
7 Nisan 2017 Cuma


Yeshua said that He is highly disturbed of being accepted as God. He said He is not God. He said that the words as" Me and my Father are one. Whoever sees me will be as if sees my Father" are said by proxy. He said He was the purest energy among the mass of fellow people. So He, Himself could give an opinion of God's pure energy. That was the idea.

His life untill the age of thirty was a very quite life. Until He took orders to give the message of God He had lived a very simple and humble life. He kept the pure energy that God had given Him as pure as was given. God gives everybody a pure energy from Himself and expects that energy to be returned as pure as it was given. But majority of  human beings are wasting that energy. Making it impure.

God is the God of the whole Universe. He manifests to us in All Created Forms. God is in everything, everywhere so, how can it be possible that He entered wholly in one human body? Let's say He did; in this thirtythree years of time, had all the Universe remained without God? God is All in All.  Please rise your capacity of conceptions?

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