında ki kaynak olarak fonksiyon yapar.

Maalesef Dünya bu gerçekten o kadar uzaklaşmıştır ki bir çocuk doğar doğmaz ona verilen isimle birlikte yanlış kimlikler yüklenmeye başlar. Aile kültürü, yaşadığı toplumun değerleri, inançlar vs.

Elbette bu durumdaki insanlar Tanrının mabedi olamazlar. Tanrının yolladığı saf enerjiyi alıp yansıtacak saflıkta değillerdir. Insan kendisine Tanrıdan gelen saf enerjiyi egosunu kontrol edemediğinden yanlış kullanmaktadır.  Saf enerjiyi adeta kirletmektedir. Saf, arınmış insan olamamaktadır. Dünyada şimdiye kadar bu manada saf olarak (Mesih insan) Tanrıyı tezahür ettirebilen tek insanoğlu Yeşua mesihtir.



İnsanlar vardır artık kaldıramayacağı, taşıyamayacağı derecede olumsuz yükler yüklediğinden, sürekli kötülükleri yapmaya devam ettiklerinden, maalesef, vicdanları kapanmıştır. Söyledikleri yalan ve iftiralar, yaptıkları kötülük o kadar fazladır ki vicdanlarına ağır gelir. Yük vicdanın taşıyamayacağı seviyelere ulaşmıştır. Bu durumda vicdanın sesi kısılır. Yok olur. Vicdan olmayınca kişiler kendi yalanlarını doğru, haksızlıklarını hak görürler artık.  Çünkü sorgulama duygusu olan vicdan devreye girmez onlarda. İflah olma noktası geride kalmıştır.

Bu tip kişiler gerçekleri duymaya bile tahammül edemezler. Çünkü vicdanları bu yükü taşıyamamaktadır artık. Bu sebeple kendilerine doğruyu hatırlatan insanlardan da nefret ederler. Onlara kin duyarlar. Ruhları Tanrıdan kopar ve tamamen kararırlar. Kapkaranlık renkleri ve bedensel ölüm ötesinde ruhsal ölüm, yok oluş, onları beklemektedir. Tabi yaptıkları tüm kötülüklerle varlıklara çektirdikleri acıları kendilerine de çektirildikten sonra. Bu ilahi adalettir. Bu tip insanlar fiziksel ölümleri ile önce ilahi adalet gereği verdikleri acıları birebir yaşamak ve sonunda ise ruhlarının da bedenleri ile birlikte çürümeye bırakılması sonucuyla karşılaşıp yok olacaklardır.

İnsanlar kötülükte çok ileri gitmişlerse artık onların doğruya dönmesi çok zordur. Vicdanları bu yükü taşıyamaz ve en nihayet Tanrıyı inkâra giderek yaptıklarının sorumluluğundan kurtulmaya çalışırlar. Ancak bu mümkün değildir.


Benim gerçek öğretilerime sırt çevirmek için mazeret olarak öğretilerimin saptırılmış şekillerini kullananlar, bilin ki sizler benim hiçbir zaman elçilerim değilsiniz.

Benim adımı anmak, beni kabul etmiş olmak yeterli değildir. Önemli olan sözlerimin özümsenip uygulanmasıdır.

"Bu dünya geçici bir sınav alanıdır. Burada ölümün hükmü geçerlidir. Doğan her şey ölür ancak sonsuz yaşamda yaşam hüküm sürer. Ölüm yoktur. Bu dünya için değil sonsuz yaşam için yatırım yapın. Aklı olan bu gerçeğe biran evvel uyansın"

Yukarı yükseklere bakın. Derin bakın. Bilinçlerinizi yükseltin. Tanrıyı her şeyin kaynağı olarak düşünün. Tanrının ışığını düşünün. Doğruları söylemekten korkmayın. Toprağın bağrında kalmaktan korkun. Sonsuz yaşamı arzulayın. Sonsuz yaşamı arayın.  Tanrının huzuruna çıkabilmek için dua edin. Tanrının sevgi olduğunu hiçbir zaman unutmayın. Kalbinizde hâkim olan duygu değilse Tanrının huzuruna çıkamazsınız.

Biz Tanrıylayız. Gerçek budur. Tanrıdan geldik demek yanlıştır. Tanrı tüm yaşam enerjilerinin kaynağıdır. O bulutlar üzerinde oturan, istekleri yapılınca mükâfatlar dağıtan ama isteklerine karşı gelinince ceza veren insanüstü bir ilah değildir. Tanrı sabittir. Hareket etmez ve değişmez. Tanrı yaşam verir, yaşamı devam ettirir ve yarattıklarına kendisini çeşitli şekillerde hissettirir. Her şeyden haberdardır ve hükmü kesindir. Aldığımız nefes, esen rüzgâr Onun nefesidir.

