
29 Kasım 2017 Çarşamba


No wonder the seekers of truth are disillusioned and disenchanted with the current state of the majority of spiritual endeavors within the world. Many seekers have simply abandoned their search, while others feel it is hopeless to continue searching; some are so discouraged and dismayed that they wonder if truth even exists, and if it does, they remain disheartened by the near impossibility of ever finding it. Is there an adequate explanation for these spiritual maladies? Is there a rhyme or reason for this spiritual crisis? Yes, there is, but we must continue our investigation into the plight of all modern-day seekers, for at the heart of this dilemma lie the answers to the seekers’ redemption and liberation.

All spiritual doctrines, including religions, philosophies, psychic sciences, and metaphysical pursuits, have been created and founded by human beings. Furthermore, all interpretations of spirituality, and the way to liberation and salvation, have only come from human beings as well. All enmity and discord amidst religious circles, coupled with abundant argumentation and bigotry, have issued forth and are a by-product of human beings walking this planet, whether in the misty past or in present times. These last points should be considered very carefully and calmly, for they fully answer the human and institutional dilemma facing all spiritual seekers today. All things are in such disarray that only human beings could be responsible for such folly and rivalry. To imagine, for even an instant, that these diluted forms of spirituality actually reflect and portray our Divine Creator, a Being perfectly pure in every regard, adds nothing but more confusion and perplexity to the discovery and attainment of the spiritual truth, and is simply not in accordance with God’s divine will. Are we to just shake our heads or lie down in defeat, or do we rebel, languish, or silently weep in despair?

Naturally, unenlightened human beings are not concerned with this spiritual nemesis, but those keenly yearning for a higher and more fulfilling truth are bewildered by and ashamed of such degrading misrepresentation, undeniably knowing that this could not, in any way, properly reflect the majesty and profundity of the Supreme Creator. Be not deceived; God is not mocked. Be not dismayed either, for the truth does exist. There is a solution to this divine mystery, and many have found it, but it lies in the opposite direction of humankind’s search for God. Rudderless and without a compass does the individual attempt to cross the ocean of empirical existence. Blown about by chance winds and detoured by inclement weather does the soul strive to secure its spiritual moorings. Without a Master at the helm, without precise directions over stormy seas, it becomes impossible to arrive at the other shore.

There is a true Path, but you must give up your external search to find it. There is a true doctrine, but you must close the outer books of scripture to read it. There truly is a transcendental Guide, but you must forfeit your own mental counsel to find Him. And there is a true self deep within your beingness, but the bigger small self (mind/ego) must make way for the smaller big self (soul) within you. There is a secret Path leading to His door, and although it is enshrouded in mystery, it opens to the truly sincere lovers of truth and God. All Saints in the past and present know of this secret passageway which indelibly connects the soul to its Creator.

The MasterPath is not an organization, nor a collective institution that is more concerned with bolstering its own interests over those of the seeker. The MasterPath is not the major player in the ascent back to God, but the sacred inner journey of the aspirant most certainly is. The MasterPath is not attempting to promote itself, rather your own divine nature situated within you. Any path that holds itself higher than the inner sanctity of the individual is, in truth, no spiritual path at all.

The rapidly expanding consciousness within the aspirant creates the superior journey, and all devotees within the Light and Sound Teachings experience this pronounced ascension. The explicit reason for this incomparable uplift is that the soul within the seeker is being addressed.

The soul is created in God’s image, and is comprised of the same essence as God. Within the soul lie countless worlds and dimensions of consciousness as of yet unexplored, and within your own body do your own soul, your own Spirit, and your own God reside. The discovery and realization of these three divine powers hidden within you constitute the sacred inner journey to Self and God Realization. As a result, the remedy to the human and institutional dilemma is the reawakening of your own divine potential now existing inwardly in latent form. So vast and majestic is our own spirituality, if you were to objectively witness your own divine cosmology at this time, it would be similar to the stream attempting to contain the ocean. Every soul has been dyed in the color of the Lord’s hue, and interestingly enough, this includes your own. Seldom has any seeker fully realized that the object of one’s lifelong search has only been one’s self.

The MasterPath Teachings revolve around specific spiritual principles that lie at the
foundation for the evolving consciousness as it makes its way back to the Godhead:

1. Soul is the central reality of the individual, created by God Itself, and identical to God’s Image.
2. The Fatherhood of God; all things begin and end in God.
3. The brotherhood of humanity; all beings are the sons and daughters of God.
4. Loving Its creation; everything that exists is a small  bit of expression and manifestation of God’s Divine power and joy..
5. The desire to follow God's divine will for you.

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