
20 Kasım 2017 Pazartesi


"A bad woman is worse than death The woman whose heart is snares and nets, Whose hands are fetters. He who pleases God shall escape from her, But the sinner shall be trapped by her."

There are many angry women out there that have been wounded through fornication, they hate all men because of this. They hate their boyfriends who didn’t love them. They hate their fathers for not loving them, being absent, and for not protecting them from doggish men. They’ve been mistreated by so many men that they now seek revenge.

These women have become hateful, resentful, and beast-like. In the streets, they call women “bitches” (female dogs), but the spider name “black widow” would best fit this growing number of women. The insides of these women are in shreds, and they have lost all morality, femininity and humanity. What a shame. Look at what the devil has done to these women through a selfish man.

We need to pray for these women!

You, as a man of God, didn’t do anything wrong to these venomous creatures, but it doesn’t matter because, in their eyes, all men are evil. You have become the enemy that must be crushed. So, you will discover that when you encounter them, you’ll be slighted, belittled, and lied about even though you did nothing wrong.

Or, instead of mistreatment, these spiders will flatter you with kind words. That pretty, shapely woman will smile and entice you to have sex with her. She’ll pretend to adore you, but she really hates you. Just know that she’s trying to victimize you, control your mind, and kill your soul; and if she could get away with physical murder, she would do that too.

She hates all men. The devil has formed the perfect tool to kill you – a wounded, angry, sexy woman, who uses her body and soul to destroy. They’re out there. Many of them are in the . Many are on the streets. Be warned. Guard your thoughts and obey Messiah!

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