Tanrı ölülerin değil ama yaşayanların Tanrısıdır. Benimle konuşmanın ancak kilise mensubu birkaç kişiye inhisar ettiğini söyleyenler doğruyu söylememektedirler. Ben sürekli dünyaya ruh olarak gelip gitmekte ve sesimi duyurmaktayım. 2000 yıldır bu aralıksız devam ediyor. Bizler için sayı önemli değildir. Sıra dışı ruhlar önemlidir. Tanrıyla beraber sonsuz yaşama kavuşmak sizce bu kadar kolay mı olmalıydı, hayır ama Dünya insanının barbarlığı beni gerçekten şaşırtmaktadır. Bilinçlerin hala bu derece ilkel seviyelerde kalmış olması üzücüdür. Siz Dünya insanları belki teknolojik olarak evrende en geri tür değilsiniz ama barbarlıkta evrende en ileri seviyede olan birinci türsünüz. Gerçek sevgiyi hala hiç kavrayamadınız. Bunu kavrayamadan da varacağınız yer toprağın bağrıdır. Ölüler kervanına katılırsınız. Ruhlarınızda bedenlerinizle birlikte çürür ve madde elemanlarına ve enerjilerine dönüşür. Hâlbuki ben size ebedi yaşamı bulasınız diye gelmiştim. Bunun için işkence gördüm ve öldürüldüm ama ben dirilerdenim ve hala sizinle beraberim. Kapıları çalıyorum ve bekliyorum. Beni kabul edebilecekleri bekliyorum.

Bedenlerinizi de Tanrının hizmetine verin. İtibar ve güç peşinde koşmayın. Tüm güç Tanrınındır. Gücün kaynağı Tanrıdır ve siz kötüye kullanmayacağınızı ispat ettiğinizde Onun gücünden kullandırılacaksınız. Tanrı her şeyle iç içedir lakin merkezde yalnız yine kendisi ve ebedi yaşama layık olabilmiş saf ruhlar Onun huzurundadırlar. Bunları düşünün.

Daima Sevgi yolunuz Işık yoldasınız olsun.



“The hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”

The truth centers on Yeshua's person and word, the one who is Himself “the Truth”.  It is this “word of truth”  by which we’re given new birth.

But what about “spirit"?  “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.”  It’s not either-or, but both-and. For those who are new creatures in Messiah, our spirit owes its existence and vibrancy to the Spirit of God. True worship comes only from spirits made alive and sensitive by the quickening of the Spirit of God. God’s Spirit ignites and energizes our spirit.



Material world can and will only be understood by scientific knowledge. With below superstitions nothing can be solved. So keep away...

1. Do not say that foxes or badgers deceive or possess people.
2. There is no such thing as winged goblins.
3. There is no such thing as curses.
4. Do not believe in dubious ritual prayers.
5. Do not trust in the efficacy of magic or holy water.
6. Do not put your trust in divination, whether by written oracles, physiog-nomy, geomancy, astrology, or ink stamp.
7. It is wrong to be concerned with omens and auspicious or inauspicious days.
8. Do not otherwise believe in anything that is generally similar to these above mentioned  things.

As can be seen in the above quotation, religion’s domain is the spiritual world and this spiritual world has no direct power over material existence. Thus, the miraculous is impossible and prayers for this world’s benefits are nothing but superstitions. This provides the basis for Inoue’s dismissal of prayer rituals, magic, and charms. While he acknowledges that these types of prayer are one of the foundations of popular religion, he dismisses them as rooted in ignorance, writing “The true sentiments of the curses and prayers the ignorant peasants  direct toward their buddhas and gods, are generally nothing but good health, longevity, lack of illness and prayers for good fortune”. Yet, neither kami nor buddhas can grant these boons. Thus popular religion is not in fact a religion at all but instead largely a superstition.

Nevertheless, Inoue does not acknowledge that Buddhism might be founded on a view of the physical world. Instead he repeatedly contends that Buddhism is fundamentally in accord with science.

As new scientific advancements were made, more aspects of Buddhism turned out not to be “really Buddhist” after all. This process led to the increasing internalization (or “psychologization”) of Buddhist theory; what had previously been taken as references to real physical objects now came to be seen as psychological or “spiritual” artifacts. As can be seen in the above quotation, religion’s domain is the spiritual world and this spiritual world has no direct power over material existence. This provides the basis for Inoue’s dismissal of prayer rituals (especially kaji kitō), magic, and charms. While he acknowledges that these types of prayer are one of the foundations of popular religion is not in fact a religion at all but
instead largely a superstition.

