
7 Nisan 2017 Cuma


Yeshua is sad. He was expecting untill now most of the human beings will follow His example and start living a pure life.

Yeshua wants his harvest. Yeshua did not come to save us but to demonstrate that all can follow his example and attain personal Holliness. Over the past 2,000 years few people have dared to follow Yeshua's example due to the propaganda from mainstream organized religions and politicians. In this age, millions of people are prepared at inner levels to walk the path and Yeshua wants the harvest of his work now with humanity.

The forces of seperation actually put Yeshua down by rising him up as being apart from all other people. Mainly calling Him God which Yeshua also is very upset about this. He never said He was God. Indicating His pureness He said God is the Spring of pureness He came from.

People have been afraid of being what they are instead of being what the world wants them to be. It is time for us to dare to be what we are so Yeshua can have His harvest. Yeshua will help us overcome our fears.

When we are awaken, some of the people who abuse power will suddenly be taken from the earth.This cycle of renewal must start, but it is time for all to awaken and let our light shine.

Choosing to walk the path Yeshua demands that we grow. We cannot deny the path forever. Yeshua has  sown the good seed and He is expecting His harvest. You can become the Holliness in embodiment by expressing your individual pure energies given by God, The Almighty. Those who are wasting these pure energies will unfortunately but fatefully taste the second death.

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