
7 Nisan 2017 Cuma


You know you’re going through a spiritual awakening process when you begin to question things that you’ve never questioned before, when you begin to question why you’re here on Earth, what is the meaning of life, what is it that you should be doing right now.

You’re going through an awakening process when you feel yourself withdrawing into you, when you feel yourself starting to not want so much external activity, when you don’t need the stimulation or the drama that you’ve had
in the past.

You’re going through the awakening process when, in your quiet moments, perhaps late at night, you call out to God not knowing if there even is a God, at least in the old way. You call out for the higher being or the higher power somewhere out there. And you give a message totally from your heart, from the truest part of your being –
“Dear Spirit, dear God, I’m ready.” From the truth of your being you say, “Dear Spirit, dear Eternal One, I am willing to do anything but I don’t know what it is I should do.”

You know you’re going through an awakening process where all of the old beliefs don’t seem to be so true anymore, and the things that you held so near and dear to you now seem like memories of the past, the ways of the past.

You know you’re going through an awakening process when the things that used to be the dreams and the goals, the desires of the human self no longer truly matter, but you don’t know what matters anymore.

The simple breath in this very moment allows in the love and the compassion of many humans on Earth right now who have gone through or are currently going through a very similar process.

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