In the process of trimming Buddhism into a religion, Inoue has abandoned Buddhist geography, miracles, prayers, and in the end by implication every description in a Buddhist sutra that makes a concrete claim about the material world (unless by coincidence this description is completely consistent with science). This move has its parallel in the West. It is a reduction of the sphere of religious authority, where the universe has been bifurcated into an almost Cartesian duality with religion relegated to the metaphorical, immaterial, or at best psychological. Manifestations of the Absolute After the extensive elimination of “superstitions” that characterizes the first half of Meishin to shūkyō, there is not much remaining to fit into the category religion.

In the popular arena much is made of Buddhism’s compatibility with science, including the following famous phrase attributed to Albert Einstein: “If there is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism.” However, it should be noted that this compatibility has its origins largely in the creative interpretation of Buddhist cosmology.

Inoue, Buddhism...


All situations of a negative character will be left behind when we raise our vibrations:

“Situations that have been a plague on the planet – wars, murders, rape and other violence; man-made diseases and weather; governments’ surveillance of citizens; police brutality, unjust laws, false accusations and imprisonment; sales of weaponry and other war equipment; sex slavery, child molestation, pornography – ALL issues derived from the influence of the darkness – will diminish until they cease entirely because of peoples’ heightened consciousness and spiritual clarity.”

“As the darkness continues to fade, love will replace conflict and tyranny with peace and cooperation; love will eliminate the superficial superiority of one group over another; love will enlighten those who regard others as possessions or dispensable and uplift those who have been subjected to living in those conditions. In short, LOVE is the power that is transforming your world.”

“You are on a spiritual journey finding your way back to the Source, and that applies to all souls with no exception although not all will succeed. Wherever you meet other souls, you will have a lot in common and not least of all that you originally came from the Source.”

7 Nisan 2017 Cuma


Arriving in Jerusalem, Yeshua made an extraordinary accusation that infuriated the priests and scribes of the holy city:

“Every secret you’ve kept will become known. What you have whispered in hidden places will be shouted from the housetops.”

What was Yeshua talking about? And how did he come to possess knowledge that threatened these influential men?

We suggest that Yeshua was specifically calling out Joseph Caiaphas and Herod Antipas as hypocrites because they “… build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepuchres of the righteous, and say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.”

The tomb he was confronting them about was the Jerusalem Temple which had been built to house the Ark of the Covenant, a holy relic constructed by Moses. Yeshua’s words suggest that it was the blood of the prophet Moses which dripped from the ancestors of Caiaphas and Antipas. Joseph Caiaphas was descended from Israel’s third son, Levi. Herod Antipas’s ancestors came from Edom, where Reuel, Moses’s father-in-law, was born. In KILLING MOSES, we put forward the case that Moses had been murdered by Reuel and Levi at the Mountain of God. Reuel, also an Egyptian-trained magician, used hypnotism and puppetry to manipulate the children of Israel to secure the power he’d sought his entire adult life. Levi and his descendants, the Levite scribes, covered-up the homicide by their careful, and relentless, editing of the early parts of Bible.

Could Herod Antipas and Joseph Caiaphas afford to let Yeshua expose the dark secret of their ancestors? They couldn't.  At the very least they would be deposed if the people believed their ancestors had murdered Moses. But it was too dangerous to respond directly to the explosive accusations and bring attention to the very thing they were trying to hide. It was even more dangerous to let the rabble-rouser continue to ignite dissent. It was decided. Yeshua must be arrested. The trial would be held in secret.

Ancient Origins.


This is indeed a violation of the very first commandment that 'thou shalt have no other gods before me'. When God is everywhere and God is in everything, if you do not see God in everything, then you are worshiping a false God. If you see God up in Heaven and deny his presence within you, you are worshiping an idol, and you are dancing around the golden calf. 


God is love, love comes from God. God is the source of love. Like the electricity running through electrical wires, love comes from God to us, then flows through us to others in the community. When John exhorts his readers, let us love one another, he is encouraging them to allow God's love to flow through them. For because God is love, love must characterize those who claim to be born of God or to know God (v. 7; 3:10, 14; 4:20-21). Those who claim to be doing the will of God and reflecting God's activity in the world will be known by the love they manifest for God and for each other. This was what metarielized in Yeshua's life and what He told his disciples. Yeshua showed us what love is and by which we accepted Him as the manifested source of divine love. The veil of incomprehension was lifted with our encounter of Yeshua and this incident lifted our hearts to purity. By becoming free of hatred and resentment our hearts became light and free.

Whoever does not love, does not know God. Where there is a lack of love for beings, there is neither love for nor knowledge of God.

God created us with the need to love and be loved, and He alone can satisfy the deepest yearning of every human soul for total love and complete understanding. The things of this earth can satisfy the body, but only God and His eternal love can ever fill that aching spiritual void in our hearts that He created for Himself alone. The human spirit can never be completely satisfied with anything less than utter union with the great and loving Spirit that created it.

