
5 Temmuz 2017 Çarşamba


Soul needs to be constantly stimulated with new concepts to challange and to feel invigorated. As the apperently only living gods (Pagan gods&prophets) are not speaking anymore, but the so called living gods from among the various religious clergy, people need more stimulus. They gravitate the ways calling them from within their soul. Religion is memory based as people can only exchange holy books scriptures as opposed to their own original thinking. The person with the ability to recite more scriptures is regarded as the more gifted, not due to originately but to abilty to recite script. This can also be good for some time but in reality this has always been detrimental for people who believes them. They have been taken away from their real misssion. That's why the battle now commences with soul arguing with the programmed religious mind.

Dicipline your life. Do the things that are hard to do: discipline is a necessary part of a succesful life. The easy way out is for losers. Life will not coddle you out of your troubles, so don't waste yourself in complaining and whinning. Want some examples of discipline? Master your thoughts and have spiritual practice! These take discipline at first, but they become something you love to do because they work. Serve others as well as yourselves. Do something nice for everybody. Reach out for good. Give of yourself.

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