
21 Kasım 2017 Salı


When selfishness rises in you, choose otherwise, it is never outwardly expressed. Control that part in you so it does not come out, it is not shown. That is all. That is the only difference between you and one who outwardly chooses and expresses selfishness.

There is only acting on or not acting on. If a negative didn't rise in you ... how could you choose the opposite? These are not bad things ... they are beautiful for they show us the way to the Loving choices available to us.

A pure heart comes from a person who makes an individual choice as to what to act on and what not to. They have the almost same things and issues rise in them as everyone else on the planet ... selfishness, ill feelings, hurts and negative qualities. But it is "their choice" ... the choice of which qualities they choose to express out of their beingness. When one chooses to only express the grandest qualities ... they appear to all others as being pure, and in all actuality ... they are. For they have won the battle within to express their Divinity.

The next time something rises in you ... examine it before you re-act on it. Ask yourself ... "Is this who I want to be?" If not, thank God for holding this while you pondered it, thank the thing that rose in you for showing you a lesser expression of yourself, and then choose a grander expression with that knowledge in heart.

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