“God is love” (1 John 4:8). He is the very Spirit of love itself, true love, everlasting love, real love, genuine love that never ends from a lover who never leaves, the lover of all lovers. He’s pictured in His Son, Yeshua, who came for love and lived in love and died for love that we might live and love forever. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

David Brandt Berg (D.B.B.)

As people could just understand the magnitude of the Yeshua’s love—how truly unconditional it is, how vast and deep and wide and unending it is—it would solve so many of their problems. They would find freedom from so many of their fears and worries and regrets. If they could just understand that, then they’d know that everything is going to work out, that He is going to cause everything to work together for good (Romans 8:28), because He is in control of every detail and His hand on their lives is so perfectly loving.


His love for you is unconditional. No matter how weak or disheartened you may feel right now, or how disappointed you may be in yourself or others, He still loves you. His great, perfect, marvelous, unconditional love is not lessened, no matter what the circumstances or conditions. He keeps pouring it on, and pouring it on without measure and without limit.

His love is always there for us, pouring forth in full measure, gushing forth in such abundance! And we can freely experience that love; we can have it manifested in our lives as much as we desire, according to our obedience and yieldedness to Him. He’s always looking for ways to show His love if we’ll just let Him. He’s just waiting for us to make a way, an avenue for His love to pour forth, and we do that by staying close to Him, by loving Him, and by doing the things that He wants us to do.

Maria Fontaine


God’s kingdom is a state of consciousness. Only when a critical mass of people transcend separation and embrace oneness will there be change on earth. People have come up with innumerable excuses for rejecting the religion of oneness. Yeshua taught the way to a higher state of consciousness as the only means to salvation. The only true religion is the religion of oneness and it is time to abandon the false religions based on separation.


Yeshua said that He is highly disturbed of being accepted as God. He said He is not God. He said that the words as" Me and my Father are one. Whoever sees me will be as if sees my Father" are said by proxy. He said He was the purest energy among the mass of fellow people. So He, Himself could give an opinion of God's pure energy. That was the idea.

His life untill the age of thirty was a very quite life. Until He took orders to give the message of God He had lived a very simple and humble life. He kept the pure energy that God had given Him as pure as was given. God gives everybody a pure energy from Himself and expects that energy to be returned as pure as it was given. But majority of  human beings are wasting that energy. Making it impure.

God is the God of the whole Universe. He manifests to us in All Created Forms. God is in everything, everywhere so, how can it be possible that He entered wholly in one human body? Let's say He did; in this thirtythree years of time, had all the Universe remained without God? God is All in All.  Please rise your capacity of conceptions?


Yeshua is sad. He was expecting untill now most of the human beings will follow His example and start living a pure life.

Yeshua wants his harvest. Yeshua did not come to save us but to demonstrate that all can follow his example and attain personal Holliness. Over the past 2,000 years few people have dared to follow Yeshua's example due to the propaganda from mainstream organized religions and politicians. In this age, millions of people are prepared at inner levels to walk the path and Yeshua wants the harvest of his work now with humanity.

The forces of seperation actually put Yeshua down by rising him up as being apart from all other people. Mainly calling Him God which Yeshua also is very upset about this. He never said He was God. Indicating His pureness He said God is the Spring of pureness He came from.

People have been afraid of being what they are instead of being what the world wants them to be. It is time for us to dare to be what we are so Yeshua can have His harvest. Yeshua will help us overcome our fears.

When we are awaken, some of the people who abuse power will suddenly be taken from the earth.This cycle of renewal must start, but it is time for all to awaken and let our light shine.

Choosing to walk the path Yeshua demands that we grow. We cannot deny the path forever. Yeshua has  sown the good seed and He is expecting His harvest. You can become the Holliness in embodiment by expressing your individual pure energies given by God, The Almighty. Those who are wasting these pure energies will unfortunately but fatefully taste the second death.


As Yeshua paused for a moment to look over the congregation, one of the teachers from Jerusalem (a member of the Sanhedrin) rose up and asked: “Do I understand you to say that you are the bread which comes down from heaven, and that the manna which Moses gave to our fathers in the wilderness did not?” And Yeshua answered the Pharisee, “You understood aright.” Then said the Pharisee: “But are you not Yeshua of Nazareth, the son of Joseph, the carpenter? Are not your father and mother, as well as your brothers and sisters, well known to many of us? How then is it that you appear here in God’s house and declare that you have come down from heaven?”

By this time there was much murmuring in the synagogue, and such a tumult was threatened that Yeshua stood up and said: “Let us be patient; the truth never suffers from honest examination. I am all that you say but more. The Father and I are one; the Son does only that which the Father teaches him, while all those who are given to the Son by the Father, the Son will receive to himself. You have read where it is written in the Prophets, `You shall all be taught by God,’ and that `Those whom the Father teaches will hear also his Son.’ Every one who yields to the teaching of the Father’s indwelling spirit will eventually come to me. Not that any man has seen the Father, but the Father’s spirit does live within man. And the Son who came down from heaven, he has surely seen the Father. And those who truly believe this Son already have eternal life.

