
5 Temmuz 2017 Çarşamba


Yeshua said, ''Blessed are those who verily existed before they were born. The one who verily exists now was like this and will be.'' Psychogenetically young people can live only an instictive-reflexive life smilar to the life of primitive animals. Those who represent a qualitatively and quantitavely developed consciousness are capable of truly conscious, rightly directed, disciplened existence on the Path to the spiritual perfection, on the Path to the Father. But the maturing of the consciousness is a quite slow, and it lasts many incarnations. The statement of Yeshua is about this: first, it is easy to live with such mature people. Second, such people were prepared to such spiritual levels of existance before the beginning of the present incarnation.

Switch your attention to the Highest Goal-God the Father.


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