
30 Kasım 2017 Perşembe



That means; everlasting, having no beginning and no end.

“Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.”

Eternity is a motionless, changeless state, remote and qualitatively distinct from time. Since humans measure everything in time, it is very hard for us to conceive of something that had no beginning, but has always been, and will continue forever. So, faith at this point comes in.

29 Kasım 2017 Çarşamba


For wisdom use of her pureness she pervades and penetrates all things.

For she is a breath of the power of God, and a pure emanation of the glory of the Almighty; therefore nothing defiled gains entrance into her.

For she is a reflection (apaugasma) of eternal light, a spotless mirror of the working of God, and an image of his goodness.


No wonder the seekers of truth are disillusioned and disenchanted with the current state of the majority of spiritual endeavors within the world. Many seekers have simply abandoned their search, while others feel it is hopeless to continue searching; some are so discouraged and dismayed that they wonder if truth even exists, and if it does, they remain disheartened by the near impossibility of ever finding it. Is there an adequate explanation for these spiritual maladies? Is there a rhyme or reason for this spiritual crisis? Yes, there is, but we must continue our investigation into the plight of all modern-day seekers, for at the heart of this dilemma lie the answers to the seekers’ redemption and liberation.

All spiritual doctrines, including religions, philosophies, psychic sciences, and metaphysical pursuits, have been created and founded by human beings. Furthermore, all interpretations of spirituality, and the way to liberation and salvation, have only come from human beings as well. All enmity and discord amidst religious circles, coupled with abundant argumentation and bigotry, have issued forth and are a by-product of human beings walking this planet, whether in the misty past or in present times. These last points should be considered very carefully and calmly, for they fully answer the human and institutional dilemma facing all spiritual seekers today. All things are in such disarray that only human beings could be responsible for such folly and rivalry. To imagine, for even an instant, that these diluted forms of spirituality actually reflect and portray our Divine Creator, a Being perfectly pure in every regard, adds nothing but more confusion and perplexity to the discovery and attainment of the spiritual truth, and is simply not in accordance with God’s divine will. Are we to just shake our heads or lie down in defeat, or do we rebel, languish, or silently weep in despair?

Naturally, unenlightened human beings are not concerned with this spiritual nemesis, but those keenly yearning for a higher and more fulfilling truth are bewildered by and ashamed of such degrading misrepresentation, undeniably knowing that this could not, in any way, properly reflect the majesty and profundity of the Supreme Creator. Be not deceived; God is not mocked. Be not dismayed either, for the truth does exist. There is a solution to this divine mystery, and many have found it, but it lies in the opposite direction of humankind’s search for God. Rudderless and without a compass does the individual attempt to cross the ocean of empirical existence. Blown about by chance winds and detoured by inclement weather does the soul strive to secure its spiritual moorings. Without a Master at the helm, without precise directions over stormy seas, it becomes impossible to arrive at the other shore.

There is a true Path, but you must give up your external search to find it. There is a true doctrine, but you must close the outer books of scripture to read it. There truly is a transcendental Guide, but you must forfeit your own mental counsel to find Him. And there is a true self deep within your beingness, but the bigger small self (mind/ego) must make way for the smaller big self (soul) within you. There is a secret Path leading to His door, and although it is enshrouded in mystery, it opens to the truly sincere lovers of truth and God. All Saints in the past and present know of this secret passageway which indelibly connects the soul to its Creator.

The MasterPath is not an organization, nor a collective institution that is more concerned with bolstering its own interests over those of the seeker. The MasterPath is not the major player in the ascent back to God, but the sacred inner journey of the aspirant most certainly is. The MasterPath is not attempting to promote itself, rather your own divine nature situated within you. Any path that holds itself higher than the inner sanctity of the individual is, in truth, no spiritual path at all.

The rapidly expanding consciousness within the aspirant creates the superior journey, and all devotees within the Light and Sound Teachings experience this pronounced ascension. The explicit reason for this incomparable uplift is that the soul within the seeker is being addressed.

The soul is created in God’s image, and is comprised of the same essence as God. Within the soul lie countless worlds and dimensions of consciousness as of yet unexplored, and within your own body do your own soul, your own Spirit, and your own God reside. The discovery and realization of these three divine powers hidden within you constitute the sacred inner journey to Self and God Realization. As a result, the remedy to the human and institutional dilemma is the reawakening of your own divine potential now existing inwardly in latent form. So vast and majestic is our own spirituality, if you were to objectively witness your own divine cosmology at this time, it would be similar to the stream attempting to contain the ocean. Every soul has been dyed in the color of the Lord’s hue, and interestingly enough, this includes your own. Seldom has any seeker fully realized that the object of one’s lifelong search has only been one’s self.

The MasterPath Teachings revolve around specific spiritual principles that lie at the
foundation for the evolving consciousness as it makes its way back to the Godhead:

1. Soul is the central reality of the individual, created by God Itself, and identical to God’s Image.
2. The Fatherhood of God; all things begin and end in God.
3. The brotherhood of humanity; all beings are the sons and daughters of God.
4. Loving Its creation; everything that exists is a small  bit of expression and manifestation of God’s Divine power and joy..
5. The desire to follow God's divine will for you.