“I am this bread of life. Your fathers ate manna in the wilderness and are dead. But this bread which comes down from God, if a man eats thereof, he shall never die in spirit. I repeat, I am this living bread,

and every soul who attains the realization of this united nature of God and man shall live forever.

And this bread of life which I give to all who will receive is my own living and combined nature. The Father in the Son and the Son one with the Father—that is my life-giving revelation to the world and my saving gift to all nations.”


"If any man thirst, let him come to me and drink. From the Father above I bring to this world the water of life. He who believes me shall be filled with the spirit which this water represents, for even the Scriptures have said, `Out of him shall flow rivers of living waters.’ When the Son of Man has finished his work on earth, there shall be poured out upon all flesh the living Spirit of Truth. Those who receive this spirit shall never know spiritual thirst."


“I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life. Presuming to place me on trial and assuming to sit as my judges, you declare that, if I bear witness of myself, my witness cannot be true. But never can the creature sit in judgment on the Creator. Even if I do bear witness about myself, my witness is everlastingly true, for I know whence I came, who I am, and whither I go. You who would kill the Son of Man know not whence I came, who I am, or whither I go. You judge only by the appearances of the flesh; you do not perceive the realities of the spirit. I judge no man, not even my archenemy. But if I should choose to judge, my judgment would be true and righteous, for I would judge not alone but in association with my Father who sent me into the world, and who is the source of all true judgment. You even allow that the witness of two reliable persons may be accepted—well, then, I bear witness of these truths; so also does my Father in heaven. And when I told you this yesterday, in your darkness you asked me, `Where is your Father?’ Truly, you know neither me nor my Father, for if you had known me, you would also have known the Father."


The heart is what you are, in the secrecy of your thought and feeling, when nobody knows but God. And what you are at the invisible root matters as much to God as what your are at the visible branch. "Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart" (1 Samuel 16:7). From the heart are all the issues of life..

What comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart . . . For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, false witness, slander. These are what defile a man. (Matthew 15:18–19)

It refers to the spiritual center of life. It is where thoughts, desires, sense of purpose, will, understanding, and character reside. So, to be pure in heart means to be blameless in who we actually are.

Being pure in heart involves having a singleness of heart toward God. A pure heart has no hypocrisy, no guile, no hidden motives. The pure heart is marked by transparency and an uncompromising desire to please God in all things. It is more than an external purity of behavior; it is an internal purity of soul.


Now, our bodies are our Temples, our souls are our windows, our minds are guides, our animal instincts are our sacrifices. We cannot offer physical sacrifices a few times a day, but we can pray a few times a day. We cannot attend Temple a few times a day, but we can tap into our souls a few times a day. We cannot atone for our shortcomings by sacrificing animals, but we can sacrifice our inner animals—our hormones, our lusts, our desires, our beastly compulsions.

We must find God in us. This was God’s Master Plan. By exchanging a sweeping, dramatic outdoor concert of public spirituality for an internal, personal, private experience, God was bringing Himself even closer to humanity, laying the groundwork for the real Temple—an age that will synthesize God’s presence inside our hearts and minds and in the world around us in a totally new era.


You know you’re going through a spiritual awakening process when you begin to question things that you’ve never questioned before, when you begin to question why you’re here on Earth, what is the meaning of life, what is it that you should be doing right now.

You’re going through an awakening process when you feel yourself withdrawing into you, when you feel yourself starting to not want so much external activity, when you don’t need the stimulation or the drama that you’ve had
in the past.

You’re going through the awakening process when, in your quiet moments, perhaps late at night, you call out to God not knowing if there even is a God, at least in the old way. You call out for the higher being or the higher power somewhere out there. And you give a message totally from your heart, from the truest part of your being –
“Dear Spirit, dear God, I’m ready.” From the truth of your being you say, “Dear Spirit, dear Eternal One, I am willing to do anything but I don’t know what it is I should do.”

You know you’re going through an awakening process where all of the old beliefs don’t seem to be so true anymore, and the things that you held so near and dear to you now seem like memories of the past, the ways of the past.

You know you’re going through an awakening process when the things that used to be the dreams and the goals, the desires of the human self no longer truly matter, but you don’t know what matters anymore.

The simple breath in this very moment allows in the love and the compassion of many humans on Earth right now who have gone through or are currently going through a very similar process.


Boyut dediğimiz titreşimlerdir. Yavaştan hızlıya titreşimler. Bunların artan kademelerle hızlandığı bilinir. Her üst titreşim kendi altında kalan tüm titreşimleri de içinde barındırır.

Titreşimler hem zerre hem de dalgadır ve bilinç denilen mesajları taşırlar. Sevgi en yüksek boyut titreşimdir. Tüm diğer titreşimlerin yükselmesini sağlar. Dolayısıyla bizlerin her sevgi sürümü bütünün de hayrına olmaktadır. Sevgi, her şeyin yaratıldığı titreşimdir.

Dolayısıyla her şey birbirine sevgi ile bağlıdır. Sevgi kendisine çeker, itmez. Toplumda ki sevgi sürümü arttıkça gerçek, hızla ruhların kendi öz benlikleri ile bir olmasını sağlayacaktır ve Tanrı'nın isteği yerine getiriliyor olacaktır.



Şimdi, bedenlerimiz mabetlerimiz, ruhlarımız pencerelerimiz, zihinlerimiz rehberlerimiz, hayvani güdülerimiz kurban edeceğimiz şeylerdir.

Günde birkaç kere fiziksel kurbanlar sunamayız ama birkaç kere dua edebiliriz, günde birkaç kere mabetlere gidemeyiz ama bir kaç kere ruhlarımıza dokunabiliriz. Eksikliklerimize kefaret olarak hayvanları kurban etmek yerine kendi hormonlarımızın şehvetimizi, tutkularımızı ve hayvani dürtülerimizi yılda bir kere değil ama günde birkaç kere kurban edebiliriz.

Tanrıyı - bizim dışımızda bir Tanrı yok inkarına gitmeksizin - içimizde bulmamız ve dramatik  dış seremonileri atarak yerine içsel, kişisel deneyimler yaşamamız Tanrının asıl planıdır. Tanrının huzurunu kalplerimizle, zihinlerimizle ve çevremizde olan her şeyle birleştiren tamamen yeni bir dönemin açılışı ve böylelikle Tanrının kendini insanoğluna biraz daha fazla yaklaştırarak yeni bir temeli asıl mabet olarak kurması...


Yeşua Tanrının bakire Meryemden doğması için yeryüzüne yolladığı en saf sevgi enerjisidir. Tamamen saf olan bir enerjinin yeryüzünde ilk olarak doğmasıdır. Misyonu insanlara sevgiyi, şefkati, hoşgörüyü,  bağışlıyıcılığı ve merhameti göstermektir. Bir din kurmak değil ama bir örnek olmaktır. Tanrının sevgi enerjisini insanlara tanıtmak ve göstermektir. Yaşamıyla da insanlara olmaya çalışmaları gereken örnek şekli vermiştir.


"Blessed are the pure in heart," because they will see God. Seeing God is the great goal of being pure. Abandon that goal and human culture collapses into ruin.

Two Questions:

So let's ask briefly in the moments we have,

What is it to see God?
To Be Admitted to His Presence.
To Be Awestruck by His Glory.
To Be Comforted by His Grace.

What is it to be pure in heart?
A pure heart is a heart that has nothing to do with falsehood. It is painstakingly truthful and free from deceitfulness.
Purity of heart on the other hand is to will one thing, namely, full and total allegiance to God.

From Yeshua's Mouth,

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart.

Not with part of your heart. Not with a double or divided heart. That would be impurity. Purity of heart is no deception, no double-mindedness, no divided allegiance.

The one who has innocent hands and a pure heart; the person who does not delight in what is false and does not swear an oath deceitfully.


Yaşam akımları insanı Tanrı konusunda şaşırtabilir hatta incitip Tanrıdan yüz çevirtebilir. Ancak insan bunun Tanrıdan gelmediğini, insanlara verilmiş özgür iradenin kötüye kullanımı olduğunu anladığında tekrar Tanrıya doğru dönecektir. Şunu anlamalıyız; Tanrı sevgidir. Tanrının yapısı budur ve Ondan sevgi dışında tezahür edecek bir şey olamaz çünkü o zaman Tanrı  kendisini inkar etmiş olacaktır. İnsanları inciten ve yaralayanlar Tanrıya isyan etmiş yada Ona kızgın insanlardır. Bunu ya Tanrıyı direkt inkar ederek yada dinler adı altında çevrelerine fesat ve kin kusarak gösterirler. Yine bunlarda aslında tezahür etmekte olan kötülükleri, olumsuzlukları Tanrıya bağlayan kişilerdir ancak bunun farkında değillerdir.

Yaşamın amacı Tanrıya doğru yönelmek ve Ona doğru gitmektir ve sonunda tekrar Ona kavuşmaktır. Ancak bu ruhsal yolun sonu yoktur. Sürekli kendini aşarak, bir üst bilince sürekli çıkarak bu sonsuz yolculuk devam eder. Bu yolda esas olan hareket halinde olmak ve Tanrı hakkındaki anlayışımızı sürekli aşmak, ötesine geçebilmektir.

