
31 Temmuz 2017 Pazartesi


"A psalm of Asaph. God presides in the great assembly; he renders judgment among the "deities".

God is love. That simple statement explains why God created the universe as we know it, and populated it with both spirit beings and human beings. Furthermore, God gave those beings free will so He could interact with them and they could serve Him and interact with Him because they chose to out of love. God does not rule over His created beings as a tyrant, but works with them and allows them to help Him govern His created universe.

There is good biblical evidence that God has a ruling council of spirit beings with whom He consults. Of course, God would not need to have a divine council, He is certainly capable of doing things on His own; but having such a council is in harmony with His loving nature and His desire to work together with His creation.

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