
16 Kasım 2017 Perşembe



The goal of the faithful life is to be pure in thought and deed.  I believe that the issue of masturbation comes down to this.  Therefore, I believe that though masturbation under certain circumstances may not be sinful, the desire to be sexual pure and holy should move the faithful to avoid it.  Instead, he or she should seek to master the body and not give into its desires.  The fight against masturbation can be a lesson in controlling the body which can have great spiritual benefits.  Giving in to masturbation can have spiritual consequences and mastering the body can bring great spiritual benefit.  Perhaps God did not mention masturbation becouse He is so aware of our sinful tendencies, our situations, our difficulties, etc., and desires that we seek holiness and purity by seeking to master our own flesh.  If God had declared that it was not a sin, then we can rest assured that we would misuse the act and become enslaved by it.

Yeshua is saying that thinking lustful thoughts is sinful.  Therefore, masturbation involving sexual fantasies is undoubtedly sinful.

But this brings up the issue of a spouse masturbating while thinking of his/her spouse.  Is it sinful?  Again, since the Books does not declare it sinful, can we?  Let’s say that a wife is incapacitated by an accident and is in the hospital for an extended period of time.  Is it alright for the husband to masturbate if he thinks only of his wife in order to relieve sexual tension?  Again, without a specific declaration of scripture it is difficult pronounce it as sinful.  On the one hand, his body is not his own and it is for his wife and he is not to be mastered by anything.  But on the other hand, she is not available.  Would his masturbation be sinful should he commit it if he only thought of his wife?  I cannot say for sure.

Then again, what if someone masturbates with absolutely no sexual fantasy of any sort.  Is it then sinful?  Again, this is difficult to answer. But, since the Books doesn’t condemn or condone it, can we make dogmatic assertions?  Furthermore, what if a person masturbates in order to reduce the sexual urge in an attempt to not commit fornication?  Certainly, actual fornication would be a sin, and masturbation would be preferable in this instance.  But does this mean that the person is being mastered by the flesh?  If so, then that would be wrong.  But, does it mean then that a self-release of sexual tension is then acceptable if it is to avoid fornication?

This is the will of God, our sanctification; that is, that we abstain from sexual immorality;  that each of us know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor,  not in lustful passion, like the unfaithful who do not know God.

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