Bu öğrenme yolunda durmak yoktur. Kendimizi aşmak fiili durursa bilincimiz sabitleşip kendi yükselmesini durduracaktır. Buda yolda donmaktır ve bir müddet sonrada gerçekten sapmalar, dogmalar ve kötülükler baş gösterecektir. Ruhsal yaşam akışı kesintiye uğramıştır. Bu şekildeki bir kesinti fazla uzun sürüncede geriye kaymaların başlaması kaçınılmaz olur.

Ruhsal yol devamlı ileriye gider. Kişi sürekli kendini aşarak ilerlemek durumundadır ve nihai amaç Tanrıya ulaşmak, tekrar Onunla birlikte olmaktır. Tanrı sonsuzdur ve bilmenin, öğrenmenin sınırı yoktur.



Yeshua said that this is not true. There is not such a thing that His disciples had spoken with different tongues.

The message will reach to everybody. That was what had been meant at that time and is still  today. His words regarding Love and Truth have been translated to almost all languages(tongues).

Never leave the logical and rational understanding.



Yeshua told me that pronunciations of His name are not important. God's family is not bound to nationalities.


Jesus? Yeshua? Yahushua? Which is the ‘real’ pronunciation?

From my ministry in Central America, I understand how names change from language to language: the English form of my name “Gary Shogren” is difficult for the Spanish-speaker – the “a” and the “e” don’t have exact counterparts in Spanish; nor does “sh”. I say my name one way if I’m speaking English and another way if Spanish. Not even my mother would recognize my name in the Spanish version! Nevertheless, when my students call me “GAH-ree CHOH-grain” with a foreign accent, I take no offense: I’m still me, the same identity and the same name, with a pronunciation adapted to the relevant language.

A second illustration is from Judges 12:5-6: the judge Jephthah and the men of Gilead defeated the tribe of Ephraim and slaughtered the survivors. In order to distinguish who was who,

the Gileadites captured the fords of the Jordan against the Ephraimites. And when any of the fugitives of Ephraim said, “Let me go over,” the men of Gilead said to him, “Are you an Ephraimite?” When he said, “No,” they said to him, “Then say Shibboleth” [שׁבלת; note – Shibboleth probably means “running water”], and he said, “Sibboleth” [סבלת], for he could not pronounce it right. Then they seized him and slaughtered him at the fords of the Jordan.

So, everyone said the same word, but some pronounced it with the letter שׁ (the Hebrew letter shin) and others ס (samech). Say ‘samech’ and you will die!

And the lethal result?

At that time 42,000 of the Ephraimites fell.

There is a dangerous idea today that won’t result merely in the death of thousands of Ephraimites; no, the consequences are infinitely more grave. They teach that if you do not pronounce the name of the Lord with an “sh” sound but with the “s” sound, you insult the blessed name of our savior. They say: Yeshua or Yahushua or Yahshua are acceptable, but Jesus (or Jesús in Spanish) – this is evil or even the sign of your apostasy. These wolves try to rob millions and millions of believers of their confidence in the gospel, simply because they don’t make an “sh” sound in the name of Jesus. This movement exists around the world; it is particularly plagues Spanish-speaking America. And it is based on faulty data, by people who have little ability or desire to do their own research in the original languages: Preacher A quotes Teacher B, he in turn quotes “Messianic Rabbi” C, and the rabbi quotes some pamphlet he once read. One theory has it that the name Jesus was invented by the Roman Catholic church in a plan to make Jesus less Jewish and more Catholic. Another is that Iēsous really means “Hail, Zeus!” the name of the pagan king of the gods. As with the DaVinci Code, such hypotheses excel in cleverness, but fail to provide any shred of proof.

To give but one example, when Paul/Saul wrote to the Romans, he spoke of “Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom 1:4), using the Greek form of the name, that is, “Iēsous” (pronounced yay-SOOS). For a Greek-speaking person, that is “the word of faith that we proclaim; because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Rom 10:8b-9). That’s how the name of Jesus appears in 100% of ancient manuscripts in every single verse. He is never referred to as Yeshua or Yahshua in the books of the New Testament; if those versions of his name appear in a modern “messianic” version, it’s a paraphrase, or, as some say, a “correction” of the original Scriptures.

It’s likely that during his days on earth, people called him Yeshua. But once the gospel started going forth, the apostles used the Greek form when that was appropriate – Iēsous and Yeshua are, after all, the same name, with the same meaning of “he shall save.” And so, when Peter spoke on the Day of Pentecost, he spoke in the current dialect of Greek, koiné, and, according to the firm testimony of Acts 2:22, he spoke about “Jesus (Iēsous) of Nazareth.”

Ah, and speaking of Peter: in Aramaic, his name was Kepha. If you saw “The Passion of the Christ”, that’s what Jesus called him in the garden. But out in the Greek world and you would add a final “s” to his name in order to make it recognizable – hence it was Kephas (in 1 Cor 1:12, 3:22, 9:5, 15:5, Gal 1:18, 2:9, 11, 14) and also in John 1:12. So, in Aramaic there was no final “s”, but in Greek yes. Now – did Peter respond to his name in either form? Or did he turn around and berate people for distorting his real name? Of course he accepted it, as did the many thousands of Jews who operated in both languages. And Sha’ul in Hebrew sounded like Saulos in Greek, but Saul/Paul would have responded to either form.

Jaquob, the half-brother of our Lord, used the Greek form Iēsous in his epistle.

Matthew 1:16 – the Lord has a very Jewish name, “Iēsous the Christos”

The Greek form Iēsous was a very popular name in the first century, but only among the Jews; the pagans never used it, since for them it was a Jewish name! I have personally used the TLG databank and run an exhaustive search in all ancient Greek literature, from the very earliest to the year AD 400. The first appearance of the name is from the 3rd century BC, in the Greek translation of the Old Testament (the Septuagint), to translate the Hebrew name for Joshua (see Exod 17:9) and a few other people with that name. Later on it’s found in the books by contemporaries of the apostles: Philo (always referring to the same Joshua son of Nun) and Josephus (speaking of Joshua, also of other people from more recent Jewish history). There is a Jewish Christian man in Col 4:11 whose had a Jewish and a Latin name: Jesus Justus. Of the 12,000 plus references to the name Iēsous throughout 12 centuries, there is not one single reference to a Greek, Roman or other pagan person with the name Iēsous!

Yes, many Messianic Jews and some gentile Christians call the Lord, Yeshua; that’s great, so long as they don’t claim that only their pronunciation is legitimate or even that its use brings them closer to God. Others preach about Jesús (hay-SOOS) to Spanish-speakers, and Jesus to English audiences. In Italy, it’s Gesú. In Turkey, İsa. The Chinese confess their faith in ye su. And do you know what? The Lord is not confused; he is powerful and wise enough to recognize his name and hear his people, despite the thousands of accents and alphabets around the world.

As a side note, I notice that in the gospels, the crowds acclaim Jesus with ωσαννά (hoh-sah-NAH), the Greek form of the Aramaic הושׁע נא or possibly the Hebrew הושׁיעה נא (both meaning something like, “Save, please!” and pronounced like hoh-shah-NAH). So, the middle syllable is SAH in the Greek and SHAH in Aramaic or Hebrew. But does that really change the meaning? Is the Aramaic form worship, and the Greek form an insult? Nonsense! The meaning is the same either way.

Is anyone accused of apostasy or spiritual inferiority because they say “s” instead of “sh” when they call upon the name of their Lord? Let them stand tall and denounce this vile accusation!

“Jesus? Yeshua? Yahushua? Which is the ‘real’ pronunciation?” By Gary Shogren, PhD in New Testament Exegesis, professor Seminario ESEPA, San José, Costa Rica


The symbols of earthly cults are not to be looked at carefully as they hide satanic spells in them. These spells are to destroy brain codes.

We, The God Family, are using our hands, words and hearts as symbols.



'Return unto Me, and I will return unto you, saith the Lord of Hosts. But ye say, Wherein shall we return?' -- MALACHI iii.7 (R.V.).

The man, lying broken at the foot of the cliff down which he has fallen, and seeing the brightness of God far above, has his heart racked with the question: How am I, with lame limbs, to struggle back to the heights above?

'How shall man be just with God?'

By the magnetism of Love.


Love is the gate of all knowledge.

This poor woman brings her box of ointment, a relic perhaps of past evil life, and once meant for her own adornment, and pours it on His head, lavishes offices of service which to the unloving heart seem bold in the giver and cumbersome to the receiver. It is little she can do, but she does it. Her full heart demands expression, and is relieved by utterance in deeds. The deeds are spontaneous, welling out at the bidding of an inward impulse, not drawn out by the force of an external command. It matters not what practical purpose they serve. The motive of them makes their glory. Love prompts them, love justifies them, and His love interprets them, and His love accepts them. The love which flows from the sense of forgiveness is the source of all obedience as well as the means of all knowledge.

Love is the foundation of all knowledge; without it, religion degenerates into a chattering about Moses, and doctrines, and theories; a thing that will neither kill nor make alive, that never gave life to a single soul or blessing to a single heart, and never put strength into any hand for the conflict and strife of daily life. There is no more contemptible and impotent thing on the face of the earth than morality divorced from love, and religious thoughts divorced from a heart full of the love of God. Quick corruption or long decay, and in either case death and putrefaction, are the end of these.


Gecenin sessizliğinde ruhların sesi duyulur ve sadece saf olan ruhlar bu sesleri duyar. Gece, ruhlar birleşip bir ve bütün olduğunda daha da...