
15 Nisan 2017 Cumartesi



Untill now, humanity was far too primitive and isolated, separated and scattered, to receive a world Message.

Unfortunately, religion has been miscast and misunderstood and corrupted through human adoption and usury [misuse]. Therefore, people’s relationship with religion has been skewed and obscured. They have all been changed by people and culture. And so now they seem to compete with each other, giving rise to great strife and conflict, religious war and religious fundamentalism so that now religion is just but another factor in dividing and fracturing the human family rather than bringing greater unity, compassion and purpose, as the Revelations were intended to do.

The great miracle of Yeshua's life was the demonstration of the Divine Truth Knowledge, taught to people who had no notion of such things. They were slaves to their circumstances, their poverty and their oppression, lost in a world filled with gods and fantasies and the cruelty of nature pressing in on them at every turn. Yeshua's mission was; the development of Knowledge in the world, the cultivation of true freedom and empowerment for the individual.

For everyone was sent into the world to make a contribution to the world for its current and future circumstances. But to find this contribution, you must be engaged with your deeper nature, which represents Knowledge, which represents the Holy Spirit that moved Yeshua and directed him in his great mission on Earth.

Your Hell and damnation is to live without the power and presence of Knowledge, to live a life of confusion and servitude in a world you do not understand, threatened by innumerable forces, oppressed by innumerable things, overtaken by your preferences and your fear and the preferences and fears of others. That is the Hell and damnation you live with at this moment, living in your state of Separation.

God does not care what religion you belong to. God cares what moves your heart, what you do and what motivates you to do what you do. God cares about what you express in your relationships. God cares about the degree to which you can become connected and united with the greater power within you, which is the only thing that can really redeem you, for God has put it there.

It is a great power, but to receive this requires a great yielding, a great surrender and a greater responsibility that requires a change in how you regard yourself, others and the whole world. It requires forgiveness, compassion and a very clear understanding of why people make mistakes and what will restore them from their own degradation.

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