Sorunların tamamı bağımlılıklar dan gelir. Deliliğin, savaşların, anlaşmazlıkların, gücün, hakimiyetin, kısaca her türlü insansal deneyim bireylerin kendi bağımlılıklarından kaynaklanır. Seks ve madde bağımlılığı (uyuşturucu, alkol vb) gibi insansal bir faaliyetin bağımlılık halini alması çok eskidir. Yapısı gereği özellikle eril enerjiler sekse bağımlı kalmaya eğilim gösterirler. Çünkü onların genlerinde “yumurtayı her pahasına döllemek" gibi bir komut var. Dişil enerjinin sekse bağımlılığı daha çok kutsanmak, korunmak, kabul edilmek ve sevilmek eğiliminden gelir. Dişil enerji, yani rahim doğası gereği her zaman almaya açıktır. Alkole olan bağımlılığın nedeni duygusal bağımlılıklar dır. Bireyin duygularıyla baş edememesi, altında ezilmesidir. Alkol ya da uyuşturucu aldığında bu yükten kurtulur. Artık hissetmez. Duygusallık madde boyutuna yakın olmaktır. Bir ruh, madde boyutuna ne kadar yakınlaşırsa acısı o kadar artar. Bunu sanat eserlerinde gözlemleyebilirsiniz. Bir sanatçı yaratma aşamasında duyguyu aşar. Yaratım ani duygu içermez. Sanatçı o an, o kutsal şimdi de özgün haline döner. Sınırsız ve sonsuz olan her bireysel ruh bir sanatçıdır. Madde boyutunda titreşmek demek ise bilinç düzeyinin sıfır noktasına kadar inmesi demektir. Artık bu titreşimde birey kendini madde saymaya başlar. Bu düzey onun sadece bir beden olduğunu kabul etmesi ile sonuçlanır ve korkuları artar. Titreşim düştükçe her şeye boş verecektir. Yaşam anlamsızdır. Maddeye olan bağımlılıkları artar. Maddeden uzaklaştıkça ise manevi şeyler önem kazanmaya başlar, artık yaşamayı sevecek, onu onurlandıracaktır. Önce kendisinin sınırsız ve sonsuz bir bilinç olduğunu hissedecek, sonrasında bunu doğrudan bilecektir. Bu noktada bütün bağımlılıklar son bulur. Kişi artık Kutsal Ruhun bir parçasıdır. Her türden bağımlılığa (madde, bilgi, spor, yol, yöntem, enerji, şifa v.s.) eğimli olanlar genellikle diğer insanları da bu yola sokma gayretine girerler. Bu fanatikliktir. Aydınlanmak ise tüm bağımlılıklardan kurtulmaktır.

28 Kasım 2017 Salı


Power is the drive of everything living to realize itself, with increasing intensity and extensity.

Love is the drive towards unity of the separated.

Power, then, can also be seen as the urge towards agency and self-transcendence. Love is the urge towards communion and self-dissolution (i.e. losing oneself in the whole). If we focus too much on our individual agency when trying to create change, we can come across as arrogant, leave people behind and fail to connect with people where they are. But if we focus too much on communion with the group and not enough on actual achievements, then our work can be ineffectual.

We need both power and love to achieve effective social change when faced with tough challenges. When we let either of these drives dominate, we stagger and stumble. Only when they are in balance can we walk successfully and find resolution to complex social challenges.

Power and love therefore represent not a choice but a dilemma; choosing one or the other is always a mistake. If we want to effect social change generatively rather than degeneratively, we need to choose both.

21 Kasım 2017 Salı


In this modern age, the ability for someone to be void of all evil including jealousy, selfishness, bad addictions or habits, ego and conquest for power over others has become increasingly rare. The pure-hearted person is a rare find in the literature and even much more rare in the history of mankind.

You don't have to be Saint to be pure hearted. Just control yourselves and do not let the negative deeds come to life through you. Conquest for power for the wrong reasons, money or addictions that at the end harm others directly or indirectly.

Show love even to your worst enemies and give them as many chances as they need. Think about others as yourself. Whatever your motives are in life, make sure they are not tainted by a wish to do harm or gain personally over others. For example trying to be rich for yourself, abuse of your current status, etc. If your motives at the end are evil, get rid of them.

Try to have clear mind. Focus on present. Pray to God often. Always control your feelings with your mind. When you give a favor don't expect it back. Be contented in life. Be humble. Love yourself  including your body even if you are disabled. Examine yourselves to see if you’re really in the faith. Rejoice.

A pure hearted person would be one who does things but doesn’t brag about it, he never expects anything in return, he loves even those who no one else will, he has no hidden agenda, he is perfectly content in every state he is in, and all of this is because he has such great humility, which is the mark of marks for those with a pure heart.


When selfishness rises in you, choose otherwise, it is never outwardly expressed. Control that part in you so it does not come out, it is not shown. That is all. That is the only difference between you and one who outwardly chooses and expresses selfishness.

There is only acting on or not acting on. If a negative didn't rise in you ... how could you choose the opposite? These are not bad things ... they are beautiful for they show us the way to the Loving choices available to us.

A pure heart comes from a person who makes an individual choice as to what to act on and what not to. They have the almost same things and issues rise in them as everyone else on the planet ... selfishness, ill feelings, hurts and negative qualities. But it is "their choice" ... the choice of which qualities they choose to express out of their beingness. When one chooses to only express the grandest qualities ... they appear to all others as being pure, and in all actuality ... they are. For they have won the battle within to express their Divinity.

The next time something rises in you ... examine it before you re-act on it. Ask yourself ... "Is this who I want to be?" If not, thank God for holding this while you pondered it, thank the thing that rose in you for showing you a lesser expression of yourself, and then choose a grander expression with that knowledge in heart.


Saygıdeğer okuyucularım,

İzninizle sizlere Yeşua'nın bildirmemi istediği mesajı yolluyorum.

"Okuduklarını mutlaka uygulasınlar.  Önemli olan bunları kendilerinin yaşamlarında uyguluyor olmalarıdır. Değer olarak Tanrının önüne hiçbir şeyi koymasınlar. Yüzleri hep ışığa dönük olsun. Tanrı sevgisi herşeyin önünde gelmelidir. Tanrı tüm canlılara temiz nefesinden ve saf enerjisini her an kesintisiz göndermektedir. Yaşamın temelinde bu temiz kaynak vardır. Karşılığında sizden olumlu enerjileri geri göndermenizi ister. Yani yaşam için Ondan aldıklarınızı kirletmeden tekrar saf ve temiz olarak geri göndermeniz gerekir. Buda temiz ve yararlı bir yaşam sürmekle olur. Önce Tanrı gelir sonra sevgi ve sonra güç ve dördüncu olarakta fedakarlık. Sıra böyledir. Bunları okuyucularına bildir."

Saygı ve sevgilerimle,
Alpaslan Kuzucan.
Yeşua'nın kardeşi.

20 Kasım 2017 Pazartesi


To my dear readers,

I thank you all for your interest in my blog. I do hope you are applying in your life the knowledge you read from my writtings. I would like to share with you below of what Yeshua told me to write for you.

Yeshua said that:

"Tell your readers that they must apply what they have read in this blog also in their own lives. This important. They are taking pure  breaths and energy from God and they are to give back to God positive energies. They must not put any material or spiritual thing before God. God comes first and then love, then power and then self sacrifice respectively."

Truely yours,
Alpaslan Kuzucan.
Brother of Yeshua.


A simple heart, that has gratitude, is the secret. Mankind has forgetten about simplicity. They can't see the beautiful things. Beauty  is omnipresent in The Creation. A sunshine, a blue sky, trees, flowers, bird's songs can please a candid heart. They are God's miracles.

Keep a innocent mind despite all you went through. All you endured was by any means  necessary. Know that never I have been a slave to my Father. The Father and I are one. Islam talks about submission as a slave(kul); I am calling all my true followers " brothers annd sisters". Do not mislead anybody. Keep yourselves clean, stay away from sorcery and fortune tellers. Whatever you do avoid the attitude called arrogance.

A lot of people claim to be mine; I will only justify the ones who are according to my heart. Heaven is represented as a place in the clouds. This is a naive, man-made representation. Heaven is different from all humans knowledge. It is a realm where the pure souls stand permanently with God presence. The reality of this place is unexplainable to human beings. How can you picture of an immense love and peace!  You cannot. Heaven is another dimension.

One must be cleaned from the inside. Pray daily. Never forget praying. Do not tolerate sinful behaviors. Seeing God is a promise to the pure hearts. Very few people are actually have pure hearts even though they are believers. They cannot detach theirselves from material possessions. Greed and obsession with money is to be condemned. Do not let your heart get hardened with them. Never become selfish.

Love is superior to any rule. When you are applying a rule, do it with all your heart and not out of obligation. I did not brake Shabbat to disobey my God but to perform healing. This is to awaken the consciousness of people applying Law in a very rigid manner. There were no love in their hearts. Do not forget "LOVE IS SUPERIOR TO ANY RULE". The biggest law is love. Pride and arrogance kill love. Never be fooled into a unitarian doctrines.  God gave you freedom on this planet in order that you can learn to love. Without freedom and trust there can be no love.



A close examination of this movement reveals the truth: the goal of feminism is the complete domination and oppression of men. It’s about bullying men, competing with men, preferential treatment, stealing men’s authority, and wearing the crown of leader for themselves.

Feminism has reached their goal amoung many European nations. Just take a quick look at the couples around you today. Look at relationships between the sexes in your neighborhood, your job, your church, and you’ll see who’s really running the show: the women lead, and the men follow.

Historically feminism is a white female movement—it’s not really about anyone else. It’s about white women grabbing the power of white men in America. Therefore, other women, especially black women, shouldn’t be fighting for matriarchy when they’re still oppressed by systems that white men and women.

Feminists know that beauty and sex is a major tool of manipulation that gives women their control over men. Without it, most men would think twice about relinquishing their manhood and letting a woman rule them. So, as feminism gets stronger, expect more women to wear fewer clothes.

There are horrible consequences of feminism:
Man no longer pursue marriage, boys are being  feminized, divorce are skyrocketed, sexual confusion among teenagers, rise of smoking and stress among women, rise of migraine among women. Feminism has turned women into competitive, stressed-out, depressed, drug addicted men. In their quest for the man’s authority, they’ve taken on every negative aspect of manhood, and because they’re not built to handle it, they’re suffering the most.

Just as you can’t fit a square block into a circular slot, a woman cannot operate like a man, nor can a man take the role of a woman. You can’t defy the Creator and expect to be successful.

Remember that: Even if you were to get married, a man wouldn’t satisfy the emptiness in your soul; that place is reserved for God. Only reconnection to God will heal and restore your soul.


Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.

The cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.


God sees everything, and He watches us closely. Sinners are trapped and caught by their own evil deeds. You can’t hid your sin from the God. God sees all. The proverb finally says, “They get lost and die because of their foolishness and lack of self-control.” They made dumb choices, they didn’t listen to wisdom, but most importantly, the key to their deaths was the lack of self-control.

Lust weakens the ability to control one’s self. It clouds the judgment and makes us do the things we shouldn’t. It makes us foolish. To avoid fornication and adultery, we must tackle lust. Lust is part of the problem. I say that lust is part of the problem because there are often other issues like loneliness, discontentment, generational curses, depression, emptiness, no purpose, no identity and abuse that lead men to use sex, porn or masturbation as a way of dealing with their deeper issues.

Contrary to what some believe, selfishness is actually the opposite of love, not hate. Selfishness is the reason for the world’s condition today. Selfishness leads to destruction and so does lust.


"A bad woman is worse than death The woman whose heart is snares and nets, Whose hands are fetters. He who pleases God shall escape from her, But the sinner shall be trapped by her."

There are many angry women out there that have been wounded through fornication, they hate all men because of this. They hate their boyfriends who didn’t love them. They hate their fathers for not loving them, being absent, and for not protecting them from doggish men. They’ve been mistreated by so many men that they now seek revenge.

These women have become hateful, resentful, and beast-like. In the streets, they call women “bitches” (female dogs), but the spider name “black widow” would best fit this growing number of women. The insides of these women are in shreds, and they have lost all morality, femininity and humanity. What a shame. Look at what the devil has done to these women through a selfish man.

We need to pray for these women!

You, as a man of God, didn’t do anything wrong to these venomous creatures, but it doesn’t matter because, in their eyes, all men are evil. You have become the enemy that must be crushed. So, you will discover that when you encounter them, you’ll be slighted, belittled, and lied about even though you did nothing wrong.

Or, instead of mistreatment, these spiders will flatter you with kind words. That pretty, shapely woman will smile and entice you to have sex with her. She’ll pretend to adore you, but she really hates you. Just know that she’s trying to victimize you, control your mind, and kill your soul; and if she could get away with physical murder, she would do that too.

She hates all men. The devil has formed the perfect tool to kill you – a wounded, angry, sexy woman, who uses her body and soul to destroy. They’re out there. Many of them are in the . Many are on the streets. Be warned. Guard your thoughts and obey Messiah!

19 Kasım 2017 Pazar


Do not put tattoo marks on yourselves. Only God  puts marks and signs if He wants.


18 Kasım 2017 Cumartesi


I am not trying to convince anybody. I am not teaching either.

I am only notifying what I have received from Yeshua in my dreams, and sharing what I belive is true from my various readings.

Thank you for your interests.
A.K. Brother of Yeshua.


Ne kimseye bir şey öğretiyorum ne de inandırmaya çalışıyorum. Zorlamak gibi bir amacımda hiç yok. İlgilenip okuyan arkadaşlara teşekkür ederim. Benim yaptığım okuduklarımı ve zaman zaman da rüyalarımı sizlerle paylaşmaktan ibarettir. İnandığım doğruları hiçbir menfaat gözetmeksizin paylaşmaktır.

İlginize teşekkür ediyorum.
Sevgi ve saygılarımla,
Alpaslan Kuzucan.


Genesis 1:27 says God made them “male and female.” No matter how hard some people try, they can’t wish away this fundamental physical reality—and that’s a good thing.


Communion with God is predicated on a vital condition of the soul: purity. God is holy; He is a pure being, and He joins to Himself only that which is pure. A pure soul has inconceivable power before God.

Music stars have turned their art into soft pornography; mainstream actors and actresses are now regularly appearing nude in explicit films; foul and lewd languages are becoming commonplace just about everywhere.

Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor sodomites nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor robbers will inherit the Kingdom of God.

These souls, who refuse to follow the “blasphemies” of “the beast”—and lust is a blasphemy against God’s goodness—will reign with Messiah in the Kingdom. We took everything pure from God and we are responsible to give them back pure.

17 Kasım 2017 Cuma


Kimseye zararı yoksa yapılabilir sözü yanlıştır. Insanın kendi bedenini de sevmesi, temiz tutması, tüm uzuvlarıyla birlikte, ve onlara iyi bakması zarar vermemesi şarttır. Esasında tüm canlılar Tanrının hücreleridir. Ama bu hücrelerin bazıları kirletilmekte ve kanser hücreleri misali yok edilmeleri gerekmektedir.

İnsanlar kendi bedenlerine dövme yaptırtmaktalar. Bu kabul edilemez. Işareti sadece Tanrı koyar. Siz koyamazsınız. Yine gelişigüzel cinsel ilişkilerle bedeninizi kirletmemelisiniz. Hastalıklara maruz bırakmamalısınız. Bedenlerinizi en temiz haliyle aldığınız gibi Tanrıya iade etmek durumundasınız.

Yaşamı ciddiye alın. Yüzlerinizden gülümseme eksik olmasın ama yaşamınızı ciddiyetle devam ettirin.

İnsan ruhu ölürken büyük acı çeker. Benim çarmıhta çektiğim acılar bunu simgeliyor. Esasen benim tüm yaşamım bir simgedir. Kendinizi dışarıdan seyretmeyi öğrenin. Ben orada acı çekmedim. Kendimi dışarıdan seyrediyordum. Arınmış ruhlar acı çekmez.

Size verilen herşeyi kirletmeden kullanmak ve hiçbir şeye zarar vermeden yaşamak ve aldığınız gibi tertemiz Tanrıya iade etmek durumundasınız.

Kimseye zararı yok sözü yanlıştır. Sizde, kendinizde zarar görmemelisiniz. Aldıklarınızı Tanrıya saf olarak teslim etmelisiniz. Kendi bedeniniz ve ruhunuz bunun dışında değildir.

Yeşua, 17.11.2017


Yükseliş, ruhun Tanrı ruhu ile yeniden birleşmesi törenidir. Yükseliş, kutsal alevin harlamasıyla,  ruhun Mesih bilinciyle ilk birleşmesi ve onun dünyadaki son zamanının doğal sonucudır. Ruh kutsal planını tamamlamıştır. Ruh artık saptırılabilen, ayartılabilen konumdan saptırılamaz konumuna geçmiştir. O artık Tanrı bedenindeki bir zerredir. Yeniden dünyada doğuş halkası kırılmıştır.

İnsan fiziksel forma günlük yaşam şartlarını, zorluklarını deneyimlemek ve kendi alt benliğini kontrol etmek için inen coşkulu bir ruhtur. Insan egosunu ve insani aklı tam kontrol etmenin üstesinden geldiğinde ve bunları kutsal olanla ikame ettiğinde Tanrının merkezine ulaşabilir ve zaman mekan üzerinde hakimiyet sağlar.

Yükseliş tüm insan ruhlarına açıktır ama ruhun kendi gayretine ilaveten Tanrının lütfetmeside şarttır. Gerekli şartları yerine getiren her din yada millet mensubuna bu bahşedilir. Bir guruba aidiyet söz konusu değildir.

Yükseliş alevi ümit alevidir. Bu yükseliş hafızası, umudu içimize Yeşua tarafından yerleştirilmiştir. Kendisi aramızda bedenlenip yaşamış ve insan egosunu yenmiştir. Yükselişin yolunu bize göstermiştir. Bizler de Yeşua'nin ayak izlerini takip ederek bunu başarabiliriz. O bizim için bir örnekti. Böylece yaşamın birçok gizeminden birini bize açmış oldu. Tanrının isteği tüm ruhların yükselmesi yönündedir. Bizede sadece gerekeni yapmak kalıyor. Yükselmiş üstatlar ve melekler hazır olan herkese el uzatmak için beklemekteler.

16 Kasım 2017 Perşembe


First, "No man shall see God and live". Now all the exercises of discursive prayer, and even of active contemplation, while esteemed as the summit and end of the passive, and not merely as a preparative to it, are still living exercises by which we cannot see God; that is to say, be united with Him; for all that is of man's own power or exertion must first die, be it ever so noble, ever so exalted.

"That there was a great silence in heaven". Now heaven represents the foundation and centre of the soul, wherein, ere the Majesty of God appears, all must be hushed to silence. All the efforts, nay, the very existence of self-sufficiency must be destroyed, because nothing is opposite to God but self-sufficiency; and all the malignity of man is in this failing, as in the power of its evil nature, insomuch that the purity of a soul increases in proportion as it loses this quality; till at length that which had been a fault, while the soul lived in self-sufficiency and so acted, becomes no longer such, from the purity and innocence it hath acquired by departing from that which caused the dissimilitude between it and God.

Secondly, To unite two things so opposite, as the impurity of the creature and the purity of God, the simplicity of God and the multiplicity of man, much more is requisite than the impotent efforts of the creature: no less than a singular and efficacious operation of the Almighty can ever accomplish this, for things must be reduced to some familiarity before they can blend and become one. Can the impurity of dross be united with the purity of gold? What then does God do? He sends His own Wisdom before Him, as the last fire shall be sent upon earth to destroy by its activity all that is impure therein; and as nothing can resist the power of that fire, in like manner this Wisdom dissolves and destroys all the impurities of the creature and disposes it for Divine Union.

This impurity, so opposite to Union, consists in self-sufficiency and activity.

This is the source and fountain of all that defilement and corruption which can never be allied to Essential Purity; the rays of the sun may glance, indeed, upon filth and mire, but can never be united with them. Activity obstructs Union; for God being an Infinite Stillness, the soul, in order to be united to Him, must participate in this stillness, else the contrariety between stillness and activity would prevent assimilation.

Therefore, the soul can never arrive at Divine Union but by the repose or stillness of the will, nor can it ever become One with God but by being re-established in the purity of its first creation, that is, in this central repose.

God purifies the soul by His Wisdom, as refiners do metals in the furnace. Gold cannot be purified but by fire, which gradually separates from and consumes all that is earthy and heterogeneous: it must be melted and dissolved, and all impure mixtures taken away by casting it again and again into the furnace; thus it is refined from all internal corruption, and even exalted to a state incapable of farther purification.

Sexual prohibitions against sexual immorality are often coupled with warnings against “impurity”. This word in the Greek is akatharsia, which means “defiled, foul, ceremonially unfit.” It connotes actions that render a person unfit to enter God’s presence. Those who persist in unrepentant immorality and impurity cannot come into the presence of God. Yeshua said, “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God”.  It is impossible to maintain a healthy intimacy with God when our bodies and souls are given over to impurities of any kind.

Sex was created to be enjoyed between one man and one woman who are in a covenant marriage until one of them dies. Sexuality is His sacred wedding gift to human beings. Any expression of it outside those parameters constitutes abuse of God’s gift. Abuse is the use of people or things in ways they were not designed to be used. The Books calls this sin. Adultery, premarital sex, pornography, and homosexual relations are all outside God’s design, which makes them sin.


”God will give to each person according to what he has done.” 

"Flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the God from a pure heart. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. He who commits adultery lacks sense; he who does it destroys himself."

"But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place."

"Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.”
"So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!”
"Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin . . . watch yourself, or you also may be tempted.” 

"Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and is idolatry."

Proper View of Women... 

Most images we lust after portray women as sexually animalistic and physically perfect.

But in reality, women’s sex drives are highly relationship-dependent, and their bodies are not nearly as idealistic.

Pornography, therefore, has its roots in fantasy, not reality.

But fantasy seeks to make the deluded one believe he has found truth, and it does so by using seemingly believable distortions of reality.

Hence, feeding our fantasy lives is dangerous – it removes us from reality.

Here’s a classic picture of lust: man sees woman; man undresses woman in his mind; man imagines having sex with woman. The 25 per cent of women who identify themselves as ‘visual’ can perhaps relate to this kind of temptation, but women are generally tempted differently to men.

Men tend to be aroused visually, women through touch and hearing.
Men give love to get sex, women give sex to get love.
Men usually initiate and women respond; men are excited by pursuit, women by being pursued.
Men are tempted by the pleasure of lust, women by the power of lust.
Men are often motivated by physical desires, women by emotional and relational longings.

A woman’s sexual sin may not resemble a man’s, but it’s no less serious. Women who aren’t drawn to pornography may escape into romantic movies or steamy novels that encourage fantasies about being romanced by the man of their dreams. Immodest dress, flirtatious glances and seductive body language designed to attract male attention are just as ungodly as the lustful thoughts they provoke. It’s not only sinful to give your body to the wrong person, but also to refuse to give it generously to your husband. Adultery can be emotional as well as physical: it begins with dissatisfaction with your husband and longing for someone who’ll love you better, and expresses itself in emotional attachment to another man. Until we recognize our sin, we’re fighting blind.

For men, the struggle with lust can feel like a secret badge of manhood, but for women, sexual temptation has no redeeming features; the woman who sins sexually may feel unfeminine as well as guilty. It’s especially hard for women to share their struggles when they battle homosexual feelings or seemingly ‘male’ weaknesses like pornography, sexual fantasies and masturbation. Some sins may feel too private to be confessed, like the common tendency of married women to fantasize during sex to increase arousal or hurry orgasm. Sexual issues that spring from someone else’s sin—a father’s abuse, a husband’s betrayal—can be particularly difficult to talk about because of the deep hurt involved.

One of the reason women don’t talk about sexual temptation is that we may not recognize it. Why do women sin sexually? Isn’t it because we believe the lie that our heart’s longings can be met by something other than God? We go from one boyfriend to another to find the love we long for. We indulge in fantasies to escape harsh reality. We pursue emotional intimacy with a man we’re not married to because it makes us feel good about ourselves. Sexual sin begins with the heart’s betrayal, when we turn our backs on God to devote ourselves to love, sex or romance: idols that leave us empty and broken, and that grieve God.

As Martin Luther said, “You can’t keep the birds from flying over your head, but you can keep them from making a nest in your hair.”

Many people think that to be normal you have to date. But just because lots of other people do doesn’t mean you have to. It’s an option, not a need. With the upside comes the downside of definite risks and temptations. You can enjoy fun positive friendships with people of the opposite sex and be involved in all sorts of activities without coupling up with one person.

Dating is the path to marriage. You will not marry every person you date. But the person you marry will be someone you dated. Therefore every date is a potential mate. There is no such thing as “just dating”—you don’t “just” bungee jump from a helicopter, or “just” fight on the front lines of a battle and you don’t “just” date. It’s too important to say “just.” Too much is at stake.

God says “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers . . . what fellowship can light have with darkness?”

Don’t enter into any relationship that could compromise your convictions. The closer the relationship the greater the danger. The longer you allow a relationship to go on with a nonbeliever, the more cloudy your judgment will become and the more likely you will commit immorality and turn your back on God in other ways. Convictions waver when we place ourselves in the realm of temptation. 

Gaps always get filled, often with temptations to sexual impurity. Know what you’re doing and either stick with the plan or go somewhere safe, where you’re in the sight of others (particularly others who respect the need for purity). You can still have a private conversation even in a room full of people. But their presence will encourage you to focus on the conversation rather than on temptation to impurity.

Always remember that you are not alone...

"What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs”.

"Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence. If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there."

"Can anyone hide in secret places so that I cannot see him?” declares the LORD. ”Do not I fill heaven and earth?”.

"The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good”

"My eyes are on all their ways; they are not hidden from me, nor is their sin concealed from my eyes.”



The goal of the faithful life is to be pure in thought and deed.  I believe that the issue of masturbation comes down to this.  Therefore, I believe that though masturbation under certain circumstances may not be sinful, the desire to be sexual pure and holy should move the faithful to avoid it.  Instead, he or she should seek to master the body and not give into its desires.  The fight against masturbation can be a lesson in controlling the body which can have great spiritual benefits.  Giving in to masturbation can have spiritual consequences and mastering the body can bring great spiritual benefit.  Perhaps God did not mention masturbation becouse He is so aware of our sinful tendencies, our situations, our difficulties, etc., and desires that we seek holiness and purity by seeking to master our own flesh.  If God had declared that it was not a sin, then we can rest assured that we would misuse the act and become enslaved by it.

Yeshua is saying that thinking lustful thoughts is sinful.  Therefore, masturbation involving sexual fantasies is undoubtedly sinful.

But this brings up the issue of a spouse masturbating while thinking of his/her spouse.  Is it sinful?  Again, since the Books does not declare it sinful, can we?  Let’s say that a wife is incapacitated by an accident and is in the hospital for an extended period of time.  Is it alright for the husband to masturbate if he thinks only of his wife in order to relieve sexual tension?  Again, without a specific declaration of scripture it is difficult pronounce it as sinful.  On the one hand, his body is not his own and it is for his wife and he is not to be mastered by anything.  But on the other hand, she is not available.  Would his masturbation be sinful should he commit it if he only thought of his wife?  I cannot say for sure.

Then again, what if someone masturbates with absolutely no sexual fantasy of any sort.  Is it then sinful?  Again, this is difficult to answer. But, since the Books doesn’t condemn or condone it, can we make dogmatic assertions?  Furthermore, what if a person masturbates in order to reduce the sexual urge in an attempt to not commit fornication?  Certainly, actual fornication would be a sin, and masturbation would be preferable in this instance.  But does this mean that the person is being mastered by the flesh?  If so, then that would be wrong.  But, does it mean then that a self-release of sexual tension is then acceptable if it is to avoid fornication?

This is the will of God, our sanctification; that is, that we abstain from sexual immorality;  that each of us know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor,  not in lustful passion, like the unfaithful who do not know God.


Contentment is a plant that must be tended daily.

You should be contented, because otherwise you will belie your own prayers. "THY WILL BE DONE".

The language of your prayer is at variance with the feeling of your heart.

Set yourselves free from the false expectations.

Tame your wanter.

Don't be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are is God's place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there.  

Trust God to make it all come out right in the end.

15 Kasım 2017 Çarşamba


Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

Yeshua says: “It’s what comes out of a person that makes a person unclean, because it’s from within, from the human heart, that evil thoughts come, as well as sexual immorality, stealing, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, cheating, shameless lust, envy, slander, arrogance, and foolishness. All these things come from inside and make a person unclean.”

Anything that is causing you to sin turn away from it. Turn away my eyes from looking at vanity, and revive your eyes in God's ways. If sinners entice you, turn your back on them!

Run from sexual immorality.
(The Greek word for “immorality” is porneia which means illicit sexual intercourse, i.e., fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality, etc. The English word “pornography” is derived from this Greek word.) Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. 

Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Make no provision for the flesh to arouse its desires.

God will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.


Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.

Do not be like the rich people women. They are haughty, walking along with outstretched necks, flirting with their eyes, strutting along with swaying hips, with ornaments jingling on their ankles. Forgetting that what do they have that God hasn’t given them? And if everything they have is from God, why boast as though it were not a gift?

Many believers in God struggle with lustful thoughts and other sinful thoughts. You have to ask yourself, what is triggering these thoughts? As believers we must guard our hearts and minds from evil. You’re trying to stop those bad thoughts, but are you listening to bad music?

Are you watching shows and movies that you’re not supposed to be watching? Are you reading books that you’re not supposed to be reading?

It can even be what you see on social media Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. You must keep your mind clean and fight. When a sinful thought pops up maybe it’s lust or evil towards someone do you immediately change it or just dwell on it?

Have you forgiven others who have hurt you? Do you practice keeping your mind on God? It is always good to have some verses memorized so whenever you get those pop-ups you fight it with Yeshua's true words.

Don’t just recite them, do what they say. Make sure you never dwell on evil. In this godless world there is sensuality everywhere so you must guard your eyes. Flee from sexual immorality don’t stay, flee!



Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you. Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in God with Messiah we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the other pure souls.

Complete your joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others significant as much as yourselves.

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Let not your heart is proud, your eyes are not haughty; do not concern yourselves over with great matters or things too wonderful for you.


God’s desire is for us all to live and experience abundant lives in our daily walk with him. He wants us to grow in him and get to know him better every day. He longs for us to find complete joy in him, through Yeshua Messiah, the awakener and the key holder of the eternity gate, and, the power of God’s Holy Spirit in us.


The name of the righteous is used in blessings, but the name of the wicked will rot. . . . The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life.

A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.


The word haughtyis defined by Merriam-Webster as “blatantly and disdainfully proud.” The word is always used in the evil sense of “arrogant, disdainful and setting oneself above others”; it is often set in contrast to being humble.

Haughty eyes are said to be sin along with a proud heart. To have haughty eyes is to have an arrogant demeanor; it’s an overall attitude of one’s heart that causes one to scorn or “look down on” others. The haughty person sets himself above others, and ultimately above God.

When we are haughty, we become the center of our universe; everything revolves around us. There is little, if any, concern for what others think and no consideration of the will of God. Pride, haughtiness, is the trunk of the tree from which all other sins sprout. When we are at the center of our world, then nothing that we want is unlawful to us.

God is resistant to haughtiness. It is an abomination to God. God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.


“The Lord hates these seven things:
eyes that show pride,
tongues that tell lies,
hands that kill innocent people,
hearts that plan evil things to do,
feet that run to do evil,
witnesses in court who tell lies,
and anyone who causes family members to fight.”

14 Kasım 2017 Salı


All people have drunk the water of forgetfulness and exist in a state of ignorance. Some can overcome ignorance through the Spirit of Life that descends upon all of them. These souls "will be saved and will become perfect," that is, escape the round of rebirth.

John asks Yeshua what will happen to those who do not attain salvation. They are hurled down "into forgetfulness" and thrown into "prison", the Gnostic code word for new earthly body. The only way for these souls to escape, says Yeshua, is to emerge from forgetfulness and acquire knowledge. "These souls need to follow Yeshua in whom the Spirit of Life dwells. Those who are saved through the Spirit will never be thrust into flesh again."

"Watch and pray that you may not be born in the flesh, but that you may leave the bitter bondage of this life and enter the eternal with God."

"When you see your likeness, you are happy. But when you see your images that came into being before and that neither die nor become visible, how much you will bear!"


There will be no second coming. I have come and gone many times already and I still come and go when & where it is necessary. But as Yeshua Messiah I will not come again.

There is no end time as you think. No devil. No armagedon. That will be against the act of free will.

There will be huge natural disasters and the World will change. There will be famine, plaques and floods worldwide. The world population will decrease voliminously. Life styles will change completely.

Do not loose faith. Keep calm till end. You, humans have acceletated this situation by your greed. Do not be afraid of dying. Your feelings and thoughts are very important at your last hours. This affects your procedure ğf passing to afterlife. Whether you can realize you are going to die or not, do not loose your faith at the last minutes. That is very important.

I am always with the faithful.



The goal of our instruction is the love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and a sincere faith.

For you did not receive a spirit of slavery that returns you to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship, by whom we cry, “Father!"

My God, and my Father, You are the gigantic universal form which contains all the individual bodies of the living entities. You are the maintainer of the worlds, and as such You maintain the mind, senses, body, and breath of life within them. I therefore offer my deepest obeisances unto You. “

God’s holiness is also revealed in Yeshua, who is called “the Holy One of God". Of all men, he alone has exhibited true holiness, the holiness of God. No fault could or can be found in Him because no fault is in Him, neither in thought, deed, nor word. He “committed no sin, nor was deceit found in His mouth”. His life, His teachings, and His works were all personifications of holiness; in flesh he manifested God’s holiness perfectly.


Tyranny and opression demand for ignorance to operate at a mass scale, and Yeshua was ending this suppression. This is the real reason why he was a savior. Anyone that attempts to add the suppression of the human race, through politics, art, knowledge, religion, social activism, and even rebellion and terrorism, is a savior. It is not the means used but the intention that matters.

Diktatörlük ve baskı cehalet gerektirir, toplumlar bazında cehalet ne kadar yaygın ise onları kütleler halinde gütmek o ölçüde kolay olur.
İnsanları baskı altına almak, onlara zulmetmek politika, sanat, bilim, din, sosyal eylemler ya da isyan ve terörizmle yapılmaya çalışılır ve her kim bu kötülüğü kırmaya çalışıyorsa o kurtarıcıdır. Burada niyet önemlidir araçlar değil. Yeşua insanları sevgiye yaklaştırmaya çalışıyordu çünkü sevgi insanları bütünleştirecek tek güçtür ancak bu tiranların işine gelmedi…

Halbuki bu tiranlarda esasen Tanrı hakkında aralarında birbirleriyle konuşuyorlardı. Tanrının, varlığın birliğinin bir idrakı, bir kavrayışı olduğuna dair şiirsel sözler mırıldanıyorlardı ama niyetleri sadece sömürmekdi. Sevgi ortamında yapamayacakları bu zalimlikleri kibirli karanlık ruhlarını tatmin için yapmaya devam etmek üzere kendilerini ilahlaştırmak, yeryüzünde Tanrı olmaktan başka bir niyetleri yoktu.

12 Kasım 2017 Pazar


Pure souls are those who have reached to the Source and have been accepted among the Attendants of the Holy Circle.

They possess there a human shape in light bodies, not blood and meat, and remain always standing, never sit or lie down because they are in the precence of God.

The peace there cannot be described.


11 Kasım 2017 Cumartesi





Saf ruhlar kaynağa ulaşmış, görevliler kutsal halkasına dahil olmuş ruhlardır. Onların ruhlar aleminde, dünyadaki gibi canlı kanlı değil ama insan misali bir görüntüleri vardır. Bu saf ruhlar için orada oturmak yada yatmak yoktur. Onlar orada hep ayakta dururlar çünki onlar Tanrının huzurunda dırlar. Oradaki huzurun muhteşemliği tarif edilemez.


10 Kasım 2017 Cuma



Kişi kendini benimseyip sevmeden Tanrıyı sevemez. Kendi karakterini yaptıklarını sevmesi gerekir. Kötülükte ve yanlışta kalarak bir ruhun kendini benimseyip sevmesi, vicdanının rahat olması olanaksızdır. Bu sebeble doğruda ve iyide olmak kişinin kendini sevmesi için şarttır. Sonucunda Tanrıyı sevecektir.

Yeşua 10 Kasım, 2017

Without loving yourself first one cannot love the God. Souls must love their own characters first and in order to be able to achieve that they have to be righteous and kind. One cannot do evil acts and love himself or herself. It is not possible to love yourselves without first approving and loving your deeds and acts. Consciences must be free of guilt. Before that you cannot love God.

Yeshua, 10 November 2017

7 Kasım 2017 Salı


Yaradılanı hoşgör yaratandan ötürü sözü yanlıştır. Tanrı hoş görülecek varlıklar yaratmaz. Onun yarattıkları mükemmeldir ancak kendini Tanrıdan ayıran insan kötülüğe saparak bozulur. Özgür iradesini Tanrıya karşı gelmek yönünde kullanarak yanlışa gider. Bu hali ile Tanrının yarattığı değildir. Hoş görülemez. Kötülüklerle mücadele edilmelidir.

Yeşua, 7 Kasım 2017

God does not creat creatures to be tolerated. Because God's creatures are all perfect but free will and the ego detoriate human beings. With these manners they are not what God has created. That can not and must not be tolerated. We have to fight against evil deeds and behaviours.

Yeshua, 7th November, 2017

Yeshua doesn’t promise that it will be an easy life. There will still be hard times and trials that we will have to endure and/or strugle against to overcome and stop, but He does promise that if we follow Him we will have Joy and perfect peace no matter what happens to us.

5 Kasım 2017 Pazar


Many spiritual groups are holding Yeshua and Budha at the same level of divinity but this is not true. Yeshua is single and an important part of the Divine Spirit whereas Budha, although highly developed soul,  is not a part of.

The ateists claiming that there are other soul's life stories of whom are exactly the same as Yeshua. This is a false truth. They have all been imitated stories after Yeshua has gone using some historical names. Actually the reason of the ateist beliefs are highly strong egoism trying to put themselves above and in front of everything.

Informations received from Yeshua.

3 Kasım 2017 Cuma


"But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty... Whoever finds himself is superior to the world." 

 "Do not cease seeking day or night, and do not let yourselves relax until you have found all the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Light, which will purify you and make you into Pure Light and lead you into the Kingdom of Light."  

"Do not desist from seeking by day and by night, until you find the purifying mysteries of the light, which refine the body of matter and make it a pure light very refined." 

“But if he shall have sinned once, twice, or thrice, they shall reject that soul, sending it back again into the world according to the form of the sins that it may have committed; the form whereof I will declare unto you hereafter.   But verily, verily I say unto you, that even the righteous man that hath committed no sin at all cannot be brought into the Kingdom of Light, for as much the seal of the mysteries of that kingdom is not found upon him.  Once for all, I say unto you, a soul cannot be brought into the kingdom, if it be without the mysteries of the Kingdom of the Light.” 

"Those who say that first they shall die and (then) they shall arise are confused. If they do not first receive the resurrection (while) they live, they will not receive anything (when) they die"

"Yeshua said, ...How terrible it will be for you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You throw away the Key of Knowledge and you shut the door to the kingdom from heaven in people's faces. You don't go in yourselves, and you don't allow those who are trying to enter to go in".

 "These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. They worship Me in vain; they teach as doctrine the precepts of men”.

"Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment".  Those who teach without first purifying their hearts, teach and lead blindly, and have yet to first remove the beam from their own eyes!  And when a person follows the blind leaders, they are led in the wrong direction.  Ultimately, all of mankind has the innate potential to evolve through the necessary levels of mental-development to achieve the absolute Celestial Level of an Enlightened Mind and Being -- but because of bad choices and self-defeating actions, the vast majority of people inhibit their own potential and birth-right, and embrace the choices and paths that derail their development.   No one can be a teacher or authority -- whether religious, academic, or cultural -- while failing to have achieved the necessary level of self-knowledge that has enabled them to have acquired Pure Heartedness -- thereby overcoming their own affliction of Spiritual-Amnesia, and restoring their mind and consciousness to their True Source of Being.  

2 Kasım 2017 Perşembe






Materialised worlds are around four percent of the unmaterialised worlds. Scientists are now acknowledging that we don’t know half of what we thought we knew. The more we study the environment we come to realize how much we don’t know. Philosophically speaking we know that there are things we know and that we know to exist. There are also things we know that we don’t know but if we examine reality we must accept the fact that there are things we don’t know, that we don’t know. If all of the human conscious was water it would fill a thimble which are the known knows. The known unknowns would fill a glass. The unknown unknowns would be like pouring the glass of water into the ocean.

I asked Yeshua: At which point energy becomes material?
He said: Why did you ask that?
I said: I wondered.
He said: At different realms energy becomes material at different points and the realms are countless.
I asked: Is Highs Bossom is the reifying point of our realm?
Yeshua said: Yes.
"With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).
God's power is a wonderful support and comfort to the believer.
Out of the strong came forth sweetness;' Judges 14:14; so out of the attribute of God's power, out of this strong comes forth sweetness. It is comfort in several cases.

The power of God is not for the wicked. It is against them. The power of God is not for them. They have no union with God, therefore they have no warrant to lay claim to his power. His power is no relief to them. He has power to forgive sins, but he will not put forth his power towards an impertinent and impenitent sinner. God's power is an eagle's wing, to carry the saints to heaven; but what privilege is that to the wicked? Though a man will carry his child in his arms over a dangerous stream, yet he will not carry an enemy. God's power is not engaged to help those that fight against him. Let miseries come upon the wicked, They have none to help them; they are like a ship in a storm without a pilot, and driven upon the rocks.

For a person to go on daringly in any sin is to harden his heart against God, and to raise a war against heaven. Let him remember God is Almighty; He will be too hard for them that oppose Him.


Zihinsel olarak kuvvetli insanlar yaşamlarında her şeye takılıp gereksiz zaman harcamazlar. Enerjilerini ziyan etmezler. Geçmişlerinin tüm sorumluluğunu üstlenirler ancak aynı hataları tekrarlamazlar. Mücadelecidirler ancak hemen sonuç beklemezler. Mutlu olmak onların düsturudur ve kibardırlar. Yaşamlarını kontrol edemeyeceği risklere atmazlar. Temkinlidirler. Dolduruşa getirilmezler. Üretkendirler. Çevrelerine katkıda bulunurlar. Duygularını kabul etmekle beraber onların esiri olmazlar.
Asla ideoloji ya da inançlar üzerine fikirlere bağlanıp zihinlerini kapatmazlar. Düşmanlık beslemezler. Farklılıklara tolerans gösterirler. Partizan ya da fanatik olmazlar. Dogmalara saplanmazlar. Bu sebeple insanlara düşman gözüyle bakmazlar. Dogmaların altında yatan cehaletin farkındadırlar.

İnançları uğruna ölmek ya da öldürmenin Tanrıyı inkar etmek olduğunu bilirler. Tanrının verdiği canı almanın Tanrının nefret ettiği bir şey olduğunu bilirler. Bu tür davranışların toplumları etkileyen zihinsel hastalık olduğunu kabul derler. Esasen düşmanlık temelinde oluşan inançlarının sonunda kendileri gibi düşünmeyen ve davranmayan sözde Tanrı düşmanlarını öldürme güdüsüne döneceğini bilirler.

Gerçek Tanrı inancına aydınlanmış zihinler bunların yanlış olduğunu, neyin ne olduğunun bilinmediği ilkel çağ insanlarının olayları nasıl kendilerine göre şekillendirmiş olduklarının bilincindedirler.
Şefkatli olurlar. Hoşgörülü ve anlayışlı olurlar. Onlar dinlerin ve ideolojilerin ötesindeki büyük inancı görürler. Bu sebeple ne dinsel nede ideolojik dogmalarla tahrip edici davranışlara yönelmezler. Esasen Tanrı bilinçlerimizin yükselmesini ve zihinlerimizin gerçekle aydınlanmasını bekler. Kalplerin katılaşmasını, zihinlerimizin donup kapanmasını ve acımasız katillere dönmemizi değil.


Yeshua said " He did not leave anything behind in the world. No children, no commodity, nothing. After paying magdalena's debts he cut all his ties with the world."

The debates regarding this subject are ugly and and are disturbing as they are being repeatedly done.

Yeshua said "God's forgiveness is not eternal. It is not limitless. If one keeps repeating the same mistakes, God's manner gets sharp."

Yeshua, 2nd November 2017

1 Kasım 2017 Çarşamba


The wedding in Canaa was Yeshua's and magdelena's. This marriage was a formality and for the purpose of protecting magdelena. Yeshua had never been together with her as husband and wife. The sole purpose of this marriage was to protect this woman who Yeshua had saved previously from being stoned to death under the charge of adultery.

Yeshua told me that God would never let him do a marriage act otherwise. He said that this was still a mistake, although, was not a real marriage for worldy purposes, but, still this action showed that he had an some sort of an inclination. As Yeshua married to her he had to shoulder her sins as well.

Naturally as they never have been together they did not have a child. All the rumours regarding this subject are not true that Yeshua had a wife and children.


Gecenin sessizliğinde ruhların sesi duyulur ve sadece saf olan ruhlar bu sesleri duyar. Gece, ruhlar birleşip bir ve bütün olduğunda